I really don't want to be a pirate

I Don't Want To Be A Pirate Chapter 479

Why complain?

According to Loya himself, Kaido was at the bottom of the sea, with one hand holding the mace tightly. It took Loya a lot of effort to break Kaido's hand and snatch it away. Mace.

According to Loya's statement at the time, Kaido held the mace in his hand tightly. At the moment when Loya snatched the mace, it was as if his wife was taken away, and he almost killed Loya with his eyes.

Of course it can't be done!

Although Kaido's combat power is strong, he is also a capable person, but any capable person falls into the sea as waste. This is also the sorrow of the capable person.

Looking at Zefa, Smogg's mace had already been hammered down, and he had no idea that the man in front of him would become his mentor following a normal trajectory.

However, Smogg was fooled on board by Ross, saw the real darkness of this world, and decided to follow Ross to change the world.

Zefa's face changed slightly.

In the next second, the two figures had already fought together.

Kaido's mace, that is also really scary.

At the moment of the fight, Zefa was smashed into the air.

At this moment, the warship was full of smoke, and the navy flew into the air one by one, struggling to grab their necks, looking very painful.

In fact, this is not their volition, everything is because of Smogg's ability.

Of course it is impossible for Rose to favor one or the other. Not only Loya, he also trained Smogg. In order to be able to paddle in the back without having to shoot himself, Rose also spared no effort. Almost all the cadres on the boat were trained by him!

And Smogg, not only developed the colorless smoke that made people breathe, but also developed poisonous smoke. If he wanted to, he could even kill the navy on the warship in an instant!

But after all, Smogg had longed for the navy. In his subconscious, he felt that the navy were all victims of the Tianlong people, and he could correct evil and return to the right!

At this moment, Smogg brandished a mace to completely suppress Zefa.

He didn't intend to use his abilities on Zefa, because he felt that Zefa would not be convinced. He planned to use his strength to defeat Zefa, and then recruit the navy in front of him to his camp.

Smogg successfully suppressed Zefa.

Another stick fell and Zefa was smashed into the air again, and Smogg looked at Zefa with a beating expression: "Navy, I am very optimistic about you, do you want to join true justice?"

Chapter 433. 432, defeat (first)

Smogg struggled to be justice now, and came here to overthrow the assurance of the Heavenly Dragon.

Therefore, at this moment, Smogg stared at Zefa with a serious face, he had no idea that the man in front of him would become his teacher in the future.

But this future is afraid that it will never come!

This time, Smogg, who was reborn from the ashes, will punish the evil pirates.

"You say you are justice?"

Zefa was still very simple at this time. He was really at a loss when he saw the pirate with a big stick claiming justice.

You are justice, what are we?

"Who stipulates that the navy is just? The world government is just?"

Smogg curled his lips: "You are all self-professed justice, but in fact they are just running dogs of the Tianlong people. The Tianlong people wantonly take people back to the holy land Mary Joe Adam as slaves, and the woman they like, even if the other party has a family, a husband, and Tianlong People have to take women away. Is this justice?"

"Does the justice of your navy just serve the tigers and help the Dragonites to do evil? Holy Land Maria? I think it should be called the den of thieves? You are the biggest den of thieves!

Zefa blushed a little. He has served in the world government for many years, and naturally he has heard bad news about the Tianlong people.

Therefore, Zefa felt that what Smogg said was not wrong, and he did not want to distort the facts.

"What? Nothing to say?"

Smogg grinned: "But you are not bad, at least you can recognize your mistakes!"

"Come on, join the righteous side and remove the evil navy from this world!"

Smogg walked to Zefa and stretched out his hand.

Seeing Smogg like this, Zefa stretched out his hand to shook Smogg with no idea.

"You are right to join justice, Karp, Polusalino, and Kuzan are all of us right now. You have the strength, and not self-defeating is the best result!"

Smogg smiled, looking at the navy hanging up by his own smoke.

At this moment, the navy was suffocated one by one and was about to die, their faces became pig liver-colored, and they all began to show symptoms of breathing difficulties. Faced with Smogg's poisonous smoke, they did not even have a chance to resist.

"Your master has joined justice? Are you still stubborn?"

Smaller said.

"Teacher Zefa joins, then I will join!"

A rear admiral struggled to say.

With the beginning, the follow-up is naturally easier.

The navy joined one by one, and in the blink of an eye, this warship completely changed its owner.

"Zefa, are you planning to betray too?"

Seeing this scene, Gang Bone Kong's eyes were cracking and he roared.

"How can this be called betrayal?"

Smogg grinned, this is justice, do you understand?

"Ganggukong, if you want me to say that you can join us quickly, there is still a chance now, if we are still stubborn, we won't be polite to you!"

Smogg raised the mace in his hand carelessly and scolded angrily.

"Don't think about it, I will definitely not join the evil pirate!"

Gang Bone shouted angrily.

Rose, who had already rushed through this area, heard the voice, with a helpless smile on his face.

This fellow Smogg is also true, really thinking that anyone can be drawn over?

Most people just want to win, but Ganggu Kong can be said to be a diehard loyal of the world government. It is estimated that it will be harder than going to heaven if he wants him to betray. Even if the Warring States period betrays, he cannot betray him.

at this time.

Smogg had no plans to continue talking nonsense.