I’m the MC, Why Do I Suck at Cultivation

Oops, maybe the pigeons are about to be released!

Currently people are outside.

Provincial Yan Value Association's temporary meeting, recommend me as the president!

I don't want to, but they said to me who?

So I had to go out and estimate a little when I came back, so I updated the estimate by two.

But the good news is that I will change three tomorrow!

If I can't do it, I will broadcast the swallow in the group!

Then thank the starting book friends for their support!

Thanks qq reading book friends for their support, currently the new book list first!

Sprinkle flowers!

Then there is a request, everyone comment, my phone will shake, so I want to experience it.

Some kind of mysterious call, let me feel, how deep everyone's love (complaint) for the author!