I made some random characters, they might have stuffed them.

Accommodation Day 3 - Problems That Didn't Come Up As Expected



"Hey, I'm fine, both of you"

It is Kosuke and Rumi who are blatantly depressed. Speaking of what happened, the rest of the problem did not raise the issue of the system of counting something. It's just that.

"I counted you so hard... I can't believe it was pointless..."

"I count to the number of trees for each type... really, it sounds stupid..."

"What kind of memory do you have?"

I don't have to know anything or artifacts that have characteristics in the first place, and I wouldn't make the number of trees growing around it a problem. No, what is the oldest cedar tree on the property? What a problem.

"Probably the first question is, was it something to get the nature around you to look at? Look, until then, we've been talking, and we've seen the view."

"Different... definitely catching on..."

"The one who made the problem is absolutely character screw bent..."

"Oh, I don't think so...?

(Lily) is still messing around with followers. It's serious and depressing, so I just want you to get back to your usual condition. I've come up with one way to do this, so I'm going to give it a try as I think neither of us will have that simple personality.

"Shh, I'll give you some information to keep."

"Information......? You think you can heal our broken hearts with something like that?

"I don't know if it'll heal. It's just pretty awesome information, huh?

"I don't know... don't get too tired to talk to me..."

"Huhuhuhuhuhu, fine. You made a dungeon on our home, didn't you?

"Oh, you're talking about Spud"

"What's wrong with the dungeon?

"Right there, I grew up."

"I grew up... what is it?

"World Tree"


"Because...... eh!?

"Yoji, that's true!?"

"Mochi! You don't have to go to Elf Country and do a bunch of troublesome quests, you can take all the materials you want from the World Tree!

"Whoa! Awesome!"

"Oh, shit. That!

Oh, my God, it's a tension blast for both of us up to Mr. Early Lily Lily. I know what it's like to be a world tree. Presence at the top of the list of botanical items found today. Even dead leaves are traded at high prices, all you can take. Was there no reason not to get nervous? I can't believe I'm not tense at some point I'm falling asleep with Io and about the chairman of the committee who didn't do Sprud...... that's crazy, the chairman of the committee is looking at me with a face like "is this guy serious!?"

"Let, the world tree...? Is that what you can raise...?

"When I sowed it in the field, I grew up fine, didn't I?

"I grew up when I sowed it... why do you have the seeds of a world tree in the first place!

"I think it's a souvenir kidnapped by a big bird. You know, Commissioner, maybe you're starting to want to do Sprud?

"Eh, chi...! I'm just curious because I'm gonna tell you that all of a sudden, mythical plants have grown!

"Ha ha, don't be shy about the normal thing about wanting to play games. President of the Commission, it would be nice to protect your character, but being too patient is bad for your body, huh?

"I don't even want to protect the chairman character! Because I've never even spent that way!

"Really... since the chairman of the committee has already extremed the chairman of the committee, doesn't he need to be aware of that now? A boulder."

"I don't remember anything like that!

"Well, if you're kidding around here, and you're going to start spreading, the dive machine is going to have a pricey version of the spreads included, so you better wait till then."

"Ugh, yeah... I'll think about it..."

Even the cheaper version is still such a good price, it's natural to hesitate to buy it. But enough to make a sinister face like you chewed up such a bitter bug...?



Looks like Io, who slept on my back, woke up because of the noise.

"Hmm... children's lunch"


"I made up my mind. Children's Lunch"

"Oh, have you been thinking about what you might make me make while I'm sleeping?

"Mm-hmm. Kids lunch is good, a dream menu with colorful dishes on one plate"

"Indeed. That's luxurious when you think calmly, child lunch......"

More than one chicken rice or pilaf for rice and a hamburger or fried shrimp for occassions. Plenty of soup and dessert there, of course, and in some cases even toys to follow. The one who devised your children's lunch would have had a high level of children. I know all about your child's privileges. Adults have two legs to ask for, a sense of superiority that you are a child but can therefore ask for. And the flag that insists on its grandeur makes this perfect dish even more special... that's your child's lunch!

And do I have to challenge you tonight to create such a children's lunch?...... hmm? If you're going to make it at night, isn't that dinner, not lunch...?

"Of course, sizes are oversized"

"That's not your kids' lunch anymore, is it?

"I'm fine, because I'm a 17-year-old veteran of yours"

"Does your child have a veteran or something..."

It was a thought-provoking word for what your child is.