I made some random characters, they might have stuffed them.
Even if everything stains the potatoes.
- Side, Father, Baron of the Emperor.
And the heavens, and the earth, and all that is seen in the eyes, become potatoes, and they sink into potatoes, and are reborn as potatoes.
One is all, all is one. If so, it is the very essence of this sight to argue that the potato, which is one, can be full.
(Nuh, guh...!
The price of this secret mystery, which ignores every law and makes everything potatoes, is by no means light. Nonetheless, there is only one reason why we continue to activate where we should only maintain it for a few moments if it is meant to be.
(Hey!? Sir, I didn't hear that!
Because his Divine Bird genealogy is still alive today against the turbidity of potatoes pushing from all directions. Because you're crushing all the potatoes by something that's released from your whole body.
But this antagonistic situation persists for a long time.
First of all, we still have room over there. I do my best to respond to my secret secrets... but that would also be obvious from the fact that I can afford to slap them in the mouth for nothing.
In contrast, I am finally hard pressed to leak a bitter voice.
Secret Mistress, our self, the grace of the earth also Absolute Potato World. A form of readiness to feed oneself and bring absolute prosperity to one's fellow countrymen, no matter what barren earth they may be. The price for that activation is my power itself...... i.e. le (...) be (...) l (...) da (...) u (...) n (...).
It is the power to disappear rapidly, to sustain this antagonism as it continues to endure as it is about to lose consciousness of its loss.
If it stays like this, I will be defeated. He will use all the power he has accumulated to crush the dog to death. As emperor, I am only ashamed of my incompetence.
but still makes sense in this situation. Every thing turns into potatoes, because the only one in this mysterious mystery who can move freely has a brother-in-law!
(Noooo! Brother!
(Damn... my brothers are rough, Your Majesty)
(ho!? I can't believe you can operate in these potatoes... didn't your weapon just break down in the first place!?
Kuku, have you lost sight of your brother? That's impossible in this sea of potatoes, too.
Come on, brother. Glory be to us… paradise for all potatoes in our hands!
(Ha ha! I only have one hand, I don't remember saying anything. Drop as you lose sight, lastshoto!!
A shot of his brother's body thrusts as his power is attenuated by the attack from over there. This fight is our victory!!
- Full burst.
(... What, to?
All the potatoes were gone.
(No, obsession is horrible. Come on. Even my current moves, Fafnir, I never used them.)
The Raptor King is looking down on us from heaven.
(You can be proud. He made me cut one trump card.)
There's an absolutely powerful man who can shoot even the mystery easily.
(Well, on top of that, with questions. Come on. Do you still want to go on?
From the beginning, there was no reason for us to win.
He who takes to the Divine Bird, it would have been possible if that had just been the case...... the other guy was too bad.
Everything is stained with potatoes and yet, the only glow that cannot be dyed. Because immortality had changed its shape and been passed on to a new generation.
- side Riley Leaf -
I was solidified in front of a monitor reflecting the boss room where the battle was already over.
"Modestly, you're crazy"
To be clear, it is a dong pull.
Noctis is strong now, but I didn't think that Baron Father Emperor Fight was on that side.
What the hell is that secret majesty!? I don't know what it means to turn everything you touch into potatoes! It's too fast from activating to growing on it, and players can't handle it!
Ha... ha... Phew. Well, there's a certain amount of time abnormality where I ate: it's just going to be potatoes, so it doesn't matter to the really strong people who will come to this dungeon any time soon. There are strong men in the world who overwhelm their enemies even when they become candy balls, and they're safe.
"That's why the strangeness of Noctis stands out..."
I was wrong. I had decided on my own that that regular hypervelocity serial attack was due to the full burst effect.
How about that, actually? Even in the battle with Fafnir, he usually only attacked? Bug character. You, I don't remember using cheat codes.
If it's the result of circling the Fafnir LV10 in search of dragon meat, I don't know. But you could've done the same thing by the time you taemed it, right, this guy?
No, it's good to be friends with the birds you make (Vilzove). I'm glad you didn't make such a full-fledged stuffing element that you could have turned to such an enemy.
But if I hadn't been taken off that island in the first place, there wouldn't have been such a dangerous thing, and two more of them would be flying around the field freely.
... Yeah, let's make sure as soon as possible.
"Well, I know potatoes are damn strong, and I'm gonna go officially scout"
It's just pathetic to leave your heart broken.
Well, the truth is, you can leave the scouts to Noctis, but there's something they need to hear.
About my created dungeon, da (...) n (...) j (...) o (...) n (...) ma (...) s (...) ta (...) - (...) l (...) - (...) m (...) et al (...) acknowledge (...) awareness (...) no (...) can (...) ability (...) realm (...) range (...).
Do you want to see how Noctis is growing before then?
Tame Monster
Rex-Noctis (Bird Gar Happy)
Lv 24/150 123/150
HP 1200 4200
MP6500 24200
STR 50 200
VIT120 420
INT 4120 13750
MND 480 900
AGI 250 910
DEX 800 1400
LUK 40 310
Oh, are you so disappointed on the level already? Don't get your eyeballs hot when you think about the number of hunted fafniels.
Hang on, I thought I'd be more shocked if I checked. Is that it? It's no big deal, or even for a second. I'm afraid of myself.
It's the thinnest shock right now because of the high original numbers, but it's crazy that the INT numbers are five digits over.
That one, if you put it in a nutshell... I knew bird garhappiness was a monster.