"Don't make a lot?" He Yuanyuan said:

"It's already to this extent, what else is there? Such a big Lingyun Group, let a discussion delay?"

"I am not a thing." Yu Xi said:

"If we don't have this matter, people have to end, if they come to a full network supervision, the Ling Yun Group is really famous, and it has exposed the company's sensitive nature, which is for us. , Not a good thing, can digest itself, or digest itself, the power of the national level, do not use it, just like a credit card, the overdraft is not a good thing. "

Listening to Zhenzhao has been explained, He Yuanyuan nodded with Tian Yan, the latter said:

"But our measures are still very effective, that is called Pu Zhenyu, has apologized online, and it is also clearing the relationship with fans. After the fans know this, I don't know what to respond."

"Maybe you cry, haha ​​..." He Yuanyuan said.

Dangdang -

"Come in."

The knockout sounded, and Yu Xianhao should have, his secretary came in from outside.

"It's always bad, the fans of the cold star, rushed to our company downstairs."

"Is it going downstairs?"

Three people are opposite each other, and they will not be crazy about Pu Zhenyu's fans.

The next consciousness, the three stood up from the chair, standing on the side of the windowsill, looking downstairs.

I found that the company's door, surrounded by people, but because the office is too high, the following people are like a group of dense magne ants, black pressure.

"These people are not too crazy, don't you see the apology video of Pu Zhenyu?"

"It's really too much." The secretary of Qi Xi said:

"The supervisor of the logistics, the company has already sent all the security guards of the company, otherwise it will be rushed in."

Yan Xianzhao shook his head, "It's a group of people who lost wisdom."

"Total, what should we do now?"

"Don't worry, I will go and see." Yu Xiang said.

"If you don't have to come out, I will have a total of the past."

"OK, or I will follow it."

"I have a good question for so many years, but you have a letter from my level."

"Your level I know, but I am afraid that you can't help but stand to them, a piece of black forest."

"Amount ..." He Yuan Yuan Don, "I try to restrain myself."

"Not as best as possible, it must be."

"The line is line, I know."

It has been paid a sentence, and He Yuanyuan has gone out of the office and came to the gate of the company downstairs.

The black pressure fans have already blocked the door, and the employee wants to go out to go back.

I saw someone came out, and the fan of Park Zhenyu was high, and the sound was shout.

"I am soon with people who call Lin Yi to apologize to our Zhenyu Obak!"

"If you don't listen, we will continue to report online until your company is closed!"

"You are quiet, you can't do anything loudly." He Yuanyuan said:

"Pass a representative, tell me this."

At this time, a strong girl came out and said:

"I am a president of Park Zhenyu's Global Supply Association, this activity is my organization, I come out to talk to you."

"You chased the stars true, but if you have this level, do you think it is worth it?" He Yuanyuan said.

"Of course it is worth it, he did something wrong, and apologized is not the meaning of the sky!" Li Men said.

"But do you know that your behavior is not helping the people called Park Zhenyu, but in harm him, I estimate that he is already in my heart, why can't you? Wake a little. "

"It's impossible, what are you talking!" Li Mon is reversed:

"For a long time, Zhenyu Ou Pub will treat us as a family, and it is still on the Internet to support us, how can we marry us!"

"Do you want to go, you go to his Weibo to see, you know what is going on."

After saying, He Yuanyuan gave a look at the Nattle, which turned back to the building.

The fans outside the door are unclear, so they have a mobile phone, log in to Pu Zhenyu's Weibo, I want to know what is going on.

At the moment of seeing Weibo content, all fans were stunned, and emotions were near the edge of the collapse.

"It's impossible, we are all the family of Zhenyu Ou, how can he say that we are black powder!"

"Not only on Weibo, he also said this, but also said that he and the boss of this company are good friends, we are unreasonable, but also ask us to terminate all the behaviors that are not conducive to Ling Yun Group."

Seeing these news, Park Zhenyu's fan collective is out of control, and there are even many people crying.

"Don't cry, I know where he lives, let's go find him asking for a clear, you must ask for a statement!" Li Men said.

"Well, go now!"

Calling, everyone gotting on the bus, looking at the Liskalton Hotel.

At the same time, not only Li Den, etc., not only to find Park Zhenyu, other fans, after knowing this news, I also rushed to Ritt Carlton in the first time, I want to ask what happened.

On the President of the Liskalton, Park Xiangyu and Jiang Xianjun brushed the phone.

I saw the news on the Internet gradually calmed down, and the two were relieved.

"Timely good news, if you wait a while, things have to be bigger."

Jiang Xianjun has a feeling of robbery, I feel that this is the biggest crisis that I have encountered in my own work.

I thought it was able to reverse the public relations, but I didn't expect that person, but there was so powerful background.

This time I'm kicking it on the iron board.

"I estimate that it is not more than a week, this thing will pass."

Park Zhenyu said:

"Although I am so pity, I still have room for survival in China, and it is not too miserable."

Jiang Xianjun nodded, "At the moment, it is the best result, you don't think so."

"I know." Park Zhenyu sighed, "I hope to have the opportunity in the future, ease the relationship with the fans of this, after all, their money is too good, it is really awkward."

"I think so too, but this is after."

"Park Zhenyu, you give us us, I need you to give us a explanation!"

"Weibo and the things on the shake are not you personally, stop standing!"

I suddenly heard shouts downstairs when they spoke.

Jiang Xianjun saw it on the edge of the window.

"Those idiots are coming."