I’m the MC, Why Do I Suck at Cultivation

Chapter 455: The Secret of the Chaos Clock, 3 Creation Treasures!

() You can search for "Pingping Wuqi Master Brother ()" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Although I don't know if Lu Changsheng will teach.But now the way out of the Jinwu family can only be pinned on Lu Changsheng."Lu Tiandi, I heard from Di Yang that you have a treasure and an ancient clock, right?" The Jinwu patriarch opened his mouth and left the banquet at the banquet. After all, this kind of thing happened. Who is still in the mood to eat? ."Senior, just call me Changsheng, Lu Tiandi really has some awkwardness." Lu Changsheng said, smiling slightly bitterly.He and Prince Jinwu called each other brothers and brothers, but the father of Prince Jinwu called him Lu Tiandi, which really made Lu Changsheng feel awkward.It's impossible, really different?He listened awkwardly."Walk around, that's why I care more." Jin Wu clan smiled. Lu Changsheng was so polite, he was naturally happy, but the reason he called Lu Changsheng Lu Tiandi was not really to support him.I just thought that if Lu Changsheng really planned to teach, then he would be considered a step ahead to deepen his impression."I do have an ancient clock in my hand. The origin of this ancient clock is unknown, but it's weird. Should seniors take a look?" Lu Changsheng replied and then planned to take the ancient clock out and hand it to the Jinwu patriarch.However, the Jinwu Patriarch shook his head."It's not easy to show here, and I shouldn't understand it either. Longevity, I will take you to the hiding place of the Jinwu Shenzhong. A supreme ancestor of my family guards the Jinwu Shenzhong. Maybe he understands some The secret." But the Patriarch Jinwu said in this way."Okay." Lu Changsheng nodded and said nothing.In this way, everyone went all the way and went straight into the sun.Yes,

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