I really don't want to be a pirate

I Really Don't Want To Be A Pirate Chapter 268

But because of the existence of the enhancer, Rose still needs some younger brothers for daily strengthening points.

But now that the number of younger brothers has been capped, there is no need to recruit more manpower. He only needs the strong now, and the weak will become a burden if he gets on the boat.

"Okay, Lord Rose."

Tess Omic took the order to do it.

At this moment, Rose himself walked straight out of the room, wandering for a while on Island One, and finally found an empty area with no one.

"It seems good here."

"Now, you can try to use the ability to burn fruits to develop some gliding or even flying abilities!"

Rose muttered to himself.

Now, Rose feels that his development of burning fruit has entered a bottleneck, a new stage.

In Rose's view, the power of burning fruit is far from being developed by himself.

Flying with the help of flames is not impossible!

"Yan Wing!"

Rose gave a low cry, and under his feet, a flame instantly emerged, turning a large area of ​​land under his feet into a sea of ​​fire.

These flames were gradually attracted by Rose, and finally a pair of huge flame wings traveled behind him.

Well, looks very handsome, very compelling!

Rose nodded in satisfaction and tried to wave his wings.

The wings formed by the flames kept flapping behind him. They were very handsome and handsome, but they seemed to be useless and could not fly at all.

"Handsome is handsome enough, but this doesn't seem to work!"

Rose sighed.

If he can, he also wants to have a flaming wing, and then fly to play, it is absolutely handsome to break the sky, forcing the grid to explode.

Yes, in Rose's eyes, being handsome is the most important thing!

But now, Shuai is handsome enough, but he can't fly, and the eggs are not used.

Reluctantly, Rose could only take away the wings formed by the flames behind him.

That won't work!

If you want to fly, it seems you have to think of another way!

Rose has a headache.

I remember that Germa 66’s battle suit can use flame boost to fly, and it can also fight in the sky, but it is not handsome enough to breathe fire under his feet, so if there is no way, he does not want to use this method Take the flight.

But now, I can only try!

Rose tried to condense flames under his feet, trying to use the flames to boost.

This time, the flame successfully pushed Rose's body up a little bit and left the ground in a short moment.

But it fell again in an instant!

"Flying may be feasible, but it needs to be continuously boosted by the flame jet, so that it can fly for a long time. The physical strength is not small, and it seems to be difficult to control!"

Rose frowned and tried again.

The flames condensed under his feet and then ejected. His body also flew up under such inertia, and then his body deflected, and the flame ejection under his feet stopped suddenly.

Then, Rose dropped his head on the ground like an onion.

"It's hard!"

Rose rubbed his head, the elemental body won't feel the pain of impact, but it is still very disturbing.

The development of burning fruits is strong, but Rose is easier in the development of new moves, and the ability to burn fruits is stronger, but it does not mean that Rose has much skill in the use of flames.

If you want to fly with the ability to burn fruits, you need to constantly use the inertia of the flame jet to make yourself fly into the sky, which needs to maintain a flame boost balance.

To do this, it requires not only a strong control of power, but also a high level of skill. If you use more power, you can't use it, and you can't use it less.

Rose tried several times and found that it is not so difficult to lift himself into the air with the help of flame boost, and it is even more difficult to control the flame boost subtly.

After trying several times in a row, it often failed to fly a few meters, and soon fell to the ground because of the inability to control the boost of the flame, and the onion was inserted several times.

Rose smiled bitterly.

Want to fly, this seems to be a long-term plan!

This is really a sad story.

Chapter 259. 258I want to sit in front (first more)

time flies.

In an instant, two days passed.

The auction of slave trading sites in the Chambord Islands was held as scheduled.

In the auction venue.

A lot of people have gathered now, the three educators and the nine liu, whether it is a pirate or a wealthy businessman, you can see them here.

At this moment, the rows of seats in the venue were already full of people, but there was no one to do the first three rows. Only a few people sat here, looking empty.

But these people are extraordinary, even if they just sit here peacefully, they have an extraordinary aura that makes people afraid to provoke them.

At this moment, Mihawk is sitting in the third row.

"Ross, since you choose to let me go, then I will definitely surpass you! Wait!"

Mihawk murmured in his heart that he has now accepted the situation of being defeated by Rose, and even was inspired by Rose, who wants to break through the shackles of swordsmanship as soon as possible and surpass Rose in the field of swordsmanship.

And now, Mihawk intends to come to the auction to relax.

Of course he is not interested in Devil Fruits, but he is a bit boring to practice swordsmanship in the last two days, and he has a foreboding that something fun may happen at the auction, so he came to the auction to try his luck and see if there is a chance to compete Fight against each other and take swordsmanship further.

Just thinking about it, I saw the waiter at the auction leading a tall black fat man over.

At this moment, the waiter's attitude is very humble, "Master Titch, just sit here, if you have something to call me at any time, I will always be nearby."