Mr. Victor's eyes reflect many things.
Someone who has a connection to the object, what it contains, the magic it has been given, and many more.
That's why sometimes I get too much information and my eyes and head hurt.
At such a time, it is said that the skill of Appraisal is deliberately blocked.
However, it seems that the information cannot be blocked if there is too much magic in the object, and in that case, glasses with magic blocking effect are put on.
I'll take the water bottle from Ice Ring last night and the peach from the princess to the kitchen, and Mr. Victor will hurry to get his glasses to his room.
Mr. Rottenmayer, who had stood behind him, looked at his back with distant eyes.
Well, yeah, I think I probably had distant eyes, too.
And in the breakfast seat, they all drank the water from the water bottle that they had received.
At first, I thought I'd just give it to the teacher, but Ice Ring said I could let Legulus drink it, and Rosemary said, "Play with those teachers and servants... that's enough.Let the people involved drink. "
Igor said, "Well then, why don't you give me the water bottle?" He gave me the water bottle from which this water comes out.
Based on the conversation, I thought it wasn't just water.
I thought so.
I encountered an unusual scene where Miss Elves could choke at once.
"Yes, what did you just say?"
"I said weird young water."
"Weird young water, no way!?"
"They say it's good for nourishment."
"Wait, Manru-chan! Do you know what weird young water is!?"
"I've only heard of sweet water used to brew heaven's breweries."
Because that's all I've heard.
Somehow, God, you know I don't know much about that, so you can give me quite a few things.
I thought maybe this time too, but it's just sweet water after all.
No, I suppose that's what I'd say to God, because it's just water and it's a little bit nourishing.
No matter how it was perceived in the human world, it doesn't matter to God, it's really good for health, so it's just a "drink".
Thank you, but you shouldn't get used to this.
Otherwise, you'll be a spoiled man.
Legulus takes good care of the three of us.
Rasheed and iflas had already eaten dinner with the people working in the Mansion and went to Joseph and the stables to take care of the horses and chickens.
I said I'd eat with you, but they decided to do it this morning because they were hired as monsters.
Hmm, well, you don't think the sheikh's son is a servant, so I hope he's dazzled by who he's after.
And in the glass that Legulus was holding in his cute hands, there was a sweet citrus tea that was not yuzu tea melted in boiling water with the princess's honeycomb as a jam.
While holding the edges of the glasses, Victor points to a chop-like water bottle placed on the table.
"Even if you don't, is it being used for drinking now?"
"Yes, because I was told to let everyone drink it.If you cook rice, it will be delicious, so please cook rice with this water while E-chan is here. "
"Eh... cooking rice with weird young water..."
"Then I got a peach from the princess, so I asked the chef to make a peach compote for lunch or dinner dessert.Eun-chan loves these peaches too. "
"... it's a peach, of course."
Lara-san looked up at the sky and Romanov held between his eyebrows. Looking back, Mr. Utsunomiya, who was holding back Mr. Legles, was also pulling his mouth.
Rottenmayer, who noticed what I was looking at, coughed up one thing.
Mr Rottenmayer, what is weird young water?
"My name is Weird Young Water, which is said to spring out of the bamboo stick in the palace behind the moon under Princess Ice Wheel's reign, and can be a versatile medicine for healing incurable diseases and imminent injuries, bringing youth and health...."
It's more useful than I thought.
Is that it?
The Erik Thermodoki candy balls were made by the teachers, and I and the teacher are recovering, just in case.
God is kind.
I'll pray for you later.
After breakfast, it seems like the teachers were kind of cluttered, but I don't know anything about it.
I don't know if I don't know.
Okay, then.
With a lunch box, we, Mr. Legles, the teacher, Mr. Rasheed and Mr. Ifras went to the café where the Kikunoi Opera Group was based, as promised yesterday.
E-chan and Bradamante, Kazuku and Spun have already arrived and waited at the entrance to the café.
Here, Mr Romanov and Mr Lara acted separately for Mr Berjurac and Elfin Boot Camp.
Greetings also opened by hanging hands on the café's wooden door, and he said, "Hello."
Then I heard a voice from the back saying, "It's open."
And three footsteps.
Two are slow steps, and one is a little light and light.
Welcome, owner.
"Welcome out, owner."
In contrast to Yuri, who wears a loose shirt and a clavat, Eric, who is wearing a flock coat, and Ange-chan, who is a simple one-piece dress, are all here to welcome me.
"Thank you for welcoming me."
"No, thank you for welcoming the owner"
When Eric laughed, Ange-chan, who was stuck at his feet, burst out.
And when I went to Kokokotsu-chan's side, I grabbed his hand.
Um, Oni-chan, oh, my goodness.
Ange-chan pushes her neck up and down like a strange girl.
Yuri saw it and smiled.
"Oh, look, I'm consolidating the performance of the concert to comfort the soldiers."
That's right.
Various things are progressing steadily.
I have to move on.
With that in mind, Eric noticed that his gaze was pouring beyond me, and he turned around and looked nervous.
Suddenly, Eric looks surprised when he brings him closer to Eric and explains what happened to Rasheed and Everest.
"I want to know politics...."
"Yes, but I thought I'd lay the groundwork before I told Louis."
"I see, if you say so, I can help you."
As Eric nodded gently, Rasheed and Everest bowed their heads.
And gently Eric answered.
"I think it was up to me and Versa... my colleagues to educate the newcomers into the office."
Was that so?
"Yes, by the way, will the guards learn with you?"
Asked, Mr. Everest moves his neck to the denial system.
What surprised me was Mr Rasheed.
Eh, why?
"Whatever, it's a role issue.I don't think that even if I learn politics, I can be of much help to Rasheed.There are strong boundaries in this territory, and Wyburn will not come first, and while you are at this café, you will be with Mr Shostakovich.First of all, Romanov said there was no danger.I wonder if it would be helpful if I could train with Lord Bergerac.I came here because I wanted to say hello at a glance to someone who would be Rashid's master. "
Rasheed thought a little bit about Yifras telling him to teach.
Rasheed relieved the lips that had been pulled together.
"I didn't want to tell you yet."
With that in mind, Rasheed stares at Mr. Everest and tightens his expression.
"I think I'll go back to the Snow Tree Mountains once I get my strength.But that's not to get back into the family.There are people in my family who are as weak as I am, and who feel that it is difficult to live.If you'll excuse me, I want to bring them here and give them the skills to make a living like me.At that time, I think not only my brother inside, but also my older brother must wear some kind of scratch.Everest, will you follow me? "
"Of course. For that time, I thought I should polish my martial arts!"
Rasheed's expression relaxed as if she was relieved by the smack on her chest.
Then you two face me again.
"What do you think? It's about the future. Can you forgive me?"
"Kikunoi has no door to close to those who want a gentle world."
"Yeah, thanks. I'll do my best."
Rasheed and Everest nodded in my reply.
Looks like we're on our way.