Alice turned her eyes round to Sylvie's reply. I didn't think Silvi would say that.
But if you calm down a little, you'll see.
Yesterday and today. There is hardly any event happening in the game. Diedrich to Arthur. And I hate to admit it, but neither does Leon.
Everyone is behaving differently than the game. And yet what does Silvi do with one person sticking to the game?
With the unexpected presence of Alice in front of him, Sylvie had been able to calmly judge things the other way round.
Angry Tao continued to unfold and was completely panicked. Silvi quietly told him that he had finally regained his composure.
"I failed the first event. So as planned, get out of the game. Besides, I don't think it's a game anymore. I'll try not to get involved with the offensive character as much as I can, and I'll just as secluded as I've ever been. Because that's the most peaceful thing."
"Hey... why do you come to such a conclusion? Look, just talk to me for a second and see. Running to give up is your fault. We'll figure out if we can really get to Diedrich Route."
"I don't need anything else."
Sending her gaze to Alice, who told her like she was in a hurry, Silvi sighed so much.
That's how we talk about what's happened so far in turn.
I thought it would be easier for me to sort it out, and it wasn't a bad thing to explain.
"I see..."
Listening to the story, Alice went off while clamping the button behind Silvi's dress.
"Oh well. Diedrich's Meetup Event has been completed, although it is a change ball. So you thought you were in Deedrich Route. Yeah, yeah, I get it. In fact, I came here today. But Arthur was the best person I ever met."
"Isn't that a lot weird? Well, still, once I got into Deedrich Route, I thought I'd try my best, but the results are as you can see."
"It's a garden walk event. That should be Diedrich."
"He said it somehow turned into Arthur. So...?
Encouraged by Alice, Sylvie also said as she blushed.
"I was kissed, hey, just a little bit of my chest touched too"
"Yes, out. You're definitely on the Arthur route."
Calmly told, Silvi fell apart disappointed.
Sitting Silvi like that on a mirror bench, Alice starts tying her hair together. Silvi closed her eyes to the feeling of the brush combing her hair. Alice asks.
"Hey, actually, the question is, why can't you be Arthur? It sure doesn't work the same way as the game. It sounds more like they like it than the game, and it doesn't seem like a problem."
Silvi told Alice, with a blushing face, that her face was bright red.
"So, that's why I don't like Arthur's incest! I don't want to go on the stunning route. I don't feel like I can stand it every morning!
Alice, pompous for a moment, eventually laughed out at Couscous.
"Well, that's not it. I might not like that either. Ah... so why don't you do me a favor and marry me, even a concubine? I think they'll disperse a little. What do you say, this great idea?"
Alice said with a proud face, but Silvi was nowhere near laughing. Because...
"I don't like the polygamy of people who become husbands. If you're getting married, you need to stay just me. That's not normal."
"Uh... it's a hassle. If you can't do it alone, you can share it."
"Why do we have to split our husbands together?"
"Then," Alice said when Silvi told him so while he stood still.
"You can take Arthur's affair by yourself."
"So I'm Arthur Route, or I'm not willing to attack myself. Hey, are you listening?
"... what are you talking about while Arthur tells you what he confessed? Isn't it impossible to avoid it now? Arthur is going to stop it. You were told, weren't you? Don't look at the other guys. You're practically declared mine. I can't, I can't. I know you do, but Arthur in particular is a character all the way."
To Alice's words, Silvi was stuck in words.
Yes, Arthur is a really good man, except for the fact that incest is a big deal.
If only you liked me, I would never betray you all the way. It takes care of me. That was one of the reasons Silvi liked Arthur.
"I know you don't want to go to Arthur Route, but the more I hear about it, the more I feel like I'm already stuck on both legs. It's really amazing. I can't believe you dropped Arthur altogether in just two days. No matter how many rugged gays you can't get that far. Yeah, you're talented, aren't you?
Said in a teasing tone, Silvi frowned uncomfortably.
"Stop it, right? That's not why I'm saying I want to do something about it. For all this has happened, I want to live a peaceful noble lady's life. That's all."
"... what a punishing heroine. It's blasphemy for being reincarnated into the world of games and running away from them."
Alice raised her voice that she couldn't believe it, but Silvi told her she was kicking ass.
"You can say whatever you want. I've been making up my mind since the beginning. If it doesn't seem possible, let's leave. I'm sorry I got muddy. I want to be at peace. If Diedrich can't do it, that's enough, and I'm not willing to chase him. I'm just not dressed like that."