(Di, get Diedrich? You're lying......! No, but it's between beauties, and if I say ants? No, there isn't!
I unintentionally imagined it, and Sylvie shook off her obnoxious delusions. Arthur turns his face bright blue and raises his voice.
"I will make sure to tell them immediately!
"Oh, I don't mind if I slow down."
Very mean way to laugh. I'm pretty sure this is more than half the time.
Satisfied to see Arthur in a hurry, Ease waved in a good mood.
"Well, you'll be waiting. See you later, Sylvie."
Thus, without waiting for Arthur's reply, he left the room on his own. Silvi, who couldn't follow Ease at all, looks at Arthur with dismay.
"Arthur... about Diedrich, joking... right?
"It's true he's bisexual."
"Ugh, yeah......"
"So I can't say it's a hundred percent joke"
I just had to shut up.
Cough up so Arthur can re-divide it.
"Anyway! Just keep your word and you'll be fine."
"Oh, right......! So, Arthur. What was that about earlier? Of course, if you can't tell me, that's fine."
I was curious, so I'll just ask.
Arthur would say no, and I thought he wouldn't mind as much as asking.
To Sylvie's inquiry, Arthur widened the note he had just received from Ease to show it.
About the letter's investigation report.
"... a letter?
"Don't you remember? I told you the day I went to your mansion to help you, I came because it said Gemini was coming in the sender's unknown letter, right?
I knew what Arthur said. The day that Silvi was about to be grabbed by Leon and somehow came to Gemini to give it to you, Gemini withdrew with Arthur bringing his soldiers and gave up killing Leon.
"The letter then, or... You're telling me you didn't know who sent you after all?
"That's right. I wanted to know who sent the letter for what. We didn't know. But I thought you might find out in Uroboros."
"Oh well..."
"Don't you have any idea?
I tried to fish my memory, but there were no events such as an unknown sender letter coming to Arthur. Then you'll be fine with Silvi.
"I'm sorry. I'm not going to help."
"Never mind. I was just asking."
I guess it's where I want any little information. I'm sorry I couldn't help Arthur with his troubles.
"Silvi, do you want to get back on your mind and take a little walk in the garden?
Is there anything I can do to help? Arthur called out as he thought hard as he was depressed.
I guess I sensed Sylvie's depressed air. That's the kind thing about Arthur.
Besides, I certainly don't get any answers for thinking about it right now. Silvi nodded, thinking it might be better to take a little walk.
"Uh, just the two of us?
When I hear of walking in the garden, I really think that my mother-in-law and I are three. When asked if he was going to ask if he was still ahead of him for a walk with his mother-in-law, Arthur laughed and said.
"Sometimes, it wouldn't be a bad idea to be alone"
When Silvi agreed, Arthur took her out to her usual courtyard.
A walk for just the two of us kind of makes me feel like I'm on a date. But because the conversation I was having is a conversation, the contents of the conversation really have nothing to do with sex.
"Hey, Arthur."
Silvi spoke to Arthur walking next door as he walked down a trail that allowed about four adults to pass.
"Who do you think Gemini's favorite kid is?
"Talk about it again."
Silvi said to Arthur, who looked like he had no choice but to think so.
"Because I care. What the hell kind of child..."
Are you a reincarnator or not? And does it have anything to do with this case?
Even if I'm listening to Gemini, I don't think it's irrelevant, but I have no idea what the motive is.
"Gemini said he wanted to get the kid in a good mood. Gemini thought he was trying to kill Leon and the Duke of Slain in order to get in the mood. If so, for what..."
"Besides, I didn't kill him in the end. You didn't have to kill me..."
Leon, being in a different mood, Claude took Gemini's hand from the two of them, for the reason that he would get torture equipment. But I know that it's not supposed to work that easily.
"I wonder what that means..."
Exhale a small sigh. At the next moment, Arthur raised his sharp voice and pressed Sylvie's back hard.
I didn't know what happened. Suddenly he was pushed on the back of his mind, and Silvi rolled to the ground. I had pain, but I manage to poke my hand and wake up my torso. Looking back, Arthur stood to shelter Silvi. In front of him is Gemini.
I was too surprised and my voice flipped. Keep your hands on the ground and gaze at Gemini. He was in a very relaxed position, holding a knife and staring at Silvi.
Arthur speaks sharply.
"What are you going to do? You're after Sylvie now, aren't you?
