Laughing Alice. Alice looked up at the clock and said to Silvi, "It's already this time," she muttered.
"Well, I'm done for, and I'm going. I'm gonna tell you one thing, we're only gonna talk like this when we're alone, okay? Basically, I go by my dear Alice, and I have a lot to live for."
"I know. I won't tell anyone, and I'll make sure they don't know."
To Alice's request, Silvi nodded, of course.
Alice has Alice's life. Even if you're a friend from a previous life, your current identity doesn't change. She's a maid and Silvi's a marquis. We must behave as one another deserves, especially in public.
"Thanks. Well, we'll talk about it again. … excuse me. Lady."
The last dialogue was told in the maid's face as Alice, who left the room.
Dropping it off, Sylvie falls back into bed.
I can't believe I even reincarnated into an old friend and was in the same world.
In a situation that seems very unlikely to be coincidental, Silvi is nevertheless happy and cheeks loose.
"... dependable"
Reincarnation, maiden games. I don't believe who heard this, I have someone I can talk to seriously about ridiculous things.
I still remember my previous life for a few days. But being able to consult Alice in her heart made Sylvie's mind pretty much easier.
I was desperately strong that I had to do something on my own, but I felt a little out of strength.
"Yeah. Looks like I can work hard..."
I don't want to apply it to games anymore. But you can't ignore the existence of the game either.
Though difficult, Sylvie managed to impress Arthur.
Of course, the other characters.
On his desk, he noticed that the rose flower was alive.
The bouquet Arthur brought me. He must have decorated Silvi's room. That was the right choice given that it was a gift for Silvi.
Red red, big rose. I'll gently touch the flowers.
Thorns are taken, so I was relieved, but I get nervous somehow. Is that because you know this rose is from the Royal Garden and very precious?
"Pick an important rose for me... are you sure it was good?
The Royal Garden is a special place. And the rose that blooms there is something more special.
Silvi knew competing games. That this rose has a special secret. This is a special flower that I would never take outside if I were normal.
"I hope your majesty isn't mad at me..."
Probably won't happen, but I still think.
Please, don't let Arthur get mad at you.
That's how Sylvie exhaled in a deep sigh.
"... Arthur... I knew you looked great"
Reminded me of a slutty kiss as Arthur, Silvi blushed one person.
Sweet lip feel. And Arthur's tongue move to take everything away. When I was touched in the chest, I didn't know what to do and it hardened. But I never hated it.
"... no, I'm thrilled again"
Even though I have to forget about Arthur.
Cover your budding feelings.
If you look at this, I'm sure Silvi won't be able to go back. Because I knew it, Sylvie strayed from her emotions.
This place is real. If Arthur were chosen, Silvi would be unquestionably caught up in the jealousy of the ladies who envy her and the nobles' political tactics.
That goes on even after the ending has flown in the game.
It doesn't end with "Me and Me and Me" like a game. Silvi understood that.
If it was just stunning, I could have done my best. But I didn't tell Alice, but that was actually a problem for Silvi, too.
Silvi couldn't decide to be ready to get caught up in that kind of royalty-specific crap.
He told me to wait for Silvi, Arthur's face comes to mind. My chest ached with tickles and guilt.
"Sorry, Arthur. But I can't take your hand. I can't have a princess king. Please, leave me alone. Keep me in peace."
Still, Arthur's gentle smile hits the back of his brain.
Silvi shook it off desperately.
But that night, Arthur's face haunted him, and Silvi could hardly sleep.