The end does not justify the means. To me, who thought so, what I'm doing now was not a very pleasant process, but today was a day when anger dominated my body rather than reason whether the world had changed me.

The traitor woman cried and cried and begged him to forgive her, but the old man hit her face with all his might, not even a wink at her request. Blood splashes on the floor, and screams echo endlessly inside the walls.

And by the time all her molars were gone, she began to regret. I don't know if that regret was an annoyance to me or a truly god-wishing repentance, but I didn't really like the word repentance in the first place. I just wanted her to feel at least one percent of the victim's pain.

The last of the dead man on the street passes by. Although it was a strange man who had never spoken to him without even knowing his name, it was a strangely empty death. I wish this woman's last would be the same. But there was so much information in her head that we couldn't just kill her.

She was clever, but not a strong woman. At first, he kept his mouth shut no matter how much he was beaten, so he just took out the Supreme Prosecutors' Office and approached him. Then she began to have a fit with trembling, and soon she blew on what I had not asked and piled up the contents of my diary.

Once she was kidnapping the residents of Eden one by one and paying them to a herd of vagrants. When I asked him about his intentions, he looked pitiful at first and said he was threatened. But only when I and the old man, who knew it was a lie, gave up the truth.

Well, the price she paid for handing someone over was, of course, drugs. Where did you get so many drugs was a questionable quantity of distribution channels. They were all piled up on her property, and I intend to ask Detective Kang later about the information related to it.

And the home of the vagrants she said was right there. I asked if there was a leader of the leader or group who led them, but she said she didn't know either. Of course, I couldn't believe it at first, so I continued to have strong questioning, but I didn't know the answer.

It is more likely that it is a simple cluster of groups. Of course, she didn't know about the details, but at least the information so far has been quite convincing. We slowly drew up the list of spies she called.

So it was 8 p.m. when the torture, called interrogation, ended. The traitor woman was bowing her head to the floor as if she had given up everything, and I paged the silver-rimmed glasses once again, checking all the information I had written so far. And then the door of the office opened and the voice of Yongpal came.

Older brother, old man~ Have a meal.’

Dinner was well past, but there was no time for a meal. Fortunately, Yong-pal came to the office with a meal when he felt hungry, as if the aftermath of the intense movement and stress was coming. The office smelled of fishy blood, but Yong-pal didn't care and walked toward the place with food.

'How are you?'

The old man asked, accepting the meals that Yong-pal had brought. Then Yong-pal smiled awkwardly and scratched the back of his head, and replied with a smile of relief soon afterwards.

'I'm feeling a lot better.'

Kim Hye-jung and Park Da-hye seemed to have improved a lot. I couldn't visit him right away because of my sorry and bitterness, but I was going to visit him when I entered the accommodation later because he said his condition had improved a lot. I picked up the rice balls and put them in my mouth, and the dragon mumbled quietly.

'......that's her?'

'Oh, that's right. How did you know?'

The old man answered casually. But on second thought, even though there was a bloody woman sitting in the middle of the clean office, Yongpal showed no sign of anything. And he even pointed at her with a look that he had heard of her on the way. Yong-pal replied with a slight frown on his forehead.

Didn't you hear the rumor today? There's even a newspaper on the bulletin board over there....... Eden's executive, actually a bum?'

It was a provocative article, but it was all true. Even though only half a day had passed, word of mouth had slowly spread and even joined a small number of newspaper organizations. People's shock was bigger than they thought. Even at the end of the century, Eden's executive was the one arrested in the midst of a series of missing persons.

Trust in Eden naturally began to hit rock bottom, and public opinion flowed badly. The newspaper pinpointed the problem and left the group leader speechless. Perhaps, in the central building over there, they're running so hard that their limbs are pulled out.

And I said to Yong-pal, who looked serious.

Do you want to eat with me?’

'Shall we? Haha.

Yong-pal's face brightens in an instant. And we continued to eat, turning lightly over as if watching over the river. Yongpal ate a similar amount to me even though he had eaten, and the old man ate more rice balls than usual, perhaps because he was hungry.

And by the end of the meal, the silver-rimmed glasses, which ran from the central building, took over the traitor's woman with the guards and soon took her to the facility set up. And the head of the group bowed politely and guided us. I wanted to see Chae-yeon....... I feel like I have to work overtime.

* * *

Do meetings usually happen this often? The old man grumbled after me, and Yong-pal came along in a daze. Moving swiftly, we arrived in front of the conference room, and soon opened the door and went inside. However, there were no executives at the meeting except for the group leader.

Dongyoon, you did a great job today. Did you eat?’

The dark-faced head of the group rose quietly to greet us. I greeted him roughly with a nod and immediately walked towards him for business. There were a lot of guards around, but no one was holding me back. Once I handed over the confessed murder to the head of the group.

The group leader accepted it and soon breathed a deep sigh, and put his hand on the desk. His hands shaking seemed to be holding back his anger. The head of the group handed the murder case over to the guards nearby, and the guards quickly went out. Eden will face a headwind once again.

'Thanks. Thanks....... I'm going to take root.’

It was a subtle mixture of remorse and relief. The group leader breathed out as if he were pulling everything out, then sat down in a chair and began to leave his whole body. The old man was forgetting candy on one side, whether he was interested, and Yong-pal was sitting in a state of great tension. There was silence in the conference room for a while.

