On a rare call, when I popped out into the garden at first glance, I was running with physical enhancement, but Leggles, who didn't use magic on the way, chased me.
Well, if I ran with you, they chased me through before I even went, and I broke my heart, so Tara, who came sensing the anomaly, let me ride with Leggles, and I came to the back yard.
Before the magnificent peony flower, there was a princess who had just dropped you off about an hour earlier.
Your face is beautiful after all, but looks very grumpy.
I knelt, trembling inside, wondering if it was possible that Kelpy had coarsely phased.
"Phoenix, in front of you"
"Uhm, Daiyi"
"Ra... Leggles, please!
"Mm, is the chick here too? Big time."
Leggles, too, kneels with a bite and bite, and the princess's fan flickers and says, "Raise your face".
But the princess's face I looked up to was still rude, and I held hands nervously with Leggles.
Such a look at us, the princess raised her eyebrows and then sighed heavily.
"You don't have to tremble like that. The concubine is certainly not in the mood, but it is not because of them, nor because of the horse."
"Oh, yes..."
I snorted at the princess's words, but then why aren't you in such a good mood... or something like that?
Regulus, who is not usually afraid, also feels that he can't even ask if he wants to, just kind of moves Piyo Piyo and his body left and right.
With us elsewhere like that, the princess grabbed a critical scarf and began rag squeezing.
"He's a jerk!
No! I'm so angry, whoa!?
The darker the clouds, the better the expression, the cloudier the sky at once, and the lightning runs through the heavens.
"What!?," said Kelpie, wearing a sneaky, beautiful horse outfit from behind you, as she clasped and gutted her little scream and clinging to Leggles Kun.
Although it creates an unfortunate atmosphere of apology, it doesn't look like he's hurt, and for now, he seems safe.
Then it's clear what happened.
From behind the aunt and the princess, Kelpy comes towards us brothers.
When I gave her my hand, Kelpie dropped the reins she was wearing on herself.
In the meantime, the thunderbolt struck, and this was the time when the thunder finally came, and the princess let go of the scarf she was slaying.
The sky clears up instantly, though I'm still grumpy around my brow.
"... disturbed, forgive me"
"Uh, yes. It's okay."
"Mm-hmm. Kelpie's okay, too?
"Yes, I'm calm"
"So, is there?"
The muffled expression stays put, and when the princess takes a deep breath, she slowly spits it out.
After blinking once, the princess flickered a thin silk dough fan.
"... but not in Shannon"
"Is, uh... Kelpy's, is it?
"Dear Left, The earlier promise was to shake it out tomorrow, but the situation has changed"
To the princess who pulls the edge of her mouth, both me and Leggles correct her spine.
Things must have changed, huh?
When I hold my hand softly, I realize it was kind of a little damp and I was sweating my hand.
Then the insurance disappeared from the princess's face.
"I'm telling you, if Luminous Yang were you, I'd give you Kelpies."
"... Kame, is it?
What a mess, pompous, the princess raised a single eyebrow.
"Keep your brothers together and look away from each other... Well, I know how you feel."
"Um... what is Kame?
"Stay put. The concubine did it to Glory Yang, and the Kelpie he gave... he said he would give it to Glory Yang... he said he would give it to you."
"Huh!? Are you talking about the gift?!?
I don't know what you're talking about.
We gave the princess the Kelpie and the princess gave it to the princess Luminous Yang as a wager payment.
I know that much.
I have no idea why Kelpie is being lowered to us from there.
What's this all about?
When Leggles and I look at each other, he looks just as pompous.
Meanwhile, peeking at the princess, she chewed up the bitter bug with a face like she even drank the assembly tea.
I don't think this is a very good guy to follow, but he can't just not ask.
"Um... how did that happen...?
"I'm angry to think back, but, well, listen"
With a deep wrinkle carved between her eyebrows, the princess said that she took Kelpie with her immediately after that, and the princess went out to Princess Luoyang's palace.
Master Igor's horse gear has already been delivered there, and when Princess Luoyang's side service living in the palace makes Kelpie wear the horse gear properly, Princess Luoyang will be tested for riding comfort immediately.
On a kelpy ride in a stable above heaven, Princess Luoyang said she enjoyed horseback riding.
Kelpie also seems to be responding appropriately to Princess Luminous Yang's guidelines, although she was somewhat nervous about the merit of discipline.
"My name is a good horse, so I gave it back for granted."
"Words that don't bother you. Thank you. I know."
The princess hides her licence with a single fan.
My eyes are laughing, so I guess Kelpy really ran brilliantly.
The story of the princess continues.
