Lu Yuan and Xu Changbing have discovered the unsatisfied in time and immediately raise their hands from moving the action.

After the two, he said to someone behind him.

"There are some weird places in front, everyone will be careful when you go."

Xu Changbing nodded.

"Yes, we have arrived a very strong bloody taste. I estimate that there should be a corpse in front, but these are the corpse, what exactly how to come?"

The doubts of people with the heart slowly moved toward another island.

When I came to the Yaman Mountain, I saw a place where they planned to open up in the distance, where it was full of blood, everywhere is a mucus that feels nausea.

It should be that the paint black land is now being reddish by these blood.

Lu Yuan knows that the blood is basically dry when the body of the corpse is basically dry, and the body will have blood, unless the blood of the corpse that has just changed for a few days can also flow, the rest of the corpse time A long time, soaking in the water, the blood in their body has basically disappeared.

There were so many blood on the ground, indicating that there is a sign of human activities, and it is attacked by these corpse to get the killing of this place.

Lu Yuan and all the faces of all play have exposed a frightened look. Everyone is in the same place, and the atmosphere does not dare to breathe.

After Xu Changbing saw this scene, the heart was more uncomfortable. He hired that the gun is now the result of the corpse of the following.

However, once the gunshots rang, they immediately attracted the ideas of nearby corpse, so he did not dare to shoot.

Lu Yuan took the telescope to continue to watch around, and suddenly he raised the multiple of the telescope, he saw the further place.

I saw something like a slap in the foot of the mountain, just revealing a side angle corner, seeing is not very true, so he refers to another direction.

"I will go to one side, you don't want to move in place!"

Xu Changbing looked up and wanted to ask, but he saw that Lu Yuan has come to the place like a cheetah.

Then, Lu Yuan took a telescope and saw it in the distance.

When he saw the look of the thing in the distance, he was shocked to say.

Because the thing in the distance is turned out to be a Ark, and it seems to be the way to build in the fortress.

He thought of a lot of people, Wang Mingming, Zhou Tong.

Lu Yuan immediately waved in Xu Changbing.

Everyone hurriedly lighted the direction of the light foot.

The land is far from the position of the feet of the far-reaching: "Is it a ship?"

After Xu Changbing took a telescope, Xu Changbing took a look at that place, and his face turned color.

I said: "Boss, you said that people who have just died are from the fortress? Where are their people come down?"

Lu Yuan's nodded: "Yes, I think it should be, let's take a look, everyone is careful, once the place where it is not placed!"

Everyone's mood is very dignified, and everyone checks their own equipment, and follows Lu Yuan towards the road in front.

Because it is a cloudy situation, it is not very true that the road is now seeing, in order to see the road, everyone opened its own flashlight.

However, the light of the flashlight does not dare to take place everywhere, prevent the attack of the corpse.

In this way, everyone walks forward along the road, and finally wrapped around a large circle to the foot of the mountain.

However, Lu Yuan did not take someone directly. He watched nearby and see if there is any corpse.

It is good here that there is no corpse, and Lu Yuan also sent tone. He once again looked at the position on the boat.

There seems to be no one in the boat.

When Lu Yuan recalled, he did not find this Ark when he knew the island.

It is clear that this ark is coming recently.

However, such a big ark came to this place but silent, what do they want to do? Who is the Ark? The Lu Yuan's heart began to tumbling, a familiar name, a familiar face flying back in his mind.

Just then, a dull sound was coming.

This dull voice seems to be over the heart of everyone.

Everyone is in the heart of a tight, and then looks in the direction of the ark. ,

Lu Yuan is as possible to adjust the multiple of the telescope to the best, but it still can't see what happened in it.

It is really too dark, and the entrance to the Ark is almost not seen anything.

Lu Yuan is frustrated, he wants to observe what is exactly, but just a dull voice, let him feel that there is definite situation in the case.

After a long time, Lu Yuan decided to bring someone to clean up the neighboring corpse, and slowly approached, preventing someone behind him.

However, before doing this, he must let the family are ready to prevent the corpse of the corpse on this island, and they also have an immediate response.

With a few players gathered all their families at this time, Lu Yuan simply explained these situations.

After the families heard, a shocked look on a face, especially Dad and Little Shan Dad, they should be the most people who have deal with those people in the fort.

Now I heard the people in their fortress, now I may die in this place, and I have a panic expression on a face.

"No, their weapons are so advanced, and people will be so much, should it be done by these corpse?"

Lu Dad is obviously not accepting this fact.

In fact, Lu Yuan is also unwilling to believe this fact, but he knows that the best place to produce her corpse is a place where the crowd gathers.

"Dad, you don't forget, the best place for the erurage of the corpse virus is where the crowd gathers, once a person has been infected with the virus of the corpse, then the entire gathering place is basically possible disaster!"

When Lu Yuan said this sentence, the family exposed a helpless expression.

They can't believe that once the corpse virus in that closed place, it will be a big disaster.

When the Ark is built, it is a way to hold more than one person is a person, and more people will give it in, and a Ark's accommodation exceeds 300,000.