I plant a field in the last days

Chapter 295 finally happened

I don't know what happened, but the temperature in the Rift Valley has always been high, but recently it has slowly started to blow a cold wind.

For this abnormal weather, Lu Yuan specially found the base in charge of the weather of several researchers.

And when they said that this weather, in fact, is due to the Rift Valley terrain caused by the unstable air pressure, resulting in the cold wind, this situation will not last long, Lu Yuan completely put his mind at ease.

Several months of time, the mining volume seems to have been some decline, day after day the quality and quantity of ore produced began to slowly decline, Lu Yuan knew it was time to go to the other few mines to find to mining.

However, when a few people came over with the mining report, suddenly there was a feeling of ground shaking in the distance.

Everyone was so frightened that they hurriedly stood near where they could take shelter.

But this time the small earthquake did not last long, a few minutes later the world once again restored calm.

Blackie and a few other members of the watch battle team were all in a state of shock and waited a few minutes before slowly getting up.

"I go, what is this situation again earthquake?" Blackie patted the dirt on his body while standing up and looking towards the distance.

Everyone in the camp was startled by this powerful tremor, after coming back to their senses, the people hurriedly gathered together and began to discuss and ask what was the cause of this.

Black spit, and then led a few exploration team members into Lu Yuan's office.

"I go, you have been shaken off the picture frame? It seems that the intensity of the earthquake is still quite strong!"

Seeing Lu Yuan is correcting the picture frame, Hei Zi rushed over to help while saying.

After straightening the frame, Lu Yuan sighed and then looked at the time.

"How is it? Is the location of the new mine occupied by them?"

Black shook his head, then handed over the report in his hand: "This is not, but they have found some ore in other places with better quality! It's not far from our location!"

"That's good, as long as they don't take our mine, hurry up and get ready, let's go and take the mine there!"

Lu Yuan said while looking at the report in his hand on his desktop, after a comparison, finally selected two mining areas as their next site.

Just after the people just agreed to finish, suddenly there was a noisy sound from outside.

Several people put down the things in their hands, then with a trace of doubt opened the door of the room, only to see a number of miners have gathered around, while old Qin was constantly waving his hand at the crowd.

"Okay, everyone take it easy, I will immediately report this matter to the General Lu, and wait for the General Lu meeting to decide whether we should carry out the evacuation!"

Old Qin was talking while walking towards the inside, the sweat on his head was constantly flowing.

"Old Qin? What's wrong? What is it that still needs to be evacuated?"

Lu Yuan was not only a little surprised to ask a question, after all, the evacuation of the matter is important, and Lao Qin as a geological safety officer, directly responsible for this matter, once encountered what danger, they are responsible for assessing the level of danger to determine whether to evacuate.

The old Qin's eyes are revealing a trace of panic at this moment.

Lu Yuan gently pulled old Qin in, then closed the office door, a serious face stared at old Qin.

"What happened, see you panicking and talking about evacuation, what is going on?"

Old Qin took a glass of water handed over by Lu Yuan, drank it all, and then after catching his breath, he began to say: "Mr. Lu, it's like this, just that small earthquake was caused by Zhao Tinghai's use of prohibited items, there has been a serious collapse accident, and a large amount of black fog leaked out of the cave, is coming in the direction of our side! "

After hearing these words, immediately all the people on the scene all look terrified, Lu Yuan frowned, in his heart can not help but cursed Zhao Tinghai this pig opponent really made such a thing.

So, Lu Yuan hurriedly asked again: "What is the situation over there now? Did you just see it with your own eyes?"

Old Qin nodded in a panic, then took his phone out and handed it to Lu Yuan.

"This is the video I just took down over Zhao Tinghai, in the moment of the explosion there was a large amount of black fog rushed out of the cave, they may have made the underground cavity, due to the higher temperature inside, and increase the black fog, rushed out of the moment is black fog rushing to the sky!"

Black several people are also rushed around to look at the video on the phone, Lu Yuan will be the phone person in the video zoomed in, only to see that just inside the video is a black fog shrouding the image of heaven and earth, all the people are running in all directions, and in the moment of the explosion inside the boulders keep falling, and this time because they detonated that empty valley, there seems to be some combustible gas inside, resulting in a series of explosions, video Absolutely can use the hell on earth to describe the scene inside.

Several people saw the image on the photo, immediately some panic up, and black is usually bold, this time the face is also a surprisingly appear a trace of panic look.

"Lu Yuan, the black fog is highly toxic, we should hurry to prepare for the evacuation, or withdraw late can really be too late, we still have so many pigs, cattle, sheep and poultry are here, can not be wasted!"

Lu Yuan nodded and said in a soft voice: "Don't rush, let's go see what the situation is, see how much the speed and strength of the black fog, and then come over to judge!"

So Lu Yuan handed the phone back to the old Qin, then several people rushed to the logistics office, directly to the radiation suit and gas mask to find, each dressed in equipment, Lu Yuan is directly driving the car all the way to speed, towards the direction of the explosion occurred in the mine.

Because the road is very rugged, the car speed is not particularly fast, Lu Yuan at this time anxious, afraid to go late may affect their side of the retreat, so only as far as possible to the highest speed to ensure the safety of the situation, all are tightly gripping the car's armrests to prevent being knocked in the car.

Finally, the car in about half an hour or so of driving time, is finally in the distance found the phenomenon of thick smoke rolling, only to see the sky of black fog so ravaged the immediate area, and sitting in the passenger side of the old Qin has long been a face of shock.

"How ...... how can so fast, just now also in front of dozens of kilometers away, this moment has run to here!"

