Sith Young felt that relying on his understanding of the force, it should not be too difficult to control this ability. If the ability of this desperate fighter can control and ensure that he will not overclock and explode, it is fundamentally strong. Terrible.

Think of Kylian, who was covered in Iron Man armor and torn apart. He was still alive and could still be put together?

If it wasn’t for the chili pepper that was opened, he would kill the rhythm of Iron Man at all. From the plot shown in the movie, if he had to swish, he would give the little pepper a shot. If so, Iron Man would be dead.

And in the battle between the two, Iron Man Tony Stark tried his best and was just dead head-on.

Kilian's enhanced single-piece combat ability is simply not what ordinary superheroes can fight.

Maybe Kylian's strength is not worth mentioning in front of the green fat, but it is estimated that he can burn his hands before being ripped apart by the green fat.

Even the vibrating shield of the US team can not withstand the heat of Kirian's hands?

Of course, these are just to think about.

With the "protection" level currently received by Sith Young, he doesn't even want to make any arrangements in advance.

Of course, in addition to the layout in advance, there is also the easiest way, and that is to spoil the situation.

If you want to disrupt the situation, it can be simple.

Because from what we have learned from the previous timeline, these cases of overclocking explosions due to addiction have long existed.

There are more addicts in the abandoned experiments in the United States, and there have been explosions long ago, but they have not appeared in a concentrated manner, so they have not been dubbed by Kirian as a terrorist attack.

It is not difficult for Yang Ming to obtain the Extremis Virus. The difficult part is how to share the results and dividends with SHIELD.

In the previous timeline, she had done it once, and kept the Extremis Virus and Extremity's test data and experimenters non-destructively, and dealt with Kirian.

Stroke the timeline.

Sith Young acted.

That night, after the incident, they returned to the boxing gym. The American team that resumed training hit the sandbags all day and went back to the apartment to change clothes. After a long time, they didn't find a suitable excuse to ask their neighbors to go out for dinner.

Although they have eaten together several times, it was basically the women's initiative to reach the itinerary.

Fortunately, he still didn't need to bother this time. Agent No. 13 took the initiative to find him to repair the oven. This allowed the old antique, who had been the trick of making girls 70 years ago, to have dinner with his sister again.

Of course, this old antique 70 years ago is really old enough.He was still too slow to move things forward, maybe he was very worried.

Before his first love died, he still had lingering fears.

"Well, the oven is also repaired, and thank you for your hospitality, I am going back."

The two were embarrassed for a while in actual combat, even if Agent Sharon Carter on the 13th couldn't wait to poke this old antique to death with his square mandible.

I was really crazy about his hesitation of not being embarrassed, not advancing or retreating.

But thinking that his job is to monitor and guide this old antique after all, not to hunt for a glamorous man, No.13 Carter let out a sigh of relief, his expression continued to reply: "Okay, then you go to bed early..."

"Where to sleep?" The door that had been opened by Captain America was pushed open.

Each team that was bidding farewell to the door was pushed and staggered.

Sisyang's head stretched out: "I seem to have disturbed you. Then you sleep, I will come again tomorrow!"

Yang Ming doesn't care if the US team knows that the female agent who is ambiguous with him is a female neighbor...

The female neighbor is a female agent, and he is here to make trouble.

"It's not what you think."

The US team really explained it faster than anyone else. Why did this old straight man find someone in the first place?

But the Sith had already left, which made him feel a little surprised, and Agent No. 13 looked at the US team with his back to him, with blue veins bursting on his forehead, wondering if he was so bad?

Just so afraid of being misunderstood?

As everyone knows, these are the two generations with a generation gap. There is a huge difference in looking at these detailed issues. They just have not lived together. Once they have lived, they will know that the two cannot live together.

"Then what, Agent Carter, I want to ask, can I travel? Does S.H.I.E.L.D. have any restrictions on my travel?"

A loud voice rang in the corridors of the apartment building.

Agent Carter's face darkened, and the faint veins were about to burst.

Ciss doesn't care how Carter explained that he stayed in this apartment with the US team, and whether the US team knew that the one who played ambiguously with her all day was his "admin".

As for Captain America, he didn't seem to be surprised. In fact, he had already felt this little girl's play.

But he still pretended to be surprised, and stopped.

This is to give this little girl a chance to lie.

From this point of view, this old guy is also a master of sultry, and it is not a good thing in itself?

Sith Young likes to find S.H.I.E.L.D. to be unhappy in trivial matters, in order to express his dissatisfaction, which obviously got feedback.

Hei Baodan is also considering the disposition of Sith Young, and it is impossible to let him sit idle, because the upper-level committee of SHIELD clearly wants SHIELD to fully control these ability enhancers.

In the First World War in New York, it was clear that these people were heroes who saved the world, but now it is not just Gao who hides his decision-making, mistakes, and poor response. Even ordinary people are complaining that these superheroes did not bring them. Come for real protection.

Including Sisyan there, all the superheroes really did so many mistakes and didn't even get any kindness and gratitude from the people who were rescued, as well as the high level of government.

Even Sith Young, an outsider, the better he does, the more he is jealous and guarded.

"He wants to travel, so go! His risk level can be lowered."

With his old way of looking at people, Sith Young has repeatedly reduced the threat and instability, and the factors.And its origin is too impeccable.

Therefore, there is basically no need to consider his hostile elements, as long as he is protected from being contacted and recruited by hostile people.

"Does someone need to monitor it?"

Agent Hill asked before leaving the house: "How is his prevention and control registration defined?"

Lu Dan raised his eyes, rubbing his fingers with both hands casually, "It is meaningless to prevent and control him, that is, our special prisons can't hold him, and all of him will be marked by Tony, and things will be clear. "

Agent Hill instantly got the idea of ​​the halogen egg, "I will arrange for him a beautiful tour guide. After all, he has just come to Earth and is not familiar with everything."

