Demilich seems to be the superior species that Rich and Reis have evolved.

In the first place, it is Rich and Reyce who will die after leaving behind dark negative untrained sorcerers and spellmen, so naturally they are strong if they become their superior species.

"You don't have to be so scared because you're not the one to lose,"

"Ha, ha...!

Dr. Romanov is cool with a sword wave and lightly wiping away the thunder that falls with an awesome roar, but that's not the case.

No, I guess it's okay because the teacher says he can't beat you, but the skeleton that rattles and squeals is so creepy that he's going to faint.

But if we don't stop here, the three Barbarians are in danger.

The crown skeleton on the robe, which appeared after the black swirl, was materialized by Demilich, who possessed Leggles Kun's birthday present, who has attacked this one with a jerk about what's wrong.

Something tells me that Rich or Reyce's necromancy undead doesn't work as a physical attack.

As the icicles and fireballs descended, "Yay, I've got my feet together," Jayanta laughed luxuriously, and Camara and Upatra both strung down at the same time.

"Jayanta lets you back down with your daughter, but what about the eagles?

"Are we on foot, too?

The answer Dr. Romanoff gave to the two people who asked him that was, "Not out of the way, but it would be more helpful if you took your daughter away," and Mr. Viktor said, "Just in case, would you tell Lara that you're 'calling' me? was."

Well, if the three Barbarians are going backwards, what's the point of getting in my way?

You think that's why we're evacuating together?

But it didn't.

'Cause if you demirich, you're coming after me!

There's no reason to run away with Barbarians in that situation, and if you do, it's safer for Dr. Romanoff and Mr. Viktor to stick around.

So in order to get the Barbarians away quickly, I used all the granting magic I could use to improve their abilities, and then also my abilities and those of my teachers.

To further protect the back of the Barbarian, it is JustNow, united and passing through DeMilich.

"It's a wonderful and sturdy junction. You're getting everyday results."

"Right. Granted magic works great, and he's a senior magician who's not ashamed to put it anywhere."

"Thank you -! But that's not the case! Flying Hooray!?

I'm not afraid of the thunder and ice debris falling with Bishibishi because the junction won't pass. I don't, but you're upset that the attack didn't go through at all earlier, because the orbits of the skeleton glow so red, it's not disgusting!

Such a scream in my heart didn't seem to reach the teachers.

"Well, what do we do?

"Alyosha, why don't you just fuck Zaku for a second?

"Um, no, that's easy, but I was wondering if you had a little something."

The crown skeleton dances empty on the claws and robes, distorted by the teething noise.

If I had a tongue, I'd say, "Kick!" and the atmosphere sounds hysterically screaming.

Yet Mr. Viktor just plays his finger, knocking out the storm of advanced magic flames caused by DeMilich and saying, "No body?" and lean his neck small.


"Phoenix, you must have grown sacred magic, right? Then I thought I'd secure Demilich on the practice bench to remember to purify the basics."

"Oh, you mean... Sure, that would be a good practice bench. Because it's Demilich, and purifying the foundation won't disappear two or three times."

... you're starting to say something scary?

A practice bench for sacred magic is like that experimental bench.

Did you hear the two people discussing it, rattling bones with the catfish and DeMilich shaking up his meatless arm?

Now it's a combination of ice and thunder, but all the junctions bounced off the day after tomorrow.

Yeah, I'm doing a good job.

"So let it weaken to some extent, then seal it with a demon seal, and let it go somewhere?

"Right. When we get back, we need to find a divine magic teacher."

"Good is a hurry."

Yeah. Looks like we both snorted and decided.

But as far as I'm concerned, I can't accept it.

"Hey!? I don't like it! I don't like practice or anything because I'm so scared!

As they waved their arms and protested, the two elves looked at each other in its beautiful face and clasped their shoulders at the same time.

"I do sacred sorcery practice with zombies and gools in real cherry orchids, is that better?

"I still don't think DeMilich's is any worse than zombies and ghouls"


I hate ghosts and skeletons, but no more zombies!

Or how many monsters I became, because I was human in my lifetime. So if you're born with a monster, can you kill it, or I'll discount it because that's a different issue, but I wonder about an ethical practice bench or something.

When asked about the mistress, the teachers shook their heads beside each other.

"In Ningro Sakura Orchid, zombies and riches are considered a mercy to them."

"Being undead is a big sin in itself. I will save you from that sin and ascend you, and I say," God have mercy. "


Oh, my God!

Looking up to heaven, the more magical and heavy the space is that something is going to come down now.

This could come big. So when I layered my boundaries and thickened the layers, there came down a firepillar of great intensity.

It is the highest class of flame-based advanced sorcery.

Still, it has no effect in the conjuncture.

I want to go home now.

Even Demilich consumed a lot of magic on the fire pole earlier, and his worn robes wrapped around him breathing on his shoulders are rising and falling hard.

Something, good luck.

"Doctor, DeMilich, you look tired..."

"No, no. If you use a little more magic, you won't be able to fly, so wait until then"

"Ya, uh, your junction is amazing. You didn't have to do anything to figure it out, did you? I've never been so easy to get rid of DeMilich."

In contrast to Mr. Viktor, who laughs furiously, DeMilich's atmosphere shrivels.

The jaw on the white bone, which was a mess, now feels like the roots of the beefy teeth don't fit either. I'm shivering.

I'm sorry, I just brought up some sacred sorcery.

That's who you attacked all of a sudden, but nothing. I don't resent or hate DeMilich.

I have no objection to knocking him down crisply, but can I knock him down on that one alone?

No, but the teachers say they're gonna get DeMilich for me, so even if they could, it wouldn't be a good idea if they took him down on their own.

Woohoo, should or should not kill, that's the problem!

It's not...

I guess I'm mostly tempered around being on my own. Calm down.

There's no way we're letting DeMilich get away here.

Then take it down, or let it be somewhat weak and containment, as the teachers say, one in two.

And DeMilich in front of me, he's weak enough to breathe on his shoulders.

Huh. Sighing, I strained the junction to cover another, the whole forest.

A junction to stop the escape, and when wrapped in this, neither the enemy nor the allies will be able to get out of it unless I pass out and the junction disappears.

Dr. Romanov and Mr. Viktor opened their eyes gently.

"Oh, rare, you're motivated."

"I have trouble getting away and being possessed by Leggles' gift again."

"You'll be inside the mansion by now, so don't worry about it."

Oh, well. The mansion and woods are inherently at the end of the eyes and nose. In the time I've earned, I should be able to afford to reach the mansion.

Well, then, it served its purpose.

In a sigh of relief, Dr. Romanov and Mr. Viktor turn back as they were played.

When I was followed and turned around, the smoke was coming up from the mansion very quickly.

"... no!

I heard a high but sharp and hurried voice characteristic of the children, and gradually began to see small shadows out of the dust.

At the same time, Demilich, who until then had fallen prey to heaven, turns against his body greatly, offering his arms, which have only bones, to beg.

When he wondered if a bursting and big, unusual black lightning appeared over its head, DeMilich released his arms toward the dust with a great deal.