To the words, Sylvie opened her eyes. Why was I targeted? Yesterday, they said they were smiling and talking to each other.
What happens and the blade is pointed at you by Gemini. Silvi really didn't get it.
"Gemini... how..."
"You have nothing to resent. But if you don't do this, he won't know I'm serious. So die for me."
"Hey, say what... Yikes!
Gemini disappeared.
It only looked like Silvi disappeared. Arthur, standing in front of Silvi, unable to move, pulled out the sword he lowered to his hips and stopped Gemini's knife.
Silvi closed her eyes aggressively to the sound of metal and metal bumps.
Sylvie, run.
Silvi opened her eyes to Arthur's chopped voice. Arthur is taking Gemini's attack with all his might. Gemini, speaking of attacking, looked like he could afford a lot.
"Me too, you don't want to kill your friends. But he and Sylvie have different priorities. I swore I'd get him. For that, Sylvie will have to die."
"I don't know what that means..."
Arthur begins Gemini's knife back. Gemini, who jumped back, immediately launched two shots. Arthur comes forward and outsmarts the attack. That was repeated many times.
The metal sounds continuously. Sylvie just stared wide open at it.
"Ah... ah..."
I couldn't believe it. Silvi was driven by the urge to snap her own cheeks, even at times like this. 'Cause I can't see the two of you moving at all.
I thought I could fight because I could use magic. I'm undeniably reminded to watch the two of you fight over how sweet I was thinking that way.
(I can't believe... it's with me that I can't do anything...)
The two hegemonics pressure me, and I can't even move. Arthur told me to run, but my body doesn't move at all.
(Regrettably, I can't believe you can't even escape...)
Move, and desperately try to arouse yourself. But after all, my body didn't move, I just trembled like no other.
I'm afraid of Gemini, who's been pushing his full share of being an assassin, coming at me with a blade, and I can only be surprised at Arthur's movements fighting that Gemini on par, and even if I want to get up, I can't help myself.
"No... the power, it won't enter..."
Oh, my God, pity.
Sylvie was desperate to indulge in it as she nearly cried.
Even though Arthur is fighting for me. If you're going to respond to that, you should get up now and run away like he says, but your body doesn't even move, and you just tremble when you scold it, and you feel sorry for yourself.
Not long ago, I confronted the assassins with Arthur. At that time, I could do what I wanted. Even when I confronted Gemini to protect Leon.
Silvi was able to stand and fight of his own free will.
Then why can't I do it now?
It is decided. Because Gemini's hegemony is different. And Arthur's hegemony over it is horrible, too, because he knows Sylvie is something he can't get out of upside down.
(Move, move, move...!
I desperately inspire myself.
I have no choice but to keep my feet together. But I want to do something to get away with it. Gemini looked at Silvi as he attacked Arthur, unable to move as if he had been fascinated by something.
"Yeah. I knew you couldn't move. You said you could fight, but in the end, that's about it."
Made fun of me, I think, at the same time, Zhu runs on my cheek. Sylvie stood up with her guts as she bit her lips off.
I can't forgive you for being insulted. It was her pride to be tiny.
"Hey, get up."
"Silvi! Run inside the castle. Anyone can do it, call the soldiers!
Gemini's voice like a fool mixes with Arthur's voice in a hurry. When I tried to rush out following Arthur's instructions, a screaming voice came up from right around the corner.
"No, no, no, no!!"
Face in the direction of your voice.
It was Alice, Silvi's maid, who came.
Speaking of which, I didn't tell her where I was going. Alice also knows that Gemini is now wandering the castle a lot. Worried about my husband, who hasn't quite come back to his room, he must have come looking for me outside.
But I was too unlucky.
As it is, Gemini will try to kill Alice as well. He's a man who kills without hesitation if he wants to get in his way, even off target. Alice is not very good at protecting herself if she can't use magic either. If I hadn't told him to run away now, Silvi spoke up desperately.
"No! Alice, run!
Not if I'm running away. We have to let our friends get away with anything first.
Alice opened her eyes wide and saw Arthur and Gemini fighting and Silvi sheltered by Arthur.
You must have understood what the situation was.
Scream again, or run away. Alice acted completely unexpectedly when Silvi wanted it to be the latter, if possible.
For some reason, he stared at Gemini in a ghostly shape.
That's how I yelled at him.
"What are you doing! Why are you after Arthur and Silvi!? I didn't ask you to say a word like that!!"