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"Your Highness."
It was Diedrich, dressed in black knight clothes, who got the word that he could come again if he was with Arthur and waited outside for Sylvie, who followed Melvin's residence.
Apparently, he was escorting us from a little further away.
Diedrich had a squire on horseback but with another reins.
"As Your Highness commanded, I brought you here. Which way do you plan to go?
Saluting Chirali and Silvi, Diedrich asked Arthur.
"I'm going to go to Forest Park," Arthur replied when he received the reins from his squire.
"Which is Forest Park?
"Royally owned, Mildreds Forest Park."
"I see. I understand."
Listen to the interaction between the two conversations. Today, Arthur was on holiday for the whole day, so after going to Melvin's house, he promised to take a long ride if he had time.
I hadn't asked you where you were going, but Mildlers Forest Park would be nearby, and I have no problem with that in terms of escorts.
Mildreds Forest Park is a royally-owned place where ordinary people cannot enter without permission.
It was also to protect the special grass flowers and ore that can only be picked in this forest park.
"Last time, assassins targeted me. I will protect you from that again."
Diedrich wasn't there then, but I guess that's not the problem.
Silvi also thought that he wouldn't have to go on a long ride until he took a lot of escorts, but Diedrich said he sensed that.
"It's okay. I won't stand in the way of your date. Unlike the last time you went to the woods, Mildreds Forest Park is a place where you are forbidden to enter anything but royal humans. We are waiting at the entrance to the park. However, you will be able to contact me in case of need."
"I know. If you need anything, I'll get in touch with you by magic as soon as I can."
"Yes, that's fine. - So, please, Lord Sylvia, please enjoy it with His Highness."
Smiled and said, Silvi had trouble doing what he could answer.
Arthur crosses the horse and reaches out to Silvi.
"Oh, yeah."
Grab Arthur's hand. My body was pulled up a lot. When he calms down in front of Arthur, he calls out.
"I don't run too fast. Sylvie, can I come out?
"Yeah. It's okay."
Nodding, Arthur slowly ran the horse. Mildlers Forest Park is right on the side of the King's Capital. I didn't even have to hurry.
Silvi was watching the scenery around him as Arthur caught him. I was just a little concerned about everyone's gaze, but more than that I realized this was my first date and was thrilled to be alone.
(You say you're going out for the first time after dating, so you're not wrong on your first date...)
Dating Mildlers Forest Park was also a game when it came to it.
It's a royally owned park, so the opponent is still Arthur, and you can enjoy playing outside there -.
(Ahhh!? No! Mildlers Forest Park is a crisis of chastity if you go!?)
I inadvertently remembered what the game was about, and Silvi blued.
In the game, we go to Mildlers Forest Park, before we both think about it, but that's just erotic.
Temple porn events are available.
It's like, "Sudden rain! Take refuge in the cabin that was nearby, while we warm each other up...".
At all, it is an event that will make you want to put in a scratch as to whether you have been shipwrecked by Snow Mountain.
(What are we doing while we warm each other up!? If we're living in the rain, we just have to be nice. Don't get involved in pornographic events!
I think the opposite is enough to make me want to ask myself a while ago.
Nevertheless, it is too early to despair. What Silvi knows is only an event in the game. It doesn't necessarily happen.
(If you think the game hasn't started, it's more natural not to happen, right? It's okay...... I'm sure it's okay)
Besides, the weather is beautiful today. It doesn't seem like a drop of rain. Even the terms are different. I wasn't a lover in the game, but Sylvie and I are now lovers who are assuming marriage.
(All right, calm down, me. Look, everything's different. I'm just going for a little long ride, so I'm fine... I'm fine...)
There was no one on the spot to put in a sober scratch that it might be more dangerous to be dating than not to be dating.
As Sylvie was desperate to say to herself, 'I'm fine,' Arthur tilted her neck.
"What's up? Sylvie. Anything wrong?
"Uh-huh. It's nothing."
"? Lots of them?
"Oh, yeah, yeah."
"What's up, Sylvie?
"Hey, it's nothing."
Not too upset, words slip for some reason. This... no.
Arthur turns a subtle face to Silvi, who keeps saying weird things.
And while they were behaving suspiciously, they managed to deceive, and while very tired, they arrived at Mildlers Forest Park.