I’m the White Pig Nobleman, but With the Memories of My Previous Life, I’ll Raise My Little Brother
He can't say he's talented without a flash of 1%.
"It's not my stepsister, but how about picking up everything?
"I didn't pick it up!I passed out!That's all! "
I am deeply indignant at the slightly distracting words of Mr. Rasheed.
A black man fell at my feet.
Because I fell down moaning, it must be because of the injury.
I didn't do anything.
When I tried to return the intimidation, he just fell on his own.
No, I was watching Legulus before he fell.
"What do you know about Legulus?
Hmm. I don't know!
Isn't it?
I mean, Legulus was just covering for me by saying, "Stop sniffing."
Since Leguls-kun started playing with younger children, such as Spinner and Ange-kun, he has come to show me a much more reliable side.
She's been a good kid since before, but especially lately.
Is it because of the growing number of situations where Legulus is the oldest, and you are often relied on as a brother?
No, my chick is really a good kid.
"No, I know you're a good kid, but what about this guy...?
Oh, it looks like there was a real escape coming out of my mouth.
It's cute that Chicko buried her face on my back and circled around, but Rasheed's eyes in front of me are very stiff.
"What should I do?
"Why don't you take him to the guild?
"I really hated it when you showed up."
Sooner or later, the player stopped by and looked down at the black man.
Ange-chan and E-chan were worried about what was going on, and when they turned their gaze, they saw Spinner, Bradamante, and Yifras with them.
Meow and lamb are ringing, but is that okay?
I was worried, and I wondered if it wasn't going to work, but Mr. Victor came running in a hurry.
"Shit, that lamb has to stop ringing."
Are you still on alert?
"Yeah, I don't know what to do, let's get him to bed...."
Viktor's words shouted with a soft face.
Tsumu! Let the sheep eat what Mr. Joseph gave them!
I wonder what it is.
We can't help it, so when we ride the black scumbag to Aziz, who was coming with Mr. Rasheed, we'll head for the lamb.
Meanwhile, Spinner took something out of his pocket and put it on the tip of the lamb's nose.
His small hands were still gripped by the leaves of the green radish and the zesty white radish.
"Daikon leaves and skins?
"It's all round leaves and skins.Joseph said he loves fairy horses and silk sheep. "
He told Joseph everything he needed to go to the Kingdom of Le Mans, and even if he was going to piss off the silk sheep, he would have forgiven me for it.
Incidentally, the rounds peel off sometimes.
It seems that there is a lot of nutrient accumulation in the rounds, but when the skin grows too thick, it becomes difficult to move, so I take off the thickened skin myself.
But the way to take it off, it feels like the daikon is taking off the daikon costume, and the remaining skin is in a brilliant round shape.
According to Daikon Sensei, the peeled skin is also very nourishing.
So I carved the peeled skin so that I wouldn't understand it, and mixed it with the feed of the animals I keep at home.
Thanks to them, our animals are growing up without injury or illness.
Then, the nutrient-rich round leaves and skins of the lamb, sniffing the smell of the puff and spinner's hands, stopped sniffing.
After staring at the skin and leaves, I ate a bite.
As he was watching him with a hard spit, the lamb suddenly rang out loud after another sip.
It's counterproductive!?
Rasheed nodded as impressed as she was screaming in her heart.
"Ah, it was really delicious.The vigilance went away, but I'm in a lot of trouble instead. "
"Do you understand!?
"What? You're a monster too, you know that?You're talking so much. "
Whatever you say, it's written on Mr. Rasheed's face, but I can only hear the lambs squealing like they're tense.
Does that sound like language to Mr. Rasheed?
I honestly moved my neck to the denial system because I didn't understand it.
"I have no idea.
"No, no, what's the monster saying?If you don't understand the word of a monster, it's impossible for you to be a monster.Don't make fun of me. "
"I'm not kidding.I have no idea what that lamb is talking about. "
"Ha, ha!?
Face to face with Mr. Rasheed and twist their necks at each other.
Mr. Rasheed's expression was like seeing something impossible, and when he looked at me, he slapped his hand.
Legulus, who was burying his face on his back, also made a face.
No, that's right.Young lady, when you talk to Maru, Tara interprets. "
"Yeah, Tara writes for me, and when I still don't get it, I'm Joseph.You and Legulus can understand if it's a round word somehow, right?
"I know!
Well... Daikon radish. "
"Yeah, daikon radish.When I have a circle in the soil, I know what the circle is trying to say. "
"Huh? It's stranger to understand the word daikon radish.
No, no, no.
Daikon's words are the same as those of him who somehow understands crop production in the soil situation.
You have a farmer, right?
As they looked at each other and said, "I don't know what you're talking about," Victor walked in between them.
Ah, you can't talk to monsters after all.
"Yes, or can you talk to a monster?
"Yeah. Otherwise, you can't negotiate a contract with a monster, right?
Oh, yeah.
"If they say so!
When you and Regulus are convinced, "I see." Mr. Rasheed says, "Impossible!"he shouted.
"I mean, how did Tara negotiate the whole thing!?
"Tara-chan gave it to me from Sarasa.Perhaps per contract. "
"Thank you. The circle came out of the field by itself.
"There's something here, okay?
Speaking as it is about that time, Mr. Rasheed suddenly had a very headache.
"I can't believe it. I probably don't know, but there was more than that!
"You mean the world doesn't know...?
"It's common sense that monsters can talk to monsters, otherwise they can't be monsters in the first place."
"I'm ready.
Because when I realized it, I said "monster" in my status.
Speaking of which, Rasheed frowned and looked angry.
"That's... that spider and the one who used it to demonize it, and transferred it on a contract basis, wasn't normal...Who is it? Explain it so well before you transfer it!?Otherwise, you'd have been eaten by a monster if you were normal!
"Hmm...Tara was a good boy from the beginning, and she followed me?
"That's why the spider was so smart and special...."
"Ah, Tara is smart.She remembered the script to talk to me and Legulus. "
"I told Tara-chan!
Loosely, Mr. Rasheed shook his head to the side.
The expression changes from anger to confusion, and the eyebrows fall to eight characters.
"Ordinary monsters don't remember or write letters.Because you can talk to the contractor's monster?And why do you want to learn to read and write to communicate with the Monsters? "
Yeah, no, well, huh?
Thin, huh?
I had a slight feeling about it, but it was clear from Rasheed's words.
Victor noticed too and nodded heavily when he looked at me.
"I was thinkin ', but I don't seem to have much talent as a monster."
Rasheed's mouth opened.