I broke the silence and asked the head of the group.

What are you going to do with her?’

If it weren't for the group leader, he would have cut his throat on the spot. As such, her sins were heavy and deadly. However, considering that this is a place where people live and ethics still exist, she was taken to prison without a hitch.

There will be laws, there will be procedures. But with all the authority, I had reason to ask her the extent of her punishment. The group leader raised his head with a bitter smile and soon got up from his seat and walked slowly toward the frame with his doctrines attached.

Dong-yoon, do you have any religion?’


I answered frankly. Perhaps if I believed in God, I would have died cursing God in that goshiwon. The head of the group stood still for a long time, ignoring my resolute answer, and looked down at the frame with the doctrines on it. And said in a slightly wet voice.

Should I give her a chance to repent?’

I didn't answer, and the group leader was pondering before the doctrine. Can a wicked man be forgiven if he repents? And even the nicest can't go to heaven if they don't meet God to repent? No one gave an answer, and even man tainted its meaning.

The head of the group bowed and sobbed quietly. The treachery of the executives who had been building and building Eden together, they were even those who swore the doctrines they had firmly believed in. The head of the group was collapsing in the face of shocking betrayal because he was human. Silence was heavier than stone, and the air was as sticky as a swamp.

Soon after, the cries of the group leader slowly subsided, and a sharper voice than the dagger crossed my heart. The voice contained the will to live even though.

May I leave it to you?’

'I won't report from now on.’

'Do it like that way.’

It's the death penalty. A heavy word weighed on my shoulder, but the head of the group agreed that he had made the right decision. I wasn't a Supreme Court justice, and I wasn't a god to judge people. It was just one of the beasts that would bite me at the back of my neck. It was not human law, not ethics, but the order of the jungle.

The old man rose from his seat at the end of his words, and the dragon-arm rose in a state of stiffness. I finally shut my mouth looking at the bitter back of the group leader. And slowly walked out of the room, heavier than a stone and more sticky than a swamp.

We are not omnipotent and do not understand the deep meaning of God. And God was omnipotent and did not understand human ways. If you say it's a hailstorm, I'll nod. The important thing is that humans are the only ones that exist now. As I closed the door and walked down the hall, I could hear the group leader sobbing silently over there.

* * *

I went into the accommodation late at night because I had a lot of thoughts. Chae-yeon was already asleep, and I hugged her and took a nap. In fact, I couldn't sleep deeply because of the nightmares that I kept having. I drifted for a while in the pitch-dark darkness, spending the night with open eyes and nightmares.

Dawn drenched the sky, and dawned. I felt cold, and Chae-yeon woke up unawaken and walked toward the other room.

There was an old man sitting up first, and equipment was scattered on the floor as if they had already been prepared. At dawn when everyone was going to sleep, my day began a little early.

'You can go alone.’

But the old man refused, lifting his stop finger lightly. I laughed strangely, and I laughed dejectedly, and the old man followed me with a strange smile. And we just finished a simple meal of energy, and opened the door of our accommodation to avoid the party.

When I opened the door, I could now see the face of familiar silver-rimmed glasses. I told you in advance last night, so you didn't have to put on a useless cunt. We began to walk slowly toward the pre-allocated place after a dry morning greeting.

It's a little dark because the morning sun doesn't rise. The peculiar atmosphere of dawn made my heart even colder. But the body, which had to move on the contrary, faithfully followed orders, and passed the complicated path. The alley that was passing by like the same scene disappeared, and empty vacant lots began to come into view.

What are people?’

I chose a quiet and quiet place on purpose. But contrary to the expectation that no one would be there, many people gathered on one side of the vacant lot like penguins to avoid the cold. I frowned and asked the silver-rimmed glasses, and the silver-rimmed glasses slowly closed their eyes and said,

'They're family members.

Oh, I shut my mouth for a moment. And he closed his eyes like silver-rimmed glasses, trying to grab a hard fist. My eyes were dimmed. An incomprehensible feeling weighed heavily on my body. I moved silently towards the place we designated.

I can feel the gaze. The bereaved families, who had gathered like penguins, all turned their eyes as we approached, and began to stare at me. There were a variety of people there, but they were feeling the cold and empty.


And a faint cry comes through the cold wind. Turning to the place, I could confirm that the guards who were guarding the prison facility had brought the woman in time for her appointment. The traitor woman shed tears as if she had given up everything.

I raised my hands to wipe my tired and black face. Then, shoulder-to-shoulder with the old man, began to walk silently along the path of the oblique line. Something sticky came out of my feet, and the feeling became a tide and struck my heart again and again. I licked my dry lips.

'Thank you.'

'Thank you.'

'Thank you very much.'

As he crossed the line between the bereaved families, thanks were heard from all sides. No matter what man or woman. And all the children and adults were gathered here. There were those who shed tears, and there were those who showed extreme anger. But one by one was catching the criminal, thanking me for taking her life.

I wasn't proud.

To repel tears and set forth a hundred million feet. I burned rationalization, and threw justification into the swamp. I wanted to finish the knot I started by the end.

Dawn is bright, and I was still alive.