I plant a field in the last days

Chapter 618, first step

The elevator slowly rose, Lu Yuan took Chen Zhongzheng to ran up.

Although Chen Yan and Chen Zhongzheng, although it is also the beneficiary of golden fruits, but it is far more than that of the long and black son.

Soon, Lu Yuan and the black son will be behind them behind.

Chen Yan had a long time, covering his stomach, holding the wall, rushing the wall: "You two ... don't worry about me and Chen Shu! Let's save people! We follow!"

Lu Yuan nodded to see the black child: "Brothers, I haven't joined hands long!"

"Hey! Let's see who will save people!"

After finishing, the two fought in the top.

Seven layers, eight floors, nine floors ...

Fifteen floors, sixteen layers, seventeen layers ...

I finally got to the destination, Lu Yuan only felt that her chest was burning, he had not been so wild for a long time.

The speed of the black child is also quite good, but it is still a gap with land.

"I am going, your speed is too fast, you are so good, wait, me!"

Lu Yuan returned to see a black child: "The life of life is, you will follow it slowly, pay attention to safety, I will go first."

The black child shouted in the back: "Hey, do you know which place?"

"I am going, they are at 1755 room! Don't find the wrong!"

"Know it." Lu Yuan did not return, and rushed over in the direction indicated by the other party.

Everyone on the way is not a lot, everyone sees that the scene of Lu Yuan runs, I can't help but see him.

"Well? This person is dry? How do you feel good?"

"Hey, don't say that this person feels well, yes, you see that the wanted order on the wall is not him!"

"Yes, it is the president of the Yuanyuan Group Lu Yuan. How did he take a risk to this place!"

"The guards of the Dragon Group came over, is it going to go there?"


Everyone looked at the land of the rush, and he did not pay attention to these people at all, and he couldn't pay attention to his identity.

Looking at a flashing house number, Lu Yuan is desperately looking for a room at 1755.

But after a long time, I always feel that it is like a maze.

Lu Yuan is sinking, knowing that it can't be delayed, so he immediately rushed to a store.

Seeing that the Lu Yuan suddenly appeared, the owner was shocked and immediately prepared to press the alarm button.

"Where is the 1755 room?"

I heard the voices of Lu Yuan, the other party suddenly gang.

"What? Are you looking for 1755 room?"

"Yes, don't talk nonsense, tell me where!"

The other party intended to look at Lu Yuan again, but he found that he did not know when he took a pistol from his pocket and was facing yourself.

"In ... in the direction of the second floor of the left left!"

Seeing Lu Yuan Black Cave, the other person couldn't help but swallow a sight, immediately told him about the location of the room 1755.

Lu Yuan collected a pistol and saw the other party: "Now you can press the alarm, but I advise you to do it!"

In the next second, Lu Yuan disappeared in the original place, the other party was still in the middle, and the hand pressed on the alarm button, but did not hold it.

Lu Yuanshun said that the other party said this direction, and the flying will go.

After a front left left, Lu Yuan quickly ran over, and suddenly saw a few team members wearing a black guardian costume in an corner.

Lu Yuan is rushing to immediately caught their attention. Everyone puts the muzzle to the direction of the land, waiting for them to see the landing of land, there is no hesitation directly to directly swipe the trigger.

Lu Yuan is in the heart, and immediately slammed the direction of the downstairs.

" ", a series of bullets played on the wall, and the entire building is a shot of the sound.

Then the team members of the guards immediately organized a surrounding action.

"Captain, found landing, do you arrest?"

The captain of the guard team was sitting on a military truck at this moment, and he waited for them to bring those people who came over from outside.

Suddenly heard the voice of the player in the walkie-talkie, he immediately sat up his body.

"What? What did you just say? I found Lu Yuan?"

"Yes, the captain, I found Lu Yuan, do you arrest? Do you want to grasp?"

"Haha, I didn't expect this heavenly credit to fall to my head. Don't hesitate, no matter what life, you must grab it, he is dead! Be sure to grab it!"

"Roger that!"

After the commander of the guard team got an order, they didn't care, and a group of people organized a strict formation and began to arrest the land.

Lu Yuan hid down the stairs, holding a pistol in his hand, and the heart is not awkward.

"Damn, I didn't expect it to be late! I don't know if people have been caught, I can't be caught, otherwise, I really have a loss!"

I was thinking, there was a soft footsteps from the top of the head, there was no hesitation, and immediately picked up the gun, and opened three shots in the direction of the corridor.

However, because there is no good shooting, there is all the three shots of Lu Yuan air, but it also plays a certain shocking role in the team members of the equipment team.

"The enemy's hand has a pistol, you must pay attention to the shield troops!"

So those rioters set their own shields and slowly attacked the past.

Lu Yuan has twisted his head and then wanted to shoot. Suddenly saw a row of shields blocked in front, suddenly biting his teeth and gave up the plan to shoot again.

"Mom! Every time, they still have so many weapons!"

Lu Yuan carefully looked at the top by gap, and saw that the team members of the guard team quickly chased it.

In addition, a rushing footsteps also came, obviously they intend to make themselves here.

"No, save people's time is tight, how to delay, not only people come back, I will go in!"

I thought that Lu Yuan immediately took out the phone and dialed the phone of the black child.

"Be careful, the 17th floor has a guarded person, they are preparing to encircle me, you must pay attention, inform Chen Shu and Chen Yan two, let them stay inside the corridor, don't come out!"

