Viktor Shostakovich is a court musician serving in the court of the Kiphoenix Empire who supposedly has nothing lined up between East and West in terms of music. He is also a person who takes advantage of the long life of the elves and works for the protection of old songs and instruments, as well as for the collection of music and instruments specific to each continent.

Also, my arm as a magician is certain, and even in the world, it is an arm that goes into the fingers of both hands, but I don't know much about it.

Source · From Romanovpedia.

"No, it was the magic arm that mattered to me, so you forgot about the music until recently."

"I'm really going to fuck you, you Park Min-Jen. Whatever song you make me listen to, all I'm saying is' Isn't it good '? Even if I was wrong."

"Because I'm an amateur. I was wondering if that's what you said about flying the sound."

It's a good thing I'm talking to you intimately, but I want you to let me go.

How dare I, Mr. Viktor - my last name is going to bite my tongue, so I was told to call it that - from introducing myself to what I'm talking about, I've been held loose, and even more so by my fox-eyed sister.

"Um, yes, I understand that Mr. Viktor and Dr. Romanov are close... Nice to meet you, I am."

"It's you, Phoenix Butterfly, the son of Count Kikunai's family, isn't it? Alyosha told me the story. Nice to meet you, uh."

"Ah Tan......"

"Phoenix, it's you. Ah-tan. Isn't she cute!

What kind of visual and auditory violence is that in a white pig? Shame makes me feel lightly hungry.

Even though I look subtle, Dr. Romanoff seems to have noticed, that face had a refreshing smile sticking to it, like saying, "Give it up".

That's the corner of the rabbit, and the fox-eyed sister is about to be the limit.

Cheeks are getting better at anger as well as getting better at it.

Before the explosion, "Um..." Mr. Viktor turned to the fox-eyed beauty.

"Oh... so you wanted me to coach you on the song. I changed my mind, it's good."


"I'm telling you I'll give you a lesson. Not if you don't want to, okay?


With red lips in battle, eyes glow brilliantly as they burn.

When one of the beautiful faces gets angry, it's originally just beautiful, it's incredibly powerful.

In contrast, Mr. Viktor was lightly flushing the anger directed at him for not having any interest.

But when she pulls the force out of her hand, which was gripping the critical fan, the beautiful woman deflects her chest.

"Before you do that, would you like to introduce us to your customers?

"Ah... it's Sir Alexei Romanov and his godson, Count Kikunai, the man of the family, Phoenix Butterfly."

Introduce Dr. Romanov and I as if it would be a pain in the ass.

As soon as the fox-eyed woman heard Dr. Romanov's name, her grump blew up like a lie.

"Well! Who is Sir Romanov? Are you that Sir Romanov?

"Um, but I don't know which one you're referring to, but my name is Alexei Romanov"

Without noticing the teacher with the approximate smile on her face, the woman said, "Well!" or cackling like a fan who was in an entertainer.

I also wondered if I should name it properly, but I was distracted from being uninterested the moment I got my gaze on a woman.

Don't sneak up on a god you don't touch.

If you look at Mr. Viktor, he's got a shoulder strap, so that sounds good.

"Hey, you. Come on, don't you give lessons? If you don't, why don't you go home?"

"... Huh!? I will! I will, but......!

Beauty sees me and Dr. Romanov.

Well, if you have outsiders, you can't concentrate.

I wonder if we should have some free time, pulling the hem of Dr. Romanov's clothes, and the teacher nods if he thought so too.

But Mr. Viktor shook his head.

"If you had outsiders, you'd stand in the National Theatre a lot with enough skill not to sing."

"What is it!? You can sing! Who do you think I am?

I don't know who it is, but if it's enough to stand in a national theater, I guess it's a pretty good singer.

"Ah, she's a singer standing in the National Theatre next time!

"Wow, wow!

"Oh, it's obvious! I'm Maria Crowe!

When I clap with my pussy, Maria strains her chest. I was in my twenties when I was there or so, I had a hegemony all over my body.

"I see that's a great singer. Just fine. Phoenix, it was worth bringing you to Empire City."

"... what do you mean?

With a swinging smile, Maria asked Dr. Romanov. But it was Mr. Viktor, who narrowed his eyes in frigid fashion, who answered.

"Alyosha has asked me to sharpen your musical talent. He said he finally remembered me from a long time ago. I was wondering if I could teach you something."

"Hey!? Dr. Romanov!? Mr. Viktor is a court musician!? A little bit!

"Er... because I didn't know how awesome Vicha was either"

This one is untouchable for all sorts of things you're not interested in as much as you can say about me...

I mean, it's probably a terrible reaction to someone who knows how I react, too, let's be careful.

Perhaps a princess.

Did Maria care, too, tilting her little neck?

"Oh, my God, are you home?

"Yes, I won't reveal who you are, but you're a terrible person."

"It's Master Left..."

"So, well, when it comes to music, there was a theatre in Imperial City, and I thought you'd learn to listen to the songs of the best singers in Imperial City. I was trying to ask Vicha if there was any telling. If not, you just have to sing to Vicha. Anyway, he's one of the best people I know about music."