Kelpy did what we expected.
However, Princess Luoyang seems to have a slightly more temperamental point to say by the princess, so let's not let the step-by-step stirrups get rough.
It seems that Kelpy got tired of it and made his legs stop a little bit.
Besides, Princess Luoyang became angry, and the lightning shined in the sky, by the time I said Aya.
"The concubine tried, of course, to stop, but the moment the lightning shined, the ice wheel came."
"Master Ice Wheel?
"Mm-hmm. I scolded Luminous Yang to the point where I thought there'd already be fire out of his eyes."
He said, "What makes the lives of others crude because of their bad mood?" or "It's unacceptable to pick lives for so little reason as to speak of God," and that was enough that Ice Ring had already reprimanded Princess Luminous Yang harshly and at the end of the day made her cry.
God scolds and cries too......
Did it come to your face that you stuttered, the princess nods with a difficult face?
"Glow Yang and Ice Ring are in trouble again. Ice rings are special to Luminous Yang. Then if they reprimand you harshly, you'll want to cry. Think about it, even in our God, luminous yang is against strong power, and its spirit is slightly younger if it is. I don't know if I can do it because I was created last time before my parent God..."
"I see."
"But it's not uncommon for ice rings to come all the way here to scold me for something like that, whether it's glossy or absurd. Even more rarely, after scolding him and making him cry, he was comforting the properly apologized luminous yang."
"Ha ha..."
"Well, then, the ice wheel is this kelpy... no, I told him more about what kind of jewelry it was and how it crossed from my concubine's hand to Glory Yang. Then you luminous yang, 'Do terrible things, such as detach yourself from your family! I don't want that!' and so on! The concubine explained it in advance, too! He's not even listening!
Wow, that's...!
If you are too proud, the princess will cough. [M]
"That's why," she said, again in a grumpy mood on her brow, with the princess pointing to Kelpie in her group fan.
"Kelpie's name was" Xu "after receiving an offer from Luoyang. They will reward Kelpie for teaching the horses to ride and show them what they deserve."
"Ha ha. Thank you Happiness...... So, is it good?
"I guess it's good. Ice Ring made me swear never to greed again, so I thought he'd tell me to give it back."
I don't know much about it, but it turns out it's O'Rei!
Let's take the horn and thank you Princess Luminous Yang.
Once again thanking the princess and Princess Luoyang, the princess sighed.
"Whatever it is, you've often produced results that Luoyang acknowledges. Let's praise you. The horse in this house did the same. I especially applaud you."
"Thank you. I'm happy. I will also tell our horseman that I received compliments."
"Hmm. I gave thanks to the concubine for the broken bones for the concubine's minister, but thank you again."
"I understand. I would like to tell you when I see you, Master Ice Ring."
"as a concubine's minister"
"Yes, be sure...?
It kind of weirdly emphasizes the "minister," but what is it?
Though I was slightly curious, I only said "Tomorrow" before I uttered it, and the princess went home in the light of shine.
All that was left was me, Leggles, and Poniko's husband (provisional exemption), who was named "The".
Pull the reins and they will come closer to Tokotoko.
"Well, I don't know, but I think you've been recognized for your hard work."
Regulus also strokes the area around his stomach when he strokes the back of the squirrel, which immediately turned to about the size of a pony.
And I leaned my neck like a little bird.
"Kelpy... are you coming to our house?
"Yeah. Princess Luminous Yang told me to let you stay with Mr. Poniko and Grani"
Really good.
I guess this is what it means to stroke your chest down with relief.
When I walked out to go back to the mansion with Potato and Leggles, I wondered where she was going. Now Tara, with all the circles, joined me.
When I finally came back near the mansion, I saw Dr. Romanov and Mr. Viktor, Mr. Lara and Mr. Rottenmeyer and Mr. Sonya out in the garden in Joseph.
Leggles runs out to Joseph.
"Joseph! Kelpy, stay at home! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
"Ho, really!?
"Himesa said," Good luck Joseph!
Leggles, who became the lord of Grani, must have been very concerned about Poniko and Grani's family.
He brought Joseph to me with comfort, who looked like he was going to cry at the beginning of the thing, and I'm sure he was worried about Leggles.
My brother's a good kid, really.
When you are lost in emotion, the itching stops.
Turning to wonder, he hissed in a kneeling position at me on the spot.
"Wow, young lady, this, from now on, Lord, yes, you, come alive."
"... before that, I said, 'I want to be with Mr. Poniko. My wife and I will always be happy, so we'll start over."
Otherwise, it's "Mr. Poniko's husband" no matter how long it takes, you.