Seeing the things on the table, Lin Yi was stunned for a while.

I just want you to deliver a simple lunch.

You have moved out of the family!

Wang Tianlong was very proud, it was perfect, he didn't lose face to President Lin.


"Mr. Lin, you have all the takeaways you ordered. I'll go first. Remember to give a five-star praise."

With that, Wang Tianlong turned and left.

After pretending to be forced to leave, hidden merit and fame.

Seeing the top-quality ingredients on the table, the three little nurses drooled.

Although Duan Peng prepared good things, but the takeaway order from Director Lin is nothing short of a huge difference!

A dish on the table is more expensive than everything he bought.

This meal adds up to tens of thousands of dollars!

On the road of pretending to be forceful, Wang Tianlong has never disappointed.

"Director Duan, Doctor Lin ordered a lot of things, and I appreciate your kindness."

Duan Peng's face is ugly, what the hell does this mean!

"Then, that's fine, just do this first, I won't disturb you eating."

Duan Peng awkwardly put away the lunch he ordered and left from Li Chuhan's lounge.

The three little nurses snickered.

Director Lin's operation is a bit slapped!

"Director Duan is the son of the deputy dean. Afterwards, will he wear shoes for Doctor Lin?"

"It's not easy to say, I'm a little worried about Doctor Lin."

While the three were whispering, Li Chuhan looked at Lin Yi and said:

"You ordered a lot. Would you mind if you all eat together?"

"How is it possible?" Lin Yi said with a smile: "I knew they would come, I would have more."

In such a situation, anyone with a bit of emotional intelligence would not choose to eat alone.

"Don't froze the three of you, Doctor Lin invited you to dinner today."

"Can we really eat?"

"What's wrong with that, let's eat together."

"Hey, then we're welcome."

The three little nurses, carrying their own lunch boxes, walked over from the back desk and gathered around to have a big meal.

"After eating Doctor Lin's meal, you will have to cooperate well with Doctor Lin's work in the future."

"No problem." Yuan Siqi said, "I will be Doctor Lin's full-time nurse from now on."

"Even if we don't eat Doctor Lin's meal, we are willing to help Doctor Lin."

"You guys are really..." Li Chuhan said with a smile.

After a simple lunch, knowing that Lin Yi and Li Chuhan had business matters to talk to, Yuan Siqi and the three of them quickly finished eating, and finally helped to collect the waste after meals.

"Are you sure you won't take a break? Let's talk?"

"Yeah." Lin Yi nodded, "Following the topic just now, who is going to have surgery tomorrow."

"The head of the guard zone."


Lin Yi almost vomited blood, "Really or not."

"Of course it is true. Tomorrow I will be the deputy, the two deans will be in charge of the sword, and the rest will be me."

"It should be." Lin Yi said: "For such a big person, the whole hospital must be dispatched to be able to get to the top."

"The operation is more difficult, but we can all handle it. I am a little worried about stitching this piece alone."

"Who is in charge of stitching?"

"Dean Duan, the top foreign expert in China."

"What did he say about this?"

"He said that the difficulty is okay and there will be no problems, but I have been in contact with similar patients before at the Mayo Clinic. Their suture plan is different from what Dean Duan said. This is what I worry about. ."

Lin Yi frowned, "First talk about the patient's condition."

"In the heart, there is an aneurysm. The difficulty is that there is a thick dissection on it."

Li Chuhan took the case and said:

"The aortic wall has three layers, the intima, the elastic middle layer, and the outer layer. Now, the inner lining of the aortic wall is diseased. This will cause the blood that originally flowed to the whole body to pass through the lesion and flow to the middle layer. The accumulated blood, It will force the aorta to expand continuously, making the aortic wall thinner, less than one-sixth of its original thickness. At this time, if there is any vibration, the blood pressure will rise sharply, and the patient will die within a minute, so we The treatment plan given is to replace the artificial blood vessel."

Lin Yi took a deep breath, he was already aware of the difficulty of this operation.

"Now, the potential risk is that the patient's weight is more than 180 kg and belongs to the obese population, which brings great difficulty to the operation."

"Secondly, the suturing of the artificial blood vessel is the top priority. If a needle bleeds, 500 ml of blood can be stored in one minute." Li Chuhan shrugged, "You don't have to wait for him to get off the operating table, you will die."

After that, Li Chuhan took a few more documents and handed them to Lin Yi, "According to my estimation, there will be 240 to 300 suture points in this operation. If one suture point goes wrong, all efforts will be lost. "


Lin Yi exhaled.

"It's damn difficult."

"You have no confidence?"

"People make mistakes, horses stumble, and with 240 to 300 stitching points, the gods can guarantee no mistakes."

The system gives itself master stitching skills.

In other words, his level is the best in the world.

But this comparison standard is compared with humans, not machines.

As long as it is a human, there is bound to be the possibility of mistakes.

This is what Lin Yi worries most.

"Can you give me a treatment plan? I think about the feasibility."

"Are you sure you believed me?"

"Your technique is really good, so I want to try it." Li Chuhan said: "Anyway, I can't think of a better way. Because of the particularity of the patient, it is impossible to find a foreign doctor to do it, so I want you to try it. "

"Okay, I'll give you a plan, you can use it if it suits you, and pull it down if it doesn't fit."

"No problem." Li Chuhan got up, "You don't need to go to the emergency night shift in the evening. Just find a quiet place to write the report. If you feel the hospital is too noisy, go home. You decide how to arrange it."

"Then I will go home."


Li Chuhan nodded, "Close the door when I leave. I didn't sleep last night. I can't hold it anymore."

"it is good."

Lin Yi turned and left, put on his own clothes and drove home, preparing to complete the task given by Li Chuhan.

Lin Yi didn't think that the patient who had never met must be more senior than ordinary people.

But things like human life are really careless.

After returning home, Lin Yi did nothing else, except for calling Ji Qingyan to chat, he kept writing reports.

It was not until twelve o'clock in the evening that the matter was settled and sent to Li Chuhan.

Just when Lin Yi stretched his waist and was about to wash and rest, Li Chuhan called.

"Did you complete this report independently?"

"Of course, apart from me, there is not even a ghost in the house."

After a few seconds of silence, Li Chuhan said:

"The report is great!"