"I'm Yang, has the car you picked me up to downstairs?"

After Sith Young proposed, he didn't wait long, but received a call from the tour guide the next afternoon, and S.H.I.E.L.D. helped him sign up for a single West Coast luxury group.

One-to-one luxury exclusive travel.

You can guess with your toes that the "two-meter-high girl" in front of you is an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., but Sith Young doesn't care about being monitored.

What he cares more about is the strength of the girl who is more than two meters tall at a glance, because he has a purpose to go out this time, that is, he wants to take advantage of Kirian, and there is no afterthought. .

Then S.H.I.E.L.D. must be pulled up and let them help deal with the subsequent problems.

The best result when the matter was resolved in the end was that SHIELD had to thank him, and then he had no trouble.

But in order to do this, the precondition that the strength of this big girl cannot be too weak.

The sound bird is naturally not too weak. This ambitious woman is stronger than ordinary men.

Wearing a red tour group cap, wearing a red vest, and shaking a small flag of an international tour group.

Sith Young was simply unable to complain about this strong woman who looked shorter and one or two centimeters shorter than him. If you want to say what an agent ordered by S.H.I. Tourist guide?

Or that the tour guide is a slash young woman.Besides the tour guide, he has an amateur status as a boxer?

The two of them's West Sea travel plan is really a bit fucking, because it's not about flying to one city after another.The way of travel is actually a road trip.

Said it is one to one.

In fact, in addition to this tour guide, there are drivers of motorhomes and wagons.

The two Spanish-speaking Mexican-born men had almost tattooed the word murderer on their foreheads, but although they were very strong, they did not look as strong as the bionic bird.

The soundbird is also very confused.

He didn't actually receive a detailed briefing on the mission, and he didn't know enough about the person he was accompanying.

Moreover, Sis Young was only known for driving the spacecraft, and after returning from landing, he only won the nickname of an enhanced rescue captain in Lower Manhattan.

He is not widely known in the public as a superhero who has contributed to the New York War.

Therefore, the soundbird that had been serving in the naval force was recalled by Agent Hill from the powerhouse of the aerospace aircraft carrier, and was assigned to the mission before he had time to become familiar with the mission.

This is also the reason why he is not like a tour guide in temperament, because after all, he was still playing the board in the powerhouse of the air carrier a few hours ago.

Continuous work and exercises brought muscle tension, sensation and soreness that were not even relieved. Her whole body was in a state of muscle congestion, so she looked very strong.

Moreover, Sith Young had no interest in talking along the way, and the information that she had given her before she set out on the mission was gone.

The small convoy of two cars headed southwest along the coastline, and soon came to an explosion point in Sith Young's memory.

Because the current timeline is still long enough, and in the original movie plot, Iron Man chose the time node she discovered, the most recent bombing case.

That's why he missed this distance, the nearest bombing site not marked as a terrorist attack.

"When we arrived in Princeton, he asked to stay. We just drove, and he planned to stay here at night in less than two hours. I feel that this person is really sick."

After settling down in a hotel, the soundbird certainly couldn't follow Sith Young all the time, and found an opportunity to come to her own room and start reporting to his boss and complaining.

"I don't understand why he asked to bring an RV to rest in the downtown area of ​​this small county-level city. She also told me not to ask, because she wanted to visit Lake Carnegie and the Delaware River."

"Okay Barbara, you can follow him first. I can only say that this person has a low risk tendency, but a high level of danger. Don't try to limit his behavior or influence his thoughts. Generally speaking, he It will not pose a threat to the people."

Agent Hill calmed down the sound bird, hung up the phone, and shrugged at the bittern who was looking at the file, "It's no one, I don't understand why you didn't tell her what's at stake here?"

Marinated shook his head, picked up the file in his hand, and read: "The sound-like bird Barbara Morse was an excellent gymnastics champion and an excellent biologist.

Graduated from Georgia Institute of Technology with a PhD in biology. He was selected by the government to participate in secret research projects because of his outstanding major in the field of biology. His outstanding performance during government employment was selected by Alexander Pierce, the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. , Became an important member of SHIELD-Agent 19..."

"This qualification is very impressive, but when was she assigned to the crew of the Aerospace Aircraft Carrier? I have to say, this is a transfer that has some dust on the Pearl."

Marinated the document with one hand flat, and the other hand opened at random, with both elbows on the table, the weight of his body leaning forward, inexplicably bringing a sense of relaxed oppression.

Hilter works as a very trusted assistant in Hao Dan, and there is still some personal relationship with the sound bird Barbara, but she can't explain the reason for this appointment.

It's like she couldn't understand why she had to pull Barbara out of the crew.

Judging from the current conversations and his past experience, Director Fury didn't know this soundbird at all, so why did he call this person by name at this time?

You have to know that Barbara's files are all from now. The original information of such a person will never appear on the desk of Chief Nick Fury.

There were too many unknown problems, Agent Hill felt obediently not overly entangled, and the two discussed some other things.

It was night, and Sith Young, who had plunged into the hotel and never came out, was suddenly going to the street in the middle of the night.

The sound bird Barbara Morse also had to raise her spirits, dropped the barbell, and followed out.

"You don't have to be with me, I just want to walk by myself."

The two slid around and left the center of the town and walked towards the lake, but even if they had not reached the edge of the city, the eyes of Sith Young who had been looking around lit up.

The bright goal appeared.

He was thin with a hemp rod, but wore a fat suit that didn't fit at all, with short hair that was almost bald, and was carrying a silver box out of a Chevrolet.

Is this a coincidence?