"Okay, I will notify them, but you must pay attention to it, I will go to the 17th floor right away!"

The black child hang up the phone immediately told this thing to Chen Zhongzheng and Chen Yan.

"The death of the death, the people who guarded the troops arrived in advance, and the black child immediately inform Lu Yuan, let him be careful, I will come here now!"

"Okay, Chen Shu must pay attention to safety, I am protecting Lu Yuan here! Swallows will give you!"

"Reassured, the swallow is my niece, I can still make her injured ?!"

Chen Zhongzheng hung up the phone, immediately informed the private troops of the Yuanfang Group, but because the private troops of the remote company were relatively small, so they still couldn't catch up.

At this moment, Lu Yuan squatted at the corner, and gently had his own bullets, and there is a common bullet, which is the last bullet of Lu Yuan.

"Hey, these bullets can't continue to waste!"

Suddenly, Lu Yuan thought a team member of those special forces that were previously encountered in the Longs Group, but their skills were much better than they.

"Right, call them, let them deal with those who have guarded!"

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan didn't hesitate, immediately drilling into his space, and found a team member of several special forces immediately.

"Online, you can rest assured, these things are handed over to us, you only have to save people!"

"How much is your weapon ammunition?"

The other party shook his head and smiled: "Continental, don't worry about us, the guardian for the rookie will not be our opponent at all, you can just use this!"

Said, the other party took out a dagger from the pocket, and then a few players next to him also exposed a smile.

"Then you have to be careful, I will take you out now!"

Then, Lu Yuan saw the direction outside the front space, found that they did not find their position for the time, so they rushed out.

After the team leader of the special forces, the team members of the special force hit a hand, they were scattered, and Lu Yuan was still hiding in the corner, silently waiting.

After a few minutes, the captain of the special forces ran over and rushed over the land of the land, and then left again.

Lu Yuan's heart can not help but feel secret: "Good guys, I didn't expect their speed to be so fast, it is really a person who special forces!"

Then, Lu Yuan looked up and found that although it became a pot of porridge above, it was able to organize a force defense.

At this time, a gun sound came from afar, and Lu Yuan turned his head and looked at the direction of shooting. He only saw a team of special forces to hold a rifle in his hand, and he opened a few guns in the distance of the guardian forces. There are several people in the ground immediately.

"Lu, you can pass, I will cover you!"

When Lu Yuan suddenly relieved, he rushed over the neck in the direction of the 1755 room.

After the place, Lu Yuan heard a fierce voice of the corner.

"Mom, I can't give me the door, I can't drag again, Lu Yuan, the people they belled have been rushing!"

When I was preparing to arrange, I suddenly rushed in a person, and everyone had not responded, only one of the players had a smoke.

"I rely, bad! I have to explode!"

However, everyone has not responded, and a loud sound came.

Lu Yuan hid behind the corner of his ears, still being the seven episodes of the earthquake, after a while, Lu Yuan didn't come to the corner of the corner, and a few people were lying on the ground. .

When Lu Yuantun, I was relieved to come to the door of the 1755 room knocked knock.

"I am Lu Yuan, open the door, I will take you!"

However, a low voice came in the room.

"Dragon Group, don't think that I don't know who you are, hurry, this is the explosion-proof door, you can't open it! I advise you not to pay this strength!"

After listening to the back of the inside, Lu Yuan couldn't help but said: "I am really Lu Yuan. If you don't believe, you can open the monitoring and see it. I am really Lu Yuan!"

After the sound of the other party is clearly silent, the door is gently opened from the inside, and the thick door makes Lu Yuan have a very peaceful feeling.

Lu Zheng is really you, it's great, I thought it was a pretended person! "

The doctor opened the door pushed the glasses on the face, and I was sorry to laugh.

Lu Yuan put his hand, hurry to go inside, and locate the door.

"Where is the person? Hurry with me in the past!"

The doctor nodded and took the road in the direction of Lu Yuan.

I came to a hidden office, and the entire room has been placed into a temporary small hospital.

In this room, it was divided into three small compartments, and two people were lying in each small compartment, and their body was inserted with a variety of pipelines, and there was a LCD computer behind, and everyone showed everyone. Life indicator.

"What is their people?"

Professor Chen sighed and shook his head: "The situation is not very good, low temperature recurrence! We are still as far as possible!"

"Well, now you will go with me, I will take you to a safe place!"

Professor Chen took a nod, ready to pack things, Lu Yuan but worshiped: "Don't pack things, you quickly go in, I will take them directly! I have a special person to arrange it!"

After that, Lu Yuan was in the room for a year, and all the equipment in the entire room, and Professor Chen and several doctors disappeared in the room.

They came to a hospital tent in the hospital tent in the secondary space, and Zhenghai has gone through a few people.

"Old Chen !?"

After seeing Professor Chen, Zhenghai suddenly exposed a surprise.

Professor Chen pushed glasses, and saw that people in front of them were Zhenghai, and they were slightly wrong.

"Zheng Hai? How are you in this place? Where is it here?"

Then Zheng Hai said that after the matter, Professor Chen finally understood where he was in place, he has always heard Chen Zhongzheng, but there is no chance.

When I first arrived at this place, he couldn't help but watch the scenes around.

It is found that it is a new city, everywhere is a busy scene.

Professor Chen couldn't help but feel their own emotion, and he later remembered his own important task, pointed to the few people lying on the bed.

"These are people from the outside of the fort, have a major secret, so we have to save them!"