I really don't want to be a pirate

I Don't Want To Be A Pirate Chapter 235

The two are already at the peak of the navy's combat power, and it is rare that they will shoot together, but Rose is too strong, even Polusalino can't take it down, so this lineup appeared!

Along the way, ordinary navy soldiers didn't have any thoughts, but Spandam became more vigilant. Everyone thought this was just an ordinary task, and there were only four people who knew the truth. Otherwise, it would have caused panic.

As they got closer to the port, and it was only ten minutes away from the port, everyone became more vigilant and puzzled.

Rose, will you come to save people?

Just thinking about it, I saw a bicycle riding from a distance, and soon approached a distance of less than 100 meters from the navy that was escorting the prisoners, and suddenly braked to a stop.

Ross is naturally the one who rides the bike, but at this moment, Ross is not alone on the bike.

On the back seat of the bicycle, there was an exceptionally beautiful woman with purple hair, Kstad!

Ross smiled and looked at the very vigilant navy and Spandham who had run a long way away, and smiled: "Aren't you trying to trap Lao Tzu? Now Lao Tzu is here, and the coward who is hiding in secret, get out of it for me. dead!"

Chapter 226. 225. Karp shoots the table (second more) (repair)

Marine Headquarters, Marin Vando.

Inside the Marshal's office.

At this moment, there are only three people in the office, the marshal is empty, the general Sengoku, and the general Zefa.

"This time Polusalino and Kuzan went together. The capture of Ross should have been done by hand, but it is a pity that Sakarski is not at the headquarters temporarily, otherwise it would be safer and safer if the three of them are together!" The Warring States sighed. , Said.

Ganggukong shook his head, "Kuzan and Polusalino are safe enough to go together, and it's okay if Sakarski doesn't go, there will be no accidents!"

"Vulcan Rose... How long has it been since our world government sent such a lineup to deal with a person?" Zefa was also a little emotional.

"If this Ross wasn't for Roger's son, it would be impossible to have such a strong strength. If he continues to grow up freely, I am afraid he will become the second Roger. It is safer and safer to deal with it as soon as possible!"

Warring States nodded.

"Well, Sengoku is right!"

Ganggu Kong nodded, "For Ross, this time the headquarters is a big fight, but it's all worth it."

"Ross was arrested this time, and Malin Fando will be executed publicly in his headquarters. When the identity is announced, the arrogance of the pirates can be hit, and even the era of the big pirates will be ended. It is not without hope!"

"Indeed, Rose’s existence itself is the biggest threat. The execution of him proves the strength of our world government and can also deter, but I really didn’t expect that Roger had a son. So, it’s rumored that Roger was in Batay. The news that Rila Island may be combined with a woman may be untrue?"

Zefa wondered.

"Well, this may indeed be a fake. It may be that Roger deliberately went to Baderila Island to protect his son Rose. The purpose is to attract our attention, but the investigation over there still has to continue, whether it is fake or not. I have to guard against it!"

Ganggukong sighed: "If Roger's blood continues in addition to Ross, it would be too dangerous!"

"By the way, how are things prepared?"

"All preparations are underway, and the execution stand is being set up. It is estimated that it will be completed in a short time. After taking Rose back, we can announce it to the world in a few days." The Warring States replied.

"Go, let's go and have a look."

Gang Gukong waved his hand, took the two of them out of the office, and soon came to the square.

At this moment, many navy soldiers were busy on the square, the sound of ding ding dong dong was endless, the sledgehammer was hitting and the execution platform was under construction.

"Well, yes, when the time comes, all the reporters from the newspapers will be called to record this scene. The son of One Piece Roger was executed. This will definitely shock the world!"

Ganggukong saw the busy construction scene, and nodded in satisfaction, "It's coming, it's coming soon. When Roger's son is executed, our work will be much easier!"

Both of them nodded.

Ross is the son of Roger, the pirate king, and when his identity is announced, he can definitely deter most of the pirates!

At that time, the world government will effectively alleviate the situation of insufficient naval manpower due to too many pirates, and the original busy situation will definitely be greatly improved.

"By the way, why haven't you seen Lieutenant General Karp these days?" Ganggukong asked suddenly.

"That guy hasn't come back for some days, who knows what he's doing again!"

When the Warring States period mentioned Karp, he felt deep resentment. The reason was naturally that his colleague, who was not doing his job properly, ran to catch Ross, and finally released the water to release Ross.

Helpless to think about it!

"You guys, can't you do nothing without the old man? The old man has only been out for a few days, so you just talk about me like that?"

A slow voice sounded, and Karp didn't know when he would arrive, and was looking at a few people with a smile.

"Kapu, you fellow, it will be more worry-free if you are away!" The Warring States snorted coldly.

"I was still talking about me just now, it's like this now, really proud..."

Karp smiled, pointed his finger at the execution platform under construction, and asked, "What's going on."

"Set up the execution platform, and at that time, we will arrest Ross and come back, proclaiming the identity of the son of the King Ross in the world, thus ending the era of the big pirate!" Gang Bone Kong said.

"Capture Ross? None of you went there, so sure?" Karp was startled, obviously not convinced.

"Porussalino and Kuzan shot together. It would be a strange thing if Rose could still run away..." The Warring States snorted and explained the matter exactly.

"I think it's awkward, that kid is very good now, the old man can succeed in his own shots, although these two boys are very capable, but really, it is really unrealistic to want to catch that cunning kid back!"

Karp pouted.

"You are so embarrassed to say that if you brought that kid back when you were in Donghai, how could there be so many things now?"

As soon as the Warring States heard this, he didn’t get angry and glared at Karp, “Porsalino and Kuzan don’t do things like you do. Look at it. Soon we will see the living Rose appearing. In front of it!"

"Warring States, don't believe it, the old man's hunch is quite accurate, this time the plan will definitely fail!"

Karp said very surely.

"Kapu, can you stop talking nonsense, what if it happens because of your mouth?" Zefa sighed.

"It's okay, there is absolutely no accident." Ganggukong was also very sure, this time in order to capture Ross, but two generals were dispatched. If this fails, it will be really unreasonable!

Just as several people were discussing.

On the other side, Rose is provoking the Navy.

The moment he saw Rose, Spandham yelled, turned his head and ran away, for fear of being killed by Rose.

Seeing Rose, Tom also secretly yelled badly, and hurriedly shouted: "Boy Rose, leave quickly. This is a trap for you. There is a powerful navy in ambush in secret, just to draw you out, you go quickly!"

"Mr. Tom, it's okay, I will definitely rescue you today!"

Rose slowly got off the bike and smiled and looked at Castad beside him, "Don't you want to come and see, don't you worry, I am here, no one can hurt you!"