"What do you expect, me, I'm good at instruments, but not songs,"

When I say that, "Come here," Mr. Viktor leads me to the back.

If I opened the door of the deep room, there would be more and more things like a large table with three legs covered in it sitting in the center. From shape, this is!?

"Grand piano!?

"Oh, you know very well."

"Hmm? Isn't that Frugel?

"In the Empire, Frugel, I guess it's the northern kingdom of Lumane that calls it the Grand. That's not what I taught you. Uh, you never left your house, did you?

"Yes, it is..."

No, I just called it a grand piano in my last life. The princess taught you, or something, and it's a lie. I'm sorry.

I was seen with a strange face slightly distracted, but when I shut up, Mr. Viktor removes the cover and pulls the chair in front of the piano.

Pooh and I put our fingers down, and it sounds nostalgic to my ears.

"Well, he'll sing a little and watch. What's the song... what are you good at?

"... the theater sings, 'Empire, it will be eternal paradise'."

"Well, then, that's fine."

On a poloron and keyboard, Mr. Viktor's thin, long white fish-like fingers run.

Begin loosely with the bass to match the sound of a tune similar to Elgar's "prestigious" and faster for exuberance. Following suit, Maria's voice may also be thinner or thicker and taller.

But the rust and puffiness make the pitch slightly crazy. It was just a little rash, but it seemed to Mr. Viktor that he figured it out, and his eyebrows rose just a little. Maria also looks into remorse.

Roll if you say it in a nutshell.

The moment the last sound disappears, he puts his hands on a great performance and a singer.

In contrast to Maria, who seemed more or less full, Mr. Viktor sighed and shook his head sideways.

"Ah Tan, you can't spoil an adult. The noise's off. You understand?

"That's... but..."

"I don't have 'but' or 'but'. Well, the least I can do is forgive myself for failing to do something like 'this is still good' if I find out I'm flawed but they applaud me."

Wow, tough.

To unforgiving allegations, Maria's face turns bright red.

Wana Wana and his lips tremble. It's still going to explode, but Mr. Viktor flatly said, "What? ♪ That's my face ♪

There Dr. Romanov pinches his mouth.

"Fair enough, Vicha. You dishonor me, but that lady's song sounded great enough to me, and that's what you say, Phoenix, so that's good, right? It's not bad to say that at your level, is it?

"Well, it's not bad, is it? I think there's just something to sing in the National Theatre. But hey?"

"So Phoenix, why don't you listen to your song and ask for advice? You don't specialize in songs, do you?

To the unexpected suggestion, both Mr. Viktor and I, even Maria, who was on fire with anger, do something about it.

But Dr. Romanoff seemed serious, and with a beautiful smile of leeway, he said to Maria, "How do you like it?" Oh, my God, I spoke up.

Bonded by that Romanoff teacher's grin, or coughed up, Maria changes her expression sweetly.

"I get it. Sir Romanov wishes me that way, and I can't say no. Fine, I'll guide you."

"That's right. Good for you, Phoenix."

"Oh, thank you"

I bowed my head to the dust, but Mr. Maria is obsessed with Dr. Romanoff without looking at me.

Mr. Viktor, with his shoulders clasped, sat in front of the piano, but shrugged "Ah".

"Uh, you know any popular songs over here?

"No, not at all"

"Oh well. Then it's fine with the song he taught you. I can't accompany you, so can I have a cappella?

"Yes, it's usually cappella, so it's okay"

Breathe in deeper, take care of your abdominal breathing, and be aware of your magic nerves, as the princess always tells you.

The song is about Schubert's "Wild Bulbs," which he sang in front of you many times.

Throat open properly, pitch and pronunciation are incredibly stable.

After a relaxing and enjoyable sing, Patsy and Mr. Viktor applauded.

"That's a nice song. It makes me want to watch the wild bulbs."

"Yes, I was singing watching wild bulbs at your house"

"Uh, does your house have wild bulbs blooming? Wonderful."

Ugh, Maria approached me with a very serious face when I was talking to Viktor about 'Novartis'.

"You... how do you sing now...?

"Uh... was that weird? Always told me to be aware of the magic nerve... the pitch is sweet, so I can stabilize it by being aware of the magic nerve..."

"Is that from your nasty friend?

"Yes, it is"

Maria bit her lips tight.

Was my song bad enough to piss me off?

As I blued, Pong and Maria's hands rested on my shoulders.

"... I woke up because of you. Don't hesitate to perform at the National Theatre in two weeks. I want you to listen to Maria Crowe's song."

Seriously!? Lucky me!

But my song was terrible, so you mean I'll show you an example.

Slightly lowering her eyebrows, Ms. Maria shook her neck to the side.

"Your song was something I've never heard... but it wasn't bad."


"Yeah, you should put your chest up. I seldom praise men."

There is a light from the window on your firm, Rin face, and it looks very sacred.

Looking at it, Mr. Viktor raised the edge of his mouth.

"You look good, Miss Maria. Fine, I'll be happy to give you lessons now."

"Is it true!?

"Oh, I'll make sure you get a good look from tomorrow until the production."

I'm not sure what it is, but it looks like it rained and hardened the ground.