Looking at the face of the terrified old Qin, everyone's face with a hint of panic.

"Mr. Lu, let's hurry back, if we don't retreat, it will really be too late!"

"Yes, Lu Yuan, we can't delay any longer, if we delay any longer, we will really be too late, we can save a little now, let's wait for the fog to disperse and then come back!"

Lu Yuan looked at the distant black fog, not only is the contemplation for a moment, then turned back to ask a glance at the old Qin: "We have housing anti-poison effect how to do?"

Hearing Lu Yuan ask this, old Qin's face flashed a trace of incomprehension, so he hurriedly opened his mouth to answer: "Well, the protection is done in accordance with the standard three times! General toxicity is unable to break through our residential area there! And there is an internal circulation system inside, people stay inside is no problem!"

The black son is that Lu Yuan has been crazy, this time still think to hide in the residential area, trying to avoid the black fog, the toxicity of this thing he has seen.

At that time he followed Lu Yuan a few people in the Rift Valley in search of gold mining team, is also encountered this kind of poisonous fog, this kind of poisonous fog is so strong that people are simply scared, when the young boy was inhaled into the poisonous fog before death, he still vaguely remembered in his mind.

"According to the standard three times, then the strength of this poisonous fog reaches three times the ordinary toxicity?"

When the words came out, everyone was shaking their heads, because they are not laboratory people, the toxicity of this poison do not have any understanding, see people do not know, so Lu Yuan could not help but is hurriedly took out the phone, directly dialed Chen Yan's phone.

The other side quickly picked up the phone, Chen Yan some panic, hurriedly asked: "Lu Yuan, you are not running to the earthquake area over there, hurry back, I heard that there is a poisonous fog! Now everyone is waiting for you to come back!"

"Don't worry, I have a question to ask you, the toxicity of this poisonous fog last time I taught you to test, how about the test results?"

"Ah? Oh, the test results of this toxic fog came out, is about three times the toxicity of ordinary hydrogen sulfide it! After all, it is a product of nature, and does not appear too strong toxicity!"

Lu Yuan pondered for a moment before secretly nodding his head.

"Since it is three times, then our building safety level is according to the standard three times to do, should be able to withstand this toxic fog!"

"What? You do not say to hide here to avoid these toxic fog, but never, although our isolation measures are good, but once this toxic fog up, not a ten days and a half months simply can not be dispersed, this time we all stay at home, will certainly be sucked out of the oxygen inside, then the ventilation equipment will be these toxic fog to suck in, we can not hold up! "

"Good, I know!"

Said Lu Yuan hung up the phone, and Chen Yan side is angry straight stomp, this time Lu Yuan still have a fluke, she has been a little anxious, but again dial the past phone, Lu Yuan is never answered.

And at this moment, Lu Yuan is out of the binoculars super distant direction looked, only to see the endless rift valley, countless people are desperately running, their speed is simply not behind the speed of the poisonous fog so fast, capable of people are already driving a car began to constantly retreat, behind those covered by the poisonous fog fell to the ground one by one, no longer able to climb up.

"This bastard, finally is retribution, go, let's retreat first!" Said Lu Yuan put down the binoculars, and then turn the car in the direction of the base in a flash of smoke and drove away.

As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the base, immediately a large group of people gathered around, everyone was looking panic, some people even packed up their things, while the foremen were all desperately trying to persuade the workers to return to their homes.

"Mr. Lu, should we retreat or not? I heard that a toxic fog has broken out, let's hurry up and retreat!"

"Yes, Mr. Lu, if we don't evacuate, it will be too late, it's important to save our lives!"

"We don't want to die, Mr. Lu, let's retreat!"


Everyone is saying in one voice to evacuate, but Lu Yuan looked at the fish in the pond, cattle and sheep poultry on the grass, some can not bear, but once the evacuation, then they come back to the day do not know when.

Finally Lu Yuan stood on the platform and gritted his teeth, reached down and said to the crowd: "Do not panic, the poisonous fog is still some distance away from us, everyone listen to my orders, now put all their personal belongings back to their homes, and then bring half a month of food, we go to the highlands side to hide!"

As soon as the words fell, the people immediately began to panic to their homes, no one dared to stay half a step, because this is the test of their life and death time, is absolutely in a race with death.

Then Lu Yuan looked into the distance, and then called Zhou Qi over.

"Lu Yuan, the car has been refueled, do we have to leave now?"

Lu Yuan looked at the people who were already fully loaded so he nodded: "Order people to get on the car, pigs, cattle and sheep and other things, are they all driven to the basement now?"

"Don't worry, all have been settled!"

"That's good, you guys hurry up and take people away, the faster the better!"

Zhou Qi nodded, then turned around to go, suddenly seemed to realize that just Lu Yuan's words have some problems, so hurriedly turned back to glare at Lu Yuan asked: "Lu Yuan, what do you mean by that? What do you mean I can take people away, you do not go?"

Seeing Zhou Qi's concerned look, Lu Yuan smiled: "I can't leave, there is still a person here to watch, so I plan to watch our things here until the poisonous fog disappears I will call you back!"

Hearing Lu Yuan's words, Zhou Qi suddenly some panic: "Lu Yuan you do not be silly, but the poisonous fog is highly toxic, inhaled can be dead, hurry with us a piece of go, no one will miss this side! Zhao Tinghai side of the people fleeing for their lives is too late, it is unlikely to hit us!"

Lu Yuan shook his head: "I'm not worried about Zhao Tinghai, I want to test whether our grass and these roadside trees can absorb the poisonous fog! If we can really absorb the fog, then we will never have to worry about the fog here again!"