I really don't want to be a pirate

I Don't Want To Be A Pirate Chapter 393

"What kind of guy?" Rose was a little curious. "Carl, don't worry about me. If you are not confident, I will not attack them!"

"You better not hit them!"

Carl sighed, "Have you ever heard of the Longhands? In fact, if you can, I hope you can snatch their boats. It's better to kill them. Those guys are too hateful and come to our village to kidnap them from time to time. Many people here have been kidnapped by this guy!"

"Is it?"

Rose touched his chin. "Do you know where they are hiding? If you can find their hiding place, I can help you kill them!"

Although Rose is not a bloodthirsty temperament, he still scores the right person. When he heard of the long-hand clan, Rose immediately lost his affection.

Those guys kidnapped and abducted ignorant girls everywhere. They weren't good guys at all. Ross really didn't have a burden to deal with such guys.

"Are you really going to deal with them?" Carl was taken aback, but Niya hurriedly said, "Well, Slo, don't listen to Carl's nonsense. Those long-handed tribes are not easy to deal with."

"It's okay, for me, there is no one who can't deal with!"

Rose waved his hand, "As long as you can find those guys, I can definitely clean them up!"

Ross is also speechless, just a few long-handed people, he is really underestimated!

"Let's do it, those long-handed clan are too hateful. The beautiful girls in our village have been abducted a lot. If this continues, I may not find a wife in the future!?"

Carl gritted his teeth.

Rose feels a little funny, this kid is really cute enough.

"I don't know where those long-handed people live, but I can investigate, and those guys often come? Harahitania, I happened to hear about their recent news. I went out to investigate. There will always be results. of!"

Carl laughed.

"By the way, Carl, Nia, there is something to trouble you."

Ross said: "When you found me on the coast, did I wear no clothes?"

"Well, naked!" Carl nodded.

Rose rolled his eyes angrily, this guy, can't you speak tactfully?

"Actually, I was wearing clothes when I jumped into the sea, and there should be a knife behind me. I'm sure that I didn't lose my clothes and knife when I was washed ashore. It should have been when I was washed ashore. ...Stolen!"

Rose looked at the two eagerly, "Could you please help me inquire about the news? That knife is very important to me!"

"No problem, leave this to us!"

Carl took the big promise and ate Ross's fish. In addition, he knew that Ross was really good, and his mouth was not as smelly as before!

In this way, two days passed.

The two days have been fairly calm, but because of eating a big fish, Rose’s physical condition has improved a lot, and now he has probably recovered half of his strength. Although there is still a long distance from the peak, he can clearly feel his recovery. Strength is still very exciting.

In the past two days, Rose has traveled to the beach twice, but without the luck of the first day, he found nothing.

But this is not difficult for Ross. Ross found the material in the ruins of the village, made a hook with iron wire, and made a self-made fishing rod. Although he did not catch a big fish, he still had no problem with eating!

The newspaper Ou still didn't come, and Rose became more and more eager, and began to wander around? Harahitania, looking for the traces of the Longshou clan.

There is no clue to the black knife yet, but Rose is going to have a fight here after finding the ship, there will always be a way!

At noon on the third day, he took the caught fish and stewed a pot of fish soup, and he was full. Carl excitedly announced the good news.

"Found the trace of the Longshou clan? Are you sure?"

Hearing the news from Carl, Rose immediately became excited.

"Well, sure, I saw those two guys get into a broken house with my own eyes. Although that place is far away from us, I have a good memory and can definitely find it!"

Carl slapped his chest confidently, and then looked at Rose with some worry, "Slo, don't fool me, are you really okay? Those long-handed races are very cruel, even one-on-one. I am not confident enough to win!"

"Don't worry, just a few long-handed races, you can kill them easily!"

Rose stood up with a smile, "Old Tie, what are you waiting for, let's hurry up!"

"Slo, or forget it?"

Nia suddenly grabbed Rose, and there was a hint of fear on Qiao's face, "You have never seen the Longhands, and you don't know how cruel those guys are!"

Rose smiled and patted Nia's little hand, and said to himself: "Don't worry, there are no people I'm afraid of in this world. There are only a few long-handed races, but I can't help it!"

With that, he was ready to go out with Karl.

Damn it!

The door was suddenly kicked open, and the two men rushed in very quickly. When they saw Nia, their eyes lit up.

Looking at the two long arms, Rose's eyes lit up.

Yes, save the effort to find!

Chapter 362. 361The knife is back!(The third one, please subscribe)

"It's a long-handed clan!" Carl looked at the two men who suddenly appeared in front of him with a vigilant look, and said to Rose: "They are the two guys you are looking for, Telha and Lakis!"

"Oh? Are you looking for our brother?"

Telha and Lakis glanced at each other. Telha looked at Rose with some alertness. When he found that Rose did not even dare to show his face and wrapped his face tightly, his face showed a disdainful smile.

"Boy, are you looking for something to do with us? Don't you know how good our long-hand clan is?"

"do not know!"

Rose didn't even mean to stand up. He put his hands on the chair and raised his eyebrows slightly. "Aren't your long-hands just have longer arms? What's so great?"

But compared to Rose's calmness, Nia backed back a little scared, her Jiao body trembling slightly.

"do not be afraid."

Rose smiled and pulled Nyah behind him, "I am here, no one can hurt you!"

"Boy, are you trying to ruin our brother's business?"

Lakis turned his face instantly and raised his finger to Rose, "I tell you, don't shame your kid, if you dare to ruin our business, you will be an enemy of our brother, the consequences you think!"

"What are the consequences of being an enemy of you?"

Rose stood up and shook his fingers, "Today I am going to be an enemy of you. It just happened to be delivered to the door. It saves me the effort to find you!"

At this moment, outside the gate.