I’m the MC, Why Do I Suck at Cultivation

Don't ask for anything, explain the update problem under 1!

Again, don’t ask for anything, don’t spray me to sell miserable things.

From the end of last month, the night update is basically morning, it is not the wrong medicine.

It was because the body was uncomfortable, so I went to the hospital for a check, and it didn't matter. It was a liver problem.

I don't want to talk about the problem in the dark night, so as not to say that the sale is miserable.

The solution is very simple, that is, there are two requirements. You are not allowed to drink alcohol, you are not allowed to stay up late, and you do not drink at night, so it is very good.

If you stay up late, after this book is put on the shelves, readers will know by looking at the release time. Basically, it stays until ten o'clock every morning. Isn't this selling bad?You can check the update time, there is a reason!(I'm really scared!)

I told the doctor about staying up late. The doctor's reaction was this: o((⊙﹏⊙))o!

Then they talked a lot seriously.

I probably translate it.

To continue to maintain this situation, twenty years later, you can invite the whole village to dinner.

Qi Donglong Dongqiang!Hey!

So I dare not stay up late at night, I must sleep before twelve!Wake up at eight in the morning!Then eat the code word early!

Fourteen chapters have been changed in three days, not too much, but absolutely not dragging the authors behind.

Then, I hope readers have trouble understanding.

The amount of updates per day is 35, even if the state is not good, maybe one or two.

And even if it is five days a day, it is impossible to finish the story of a book, and it will always be intermittent, which is something that cannot be done.

Everyone wants to read the book and understand at night, but don't worry.

The night also wanted more and more, but was weak.

If everyone really feels that there are fewer updates, or feels like they are getting stuck again, in fact, Night Night really doesn’t want that.

So let me say sorry first.

Then if you want to fatten, please trouble subscribe to automatically subscribe, and then slowly fatten, otherwise, people may forget it as soon as they leave.

Well, nothing to say, go to sleep, readers, don't stay up late, staying up late really hurts the body.

8888 will fight for five more changes tomorrow. After all, I owe a leader four changes. I plan to complete it within two days. Cough cough cough!

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