I’m the MC, Why Do I Suck at Cultivation

If there are fewer passengers, send an additional chapter!

I really don't know which gangster, I actually found my address!Maybe I checked my space through my friends, but I'm completely square!

Please beg this big guy to never come to me!Be sensible, brother!!!!!!!!!!!

Then, at the request of this big brother, I will issue a more single chapter.

First of all, the two are unchanged every day.

Then if you add more, only Saturday and Sunday I can barely add another.

Plus more rules.

The total recommended tickets are now: 2653 tickets, if it can reach 5000 before Saturday morning, which means an additional 2347 tickets (currently there are 5,000 book friends, half of them voted OK!) On Saturday, we will give back to readers greatly!

Secondly, there are currently 91 people rewarded. If the number of rewards can exceed 150 before Sunday!(One dollar is enough for rewards, more is not needed!), Sunday will give back to readers greatly.

—————— Focus on————————

If all the 500 fans are occupied before Sunday, clenching your teeth on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, three times a day, every week!!!!!!Every week!Not only this week!!!!!!!!

The author is definitely not cheating and rewarding, one dollar is just fine, mainly because of the support of book readers, one for one person, 500 for 500 people, and 200 for tax deductions. The author sends red envelopes in the group. Five hundred, so just look at the activity!Thank you!

—————— Focus on————————

At the same time, there are currently 5 book list support for this book. If you can reach 10 book list support before Monday, then we will give back to everyone on Wednesday!

Writing books is not easy!Cherish what you have at the moment!

Brother, please, don’t come to me. Really, the rule of change has come out. If you do it, I will never say anything. If there is no such result, I can relax.

Thank you readers!!!!!!
