I'm able to make money without pretending

Chapter 329 This is not a man?

"Why? What happened?"

Chu Yang smashed, although he knew that N island is estimated to be observed, it is so powerful, so it is killed, or it means that the power of N island should be large.

"I heard who is sinning in N island, then it is directly ..."

Yu Wei and Wei smiled, "In fact, I don't know much. After all, I am talking about it. The specific no test, anyway, I know a few people who go to N island finally didn't live back, and there are The young master of an emperor, I heard that the family is a military business, there are a lot of people! "

"Didn't you find it?"

Since people who disappear in N island are people who have the right to work, how can they not find it!

"Of course, it's found, but I can't find it!"

Feng Yuxu came over, "Chu Shao, N islandine, in the edge of the allies, although the scenery is really good, but belongs to the three regions, there are many pirates in that place, there are many mercenaries to organize killer organizations. The class, anyway, the place is quite chaos, let's go with the dairy dolls without hairy, it is particularly dangerous. After all, those people are some deaths. If they are provoked them, they don't care about what your home is The status, directly do you, the body throws it to feed the fish, as for people? So where you go, don't you find it? "


Yu Wei and Wei took the head. "After my classmate is missing, the home has spent a lot of human material to find someone, and even find killer and mercenary, but the money spent tens of millions, people have a shadow I haven't seen it. It is life that is life. It is not, but I went to the place. Anyway, it is too fierce. It is estimated that the body is now in that fish, or not, it is not completely seen. ...... "

After Yu Wei and Feng Yusu finished, Jane finally summed up. "I said Chu Shao, my meaning, still don't want it? Do you think?"

Chu Yang is sinking, "No, I still want to go, I will not force you!"

"Chu Shao!"

Jane three did not expect Chuyang so persistent, some helplessly looked at each other. "Do you really not afraid?"

"What is terrible?"

Chu Yang shrugged, "A small island is not dead, I will ask you, don't want to go?"


Three people looked at each other, and finally Feng Yulu stood out of the old and old, "in fact ... I still want to go!"

Although this place is very dangerous, it is also known as "rich paradise", anyway, where you want to play, there is no limit!

Anyway, everyone is also a man, there is natural year on this place, or there is too much lesson of the blood around me, they have already ran over!

"I want to go!"

Chu Yang refers to himself with a thumb, "I am, what are you afraid?"

"Chu Shao, this ..."

Jane three people hesitated for a while, or Yu Wei Wei's first breakdown, "Yes, Chu Shao, invite you who is going to N island?"

That person said to the N island, the tone of the tone is light, it seems that it is the same as it is, the identity should not be simple.

"The people of the allies, called Dan."

Chu Yang said with the mouth.


Jane thought, I feel that this name is very familiar. After a long time, this suddenly asked. "Is it a last annihilation? Is that the first big family of the allies?"

He often do business, people in all countries know a little, so there is a little impression on Dan!

"Yes, it is him!"

"Chu Shao, you actually know him ... then I will go!"

Jane, I heard that Dan is a person who has its own guard, followed by such a person to go to N island to raise a lot of insurance factories.

After all, in the N island, you have to have a lot of money, or it is a little lamb to be slaughtered. He wants to play, but don't want to be slaughtered!

"Then I will go!"

I didn't hesitate to follow him. Feng Yusu, who didn't hesitate to play, and did not hesitate to follow him.

Yu Wei and Wei are naturally awkward!

"Well, time has been settled, we will start tomorrow!"

Chu Yang looked at the time of the phone. Just now, Dan has already sent the time and place of the remembals. If you start it tomorrow, you can just catch it.

"So fast, I still want to prepare!"

Feng Yuxu got the hand, and the face was slightly excited, and even wretched!

Yu Wei and Wei have turned over white. "You are full of water, can you hold some ... You will not have any hobby?"

The most famous project of N island is to satisfy people all kinds of metamorphosis, they have some ear heard slightly.

"Go to you, I am just too happy!"

I have prepared it. At noon the next day, several people gathered in the Chuyang home, and Chu Yang took people to the plane.

"Chu Shao, is this a plane you said before? Too luxury!"

There are several people who buy a plane before, it is natural to be very interested in this plane in Chu Yang.

"OK, look back, etc., you can change it!"

Chu Yang was very good at the beginning of this private aircraft, but after this private plane used time, it was found that it was actually that, and he later looked at the mall, the system mall has a new, that is There is more powerful, he is not enough for a long time!

"Such a good private plane has to change ..."

Feng Yusu is simply crying, "Chu Shao, if you really want to change, else, you will sell this, I bought it!"

"Go to you, this private airplane can not be found at all, if you want to sell, I will want to double the price!"

"You are so afraid that it is really true, and you don't miss the money, how can you do this?"

Jane is touched next to a cold water.

Feng Yuyu and Yu Wei sighed a sigh, "Life is so poor, this kind of good thing makes us think about it?"

"The young men, the time is not early, should be deputched."

On the side of Wang Ren, I listened to four people chatting. I simply wanted to give these four people to death. Is there such a bully?

Are they calling poverty? If they are called life, they are not as good as those of their ordinary people?

Is this what people say!

PS: I saw a book today, I feel good.

"I am so annoying, I can earn hundreds of billions", then the author is famous, it is called boiled old bacon.