I’m the MC, Why Do I Suck at Cultivation

Chapter 469: Battle between Nature and Nature, Day 34

() "Ping Ping Wu Qi Brother ()" Find the latest chapter!This breath of terror is much stronger than before.It is better than what is called the psychic bodhisattva, and it is better than what is called the Qingyu Taoist.And the horror of this breath is not how strong he is, but a shock from the depths of the soul.The Six Realms tremble, and everything in the world seems to be still.Looking up, a golden finger over the sky came from the town.This finger freezes time and traverses countless spaces. It is a finger from a thousand worlds.There is no dazzling light, only a magnificent.A true dragon above nine days, similar to the ants in the cloud mud.The sentient beings in the Six Realms are ants among the yellow mud, and this finger is the true dragon above the nine days.This is the power of creativity.There is a real master of chemistry.In Daqian World, a finger pops up, separated by tens of thousands of planes, and wants to wipe out Lu Changsheng.Time, space, five elements, earth fire, wind and thunder, various avenues condensed in this golden finger, endless power, terrifying power, let the Six Realms will be helpless.This is the power from the Lord of Creation. It is no longer a turbulent situation, a transcendence, but a true Lord of Creation.The supreme power that can open the earth.Despair pervades the entire Six Realms.The world is desperate, whether it is a human race, a demon race, or a god race, they all show the color of despair.Under this power, no one can survive.This finger can smooth everything.At this moment, Lu Changsheng also felt an inexpressible feeling of powerlessness.With his own realm and the imprint of the Six Realms of Heaven, Lu Changsheng has a sense of powerlessness.

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