"The problem is solved?"

Zhao Qi and Some are a little unexpected.

How did I pick up this question after I pick up a call?

"The secretary of Yuhang, gave me a call. He appointed 32, and experienced teachers entered the East Three counties, although not enough, but at least, the minimum guaranteed, as for the rest Let's take a step, the problem should be great. "

The students listened under the top of the stage.

The Secretary Yuhang called Lin Teacher?

Not likely.

The frown of the Sog has, she is most afraid of this.

With Lin Yi's ability, these issues are all difficult at all, as long as they pay money, they don't use things.

And the reason why he is coming, just because of the old feelings, it is a welfare of these students.

I didn't expect that they didn't cherish it.

Zhao Qi unfortunately shook his head, said in the student present:

"Original this opportunity is left to you, now it is good, you didn't grasp, let others take it away."

"The principal, I feel that you are lie in the partnership." A daring boys said:

"That kind of bird is not pulling, even our undergraduate graduates are not willing, how can they have experienced teachers, how can they passed."

"What is the place where the bird doesn't pull, Mr. Lin is not said, the country must vigorously develop East Third County, the future prospect is definitely, you don't have a color glasses to see Dong San County." Zhao Qi said.

"Like this slogan of vigorous development, every place in the country is passing, but true fake, who knows, maybe it is a rumor."

"I also have this feeling, it seems to be lie to us in the past."

"No matter what to say, I am also a school, how can I do a pit and a student's thing." Zhao Qi said angrily.

"This we don't know, maybe it is for the employment rate."

"You are really ..."

"Well, the principal, eliminate gas."

Lin Yi took Zhao Qila again, then took his mobile phone and stood in front of the first row of students under the stage.

"This is the red head document you sent above, clearly showing that East Third County has become a national high-tech demonstration zone, and gives a clear program. It will allocate 30 billion in the next five years, and three-year tax-free offer. policy."

"Secondly, Ling Yun Group has built a chip industrial park, the same size park, now has two, the third is under construction, and will be in the new economic circle with Yuhang City."

"As for the cause of the career I just said, I have to explain it with you, the reason, may get the preparation, because in my hand, a total of only 106 places, the specific fell is not necessarily, It will not be increased in the future, so I used this. "

"As for what you said, it's more nonsense, because your internship salary is all from me, I don't want to make this matter, don't want to do your own money. Don't Misunderstanding Zhao President. "

The words of Lin Yi, let people present, they are in a stable state.

The above red head file!

5 years of investment 20 billion!

Three years of tax payment!

106 career number!

Every message is on a heavy weight!

According to this speed, it will not be used in the past few years, and the Dongsan County will become a rich place!

After a few years, you can't miss it in the future!

The people under the stage were silent. Lin Yi didn't say anything more. He looked back and looked at Zhao Qi:

"The school is in this way, the people around Yuhang are ready, I have to contact us."

"I will not bother Lin teacher, Some, you go out to send."


Under the eyes of everyone, the two came out before, and the hall in the small auditorium was silent.

"Zhao President, we want to go to the internship now, or have the opportunity?"

"Don't think, I want to go later." Zhao Qikang said:

"You really make me very disappointed, as a contemporary college student, actually even this eye is not, only to see the interests of the eyes, I am worried about your future."

"Mainly, we don't know, there is such a good welfare policy in Dongsan County."

"Mr. Lin is talking, but you don't believe it, this kind of resentment is not." Zhao Qi said:

"Through this thing, I hope you can have a long way to remember, don't make a matter of the subjective, otherwise regret it is too late."

"We don't want this." The previous high boys said:

"Ok, who can think of him will do this, but also pay for the pocket, which has lost money to buy and sell."

"Since you have any questions in your heart, I will tell you by the truth." Zhao Qi said:

"Mr. Lin is not only a teacher of the school group committee, but also the reputation of our school, in addition to this, Zhonghai Ding Ding Ling Yun Group is his industry, he is the chairman of the company!"

"For the feelings of the school, and the private hand, it is just that I want to help you, and it is not bad for the internship, but you live up to his kindness, I don't value it."


Chairman Lingyun Group!

Because the test of the momentary moment, many people learned Lingyun Group.

But there are not a few people know that Lin Yi is the chairman of the group!

The students in the scene have repented, such a large company, run to the East Third County Investment Building, indicating that the future will not be poor.

But you didn't cherish it!

It's really improving!

"Zhao President, is there no chance? We want to go."

"Nothing, break."


From the small auditorium, Surie sent Lin Yi to the school gate, and several of them would say.

"Do you have any words?"

"Enenen ..." hesitated for a few seconds, Some said:

"Is there any room for this matter?"

"Do you talk about internship?"

Sorge nodded, "They are not sensible, you don't think about it."

As the leadership of the school, Somegor is still very important to students.

I hope that Lin Yi will give them a chance.

After all, this is the decision to affect their life.

"You also think too much, I came over to solve the problem, not to fight for the face." Lin Yi smiled and said:

"But the opportunity to talk about this may not have it, if there is more excellent, you will recommend it privately."

The Some shows, "Then it will be said."


I have communicated a few words, Lin Yi drives to the Yuhang City, and when they on the road, I will call the call to the phone.

"Lin Xiansen, is it missing me." In the phone, the Ji Yan said sweet.

"Do you have a special function? Can you know?"

"My body has a signal receiver, I can receive your signal."

"Your receiver, change it."