"It could take a little while. But make sure..."
"Wait, Arthur."
My master's voice stopped Arthur from trying to jump out of the house quickly. Looking back, he has something like a small bag in his hand. Looks like there's some dried flowers in there.
"Arthur, did you, maybe, give Silvi a royal garden rose or something?
"Yep... Yep, a while ago"
So this time I sincerely regretted my reckless deeds in the past that it was difficult, but the master broke his face, "Well."
"You! Well done! This flower that Silvi had definitely belonged to a rose in the Royal Garden. Even if it's dry, it won't cause any problems with the medicinal effects, so you can keep using it!
"Ho, is that true!?"
Open your eyes to stories like lies. "Oh," the master nodded.
"You accidentally fell out of the pocket of your dress when this guy wandered off. I thought maybe... ok, we can work this out"
"Good...... Silvi"
Sylvie, who exhales painfully, doesn't seem to know exactly what her situation is right now.
I'm desperate to hold onto a body that gets hot, and I don't even understand maybe who's around.
Consciousness was also like a semi-awakening, with no focus.
Still, there was joy in Arthur's voice calling her.
I was delighted that Silvi took care of the flowers she had given me. Her reaction to herself is never all good.
I was in a pointless hurry to get it quickly, and I knew it was supposed to get me in trouble as a result. Even the rose, Sylvie received, was clearly perplexed. Even the sweets, although I wanted to please them and gave them to them, I know they had the look of the question "why not".
But she says it's a treat thank you, gives me a handmade treat, and takes care of the rose Arthur gave me.
You try to get away right away, and if you get close, you'll blush and smile happily from time to time.
"- Expect, can I?
The voices I made were plundering.
I wasn't willing to give up more than I was originally, but I still think so. My breasts get hot at the possibility that I might get my thoughts back from her.
Staring at Sylvie, a voice hung from Melvin. When he looks up hah, he says with a difficult face.
"I'll make the antidote now. This is my first pill, so I can't say I can do it right away. Until then, you dissipate Sylvie."
I didn't understand for a moment what they said. And at the same time I understand, my face stains bright red.
"You'll see. Fortunately, Sylvie is at her limit. Keep dissipating heat until I make the antidote. Otherwise, Sylvie's gonna go crazy."
Quit saying too many words. Melvin frowned and said offensively.
"I don't know who prepared it, but it's a terrible, bad taste medicine. The more you endure, the more heat cages inside and makes you want more men. Still, after patience, the fever you endured goes up to your brain... you know what I mean without saying any more?
Understanding that Silvi had been drugged by the world, Arthur felt so angry that he wanted to scream out loud.
I don't know how it felt to be approached by someone who drugged Silvi.
But I could never have done this in such a way that I totally disregarded her will.
And I think.I wonder how much I loved her, but not too long ago, I said to her unauthorized in the garden that I was guilty of the same crime. There is, of course, a difference of degree, but it is the same in that we did not confirm our intention.
I'm attacked by terrible guilt. But not if you're drunk or thinking about yourself like that right now. Arthur looked up and confirmed to his own master.
"... if you want to help, hold Silvi, is that what you mean"
"I wouldn't even call it a hug. Let him do it a few times. While you're buying time like that, I'll finish the pills."
"... other than that, there's a way"
- Yes, sir.
Affirmed, Arthur responded instantly. If that's all you have, you have to do it. He didn't have the willingness to give up his role to anyone else. Hold Silvi up and ask sharply.
"Is there a room available?
"You have a room where you guys used to play a lot. There, now it's a private room for emergency hospitalization. There's nobody here, so use it."
It's in a house I know very well. Trying to move quickly, Melvin hung up on me. Turn around silently.
"... I finally found a woman I like, and you don't have much luck with this, either."
Raise your eyebrows.
I often say no luck, etc.