I plant a field in the last days

Chapter 4 Ways to Make Money

At six o'clock in the evening, Lu Yuan wore clean casual clothes and sat in the open-air night market at Lao Liu’s barbecue. Some Xiaoshan’s favorite chicken wings and cut lamb chops were already grilled on the barbecue. Lu Yuan felt that he needed to add something more to the things he needed to hoard, and he had to take Wei Xiaoshan over.

In the fifth year of the apocalypse, the national reserves of strategic materials have been completely consumed, and all the food that everyone eats is a gift from nature-hard-shelled beetles, mutated rats that just came out and everyone shouted. Later, because of the arrival of the flood, the mutant mouse never appeared again, and human beings missed that good time.

The smelly and hard beetle bites people particularly painful. They like to eat rotten corpses. They will bite people when they are extremely hungry. If this kind of beetle does not cook and add some seasoning, it will not swallow at all. Lu Yuan tried , I really can't swallow it, that thing is too stinky.

Looking at the cumin on the lamb, Lu Yuan was lost in thought, and then he was patted on the back.

Girlfriend Wei Xiaoshan came, with a tall man covered in dragons and tigers.

The man was holding a handbag on his arm, a Chinese dangling in his mouth, and a big gold chain gleaming around his neck. He wobbled as he walked, just like he had just been discharged from the hospital with a leg injury.

Lu Yuan stood up silently, pointed at the man and asked.

"Xiaoshan, he... who is he?"

Wei Xiaoshan pulled Lu Yuan's arm with joy, and said in a special fake voice: "This is my cousin, I just met on the road, and said that we must have a meal! Look at this... cousin , Introduce, this is my boyfriend Lu Yuan!"

Lu Yuan watched Wei Xiaoshan blinking her big eyes constantly, and immediately understood. He immediately stood up and held the opponent's hand and said excitedly: "Oh! Cousin, look up for a long time! I always listen to Xiaoshan. I told you, I finally saw the real person!"

The other party was not polite either. He held the cigarette in his mouth and patted Lu Yuan on the shoulder and said, "Cousin! Don't be polite with your brother. If you need help, please mention it! By the way! I invite you for this meal today! Waiter, lobster! Come on two plates of lobster!"

Then he sat on the stool and threw the handbag on the table and took out the cigarette.

"Come to root Huazi?"

Lu Yuan squinted, okay!One left!Immediately shook his head and said he would not smoke!

"It's not that I said you, brother, you are not good at it! You have to follow your brother! Big gold chain small watch! Standard!"

"It's not me! The night market in front of our Qingshi is covered by your brother and I, so please mention my name for dinner in the future! No one is unfamiliar!"

"Brother! You still have to practice drinking! Hiccup! Brother go to the toilet, don't go, wait! Brother will be back in a while! Let's continue!"


In this way, Lu Yuan waited for two hours with Wei Xiaoshan, who was vomiting, but didn't wait for his cousin, so he didn't even ask his name.

When checking out, Lu Yuan tearfully took out more than four hundred yuan, and his heart was broken.

"Boss! Just two plates of lobster, two small stir-fries, a plate of cold cucumber, and a case of beer. Why are they so expensive!"

The boss reached out and wiped his hands on the oily twisted apron and said, "Brother, it's almost winter in November. The lobsters are almost going down, and your cousin wants to eat a lot of meat. You know this. How much does a pound of lobster cost?"

"Um... I don't know."

"It's okay in summer. Lobsters are everywhere. They usually cost more than ten yuan. It's different in winter. A catty costs at least thirty or more. If you choose a big meaty one, you have to be more expensive!"

More than 30 per catty?Lu Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up. People in Qingshui City love to eat lobsters, so they don't know how to make money with such an awesome dimensional space!Am I stupid?

Immediately, Lu Yuan asked the night market boss for a male and a female with two crayfish as a souvenir, and the boss was very generous and didn't ask for any money.

Carrying Wei Xiaoshan who was drunk and muttering on her back along the way, Lu Yuan began to calculate in her mind.

If the growth rate of crayfish in the dimensional space is about ten times that of the outside world as the growth rate of plants, the original maturity time of lobsters is about two months, and it will be slower when the weather is cold, and there are no four seasons in your space. In this way, the growth cycle of lobsters can be shortened to six days. The area of ​​a small pond is about ten square meters. There are about 200 lobsters cultivated in one square meter. Ten square meters is two thousand lobsters. Sprinkle some shrimps every day. In this case, a batch of lobsters can be received every day in a week, after all, small shrimps do not occupy space.

A crayfish is about 50 grams, two thousand is two hundred catties. According to the night market owner, the purchase price of a catty of lobsters is about 30 yuan, and two hundred catties is 6,000 yuan, which means that in the future Almost one hundred and eighty thousand yuan a month can be earned.

Lu Yuan pondered, the plan is feasible!The first pot of gold will start here for now!People in Qingshi all like to eat lobster. Although it is now November, the night market business is still very hot. Lobster is basically collected as much as there are night markets. In this way, there is no need to worry about the market. Tian Hou can produce two thousand catties of lobster every day, but it only takes three months. It is a drop in the bucket for his planning, but it is much higher than the salary, so he can only ride a donkey to find a donkey.

And he still has ten square meters of black land to grow some crops, and some poultry can be raised on the lawn to sell, so that there will be more income, Lu Yuan decided to go to the aquatic product market early tomorrow to buy some shrimp .

Originally, Lu Yuan planned to take Wei Xiaoshan back to his bedroom. When he walked halfway, he felt that letting a big girl stay in his rental room would inevitably make the future father-in-law and mother-in-law upset, so he simply walked for another half an hour. Finally delivered to her home.

Early the next morning, Lu Yuan received a call from his girlfriend Wei Xiaoshan. The other party apologized and criticized his unreliable cousin. He sent himself a red envelope of 200 yuan and said It was yesterday's meal money. It was a matter of principle. Lu Yuan could not refuse. In the end, he still accepted the money. Anyway, it is time for money to be short.

There was still nine thousand and fifty yuan on the card. Lu Yuan put one male and one female into his dimensional space last night. Sure enough, there were more shrimp eggs in the pond of the space in the morning.

After taking a taxi to the aquatic product market, looking at the crowded people and the water all over the floor, Lu Yuan knew that he seemed to be late. The fresh and good things were sent to wholesale by Erdao dealers as early as four or five in the morning, but today he The purpose is to go to the shrimp larvae.

On both sides of the road are some aquatic product vendors. They put all kinds of fish tanks and water basins in front of them for people to choose, but they are all seafood. Lu Yuan does not know whether his small pond can cultivate seafood. There is not much money, so you need to be cautious about buying, but the price of bluefin tuna is really gratifying, that is, the growth cycle is too long to consider.