The ground cracked and collapsed.
I'm on a steep descent with dirt sand. I look up and I see a dirt ceiling, and there's a hole in it. The hole is not that big, so I fell, but the bone of the octopus is only worn over the hole, which seems to have spared the fall.
So, when I looked down, there was a cloud. I don't feel wind pressure because I'm stretching my boundaries...... I can understand it falling at an awesome rate!
Yeah, yeah, if you get off the ground, you're a fantasy about the sky!
Whoa, whoa, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
We need to do something about the status quo first. I need to know my situation!
The place, in the clouds!
Situation, falling!
The result is, clash crushing!
This is over... and I just gave up. Like. We still have time before we crash into the ground. Put your head to work. How to get through this desperate situation.
All I can do is change functions. If we make full use of the capabilities of vending machines, what can we do about it?
Being falling means you just have to slow down the fall rate. Then the vending machine you deserve here. That one!
I chose the Balloon Vending Machine from among the features and changed my body.
It used to be often placed on the rooftops of supermarkets and amusement parks, but lately it seems to be so rarely placed in gaming centers, etc. that it feels old.
The yellow-toned body has glass windows, with balloons hanging all the way up ahead before it swells. The buyer chooses his favorite color from it, and when he puts in the coin, it has specifications that automatically inflate the balloon.
Not if you're explaining it! I don't care what color it is, I have to produce a lot of balloons.
Gas pours in as the balloon is set. A gradually growing red balloon - this is too much time. Can't you make it sooner? How to increase the speed...... if you increase the speed of your status, why not increase the speed of inflation or something!?
I can't. I don't have time. Do you want to try?
Spend 1,000 points to increase speed by 10.
Oh, please!
Something felt like entering my body. The balloon's swelling speed is... oops, it's up in sight. It's more than twice as fast as it was earlier. Then raise it further.
Spend 2,000 points to increase speed by 10.
Isn't the price increase terrible? Goddamn it, you pointless bastard, look at your feet. I can't replace my belly on my back, it's already ten up.
Balloons can be done at one speed every two seconds as if watching fast shipping. The finished balloons remain within the junction and the interior of the junction is packed with balloons.
The sight below is pushing through the clouds and seeing the ground... whatever it is. A huge maze in it? No, you were saying something about the hierarchy. Sure, I was wondering if you thought it was a huge maze under the Lake hierarchy of fresh streams.
That's not if you miss the past right now. The labyrinth is gradually showing great clarity and its totality. Well, the fall rate hasn't changed much.
There's no way I could support a vending machine that has hundreds of kilometers around it with dozens of balloons. I remember using over two thousand balloons to float one adult on a variety show back in the day. So I never thought I could do anything about this vending machine with balloons from the beginning.
The ground loomed so thick that it was understandable that the walls of the labyrinth were different in height and size. You really don't have time for this. Bye!
Here's my choice - a change to cardboard vending machines!
Let me explain! Cardboard vending machines are handmade cardboard vending machines popular among elementary school students! It actually also sets the coin inlet and the product, and when the switch is pressed, the product seems to fall. Attention!
By the way, as a vending machine maniac, I bought a set of cardboard vending machines that I could make at home and made them!
Yes, my body is changing to cardboard now. In other words, it was lighter at once and weighed enough to be supported by these numbers of balloons.
Ha-ha-ha, I made it. Thanks to the balloon that fills the interior of the junction, the fall rate has dropped dramatically, and I'm slowly falling.
When I found a cardboard vending machine in the feature section, I thought I would never take it for the rest of my life, but I didn't expect it to show enough activity to save my life. Really, that's something I don't know.
I finally got some room in my mind, so why don't you enjoy the view under my eyes?
The huge circular maze is gray in the walls and probably stone-like in material. The passages are drawn in straight lines and curves, quite intertwined. Let's record it on the security cameras now that we have the whole picture in view.
Since it's from altitude, the exact size is unknown, but even the narrow aisle seems to afford the road width enough to make it possible to put me alongside a bunch of them.
Some are like square-like areas or ponds? I wonder how much it would cost to make something like this on Earth.
Earlier there was the lake hierarchy of the fresh stream, and surely the hierarchy below it was the maze hierarchy? I also think there was an official name, but I only remember it by that name because Hulumi kept saying it was just a maze hierarchy.
This hierarchy was quite troublesome and difficult, and the story was that the hunters hated it furiously. There are naturally occurring chests that seem to be capable of grabbing a thousand bucks, but also many enemies and traps. Besides, the road is also a maze, so they don't go in the direction they thought, and few hunters starve to death.
Looking down from the top, it conveys precisely the poor nature of the maze that has entered.
Hey, I think I'm gonna be down on the ground in a little while. If you land on the aisle wall, no one can buy it. So, oh, it's up the wall and at a sharp angle, so it's impossible to climb the specifications?
Keep it up, you're going to land in a big aisle near the wall. Um, honestly, I don't know what's right, so let's just leave it to the natural feeling. If we stay like this, we're going to get down near the center of the labyrinth.
The aisle walls are higher than I thought. More than ten meters from the ground is likely. The thickness is also considerable, is a wall with about five stories of estate creating a labyrinth?
I went down with all the shaking between the walls and managed to land beautifully. Let's get back to our usual vending machines.
The floors and walls look stone built but have no joints whatsoever. The lights don't exist on the wall, so it's going to be dark at once when the sun goes down.
The aisle is likely to be fifty meters wide and the aisle stretches long to the left and right. Feeling like I was watching from above, it was a passageway like a boulevard running in the middle of the labyrinth, so I might be more likely to meet a hunter here.
It's also an easy place to understand when the Ramis pick us up. I'm going to live here for a while.
Normally, there's no such thing as liking to help out vending machines, but if you're Ramis, you're bound to come. Normally, they fell off a hierarchical crack, so who knows if they're people or vending machines or hopeless?
Still, Ramis felt convinced that he was coming.
Chairman Bear also owes me a loan, and if the Fools' Odd Regiment is after me, I suppose he'll be actively participating in the search. Anyway, he might be offering Rummis his cooperation on the condition that he join the regiment.
If she tries to be impotent, Hulumi will stop her. On the other hand, I want you to come and help me, and I don't want you to force me. I know it's a contradictory idea, but this is the real deal.
First of all, the highest priority must be given to surviving here. There are other hunters on the street who might be able to help.
All right, from the perimeter observation. Because I've been watching it for a long time, it's essential to get closer research and information in order to survive.
Where I am now is on the wall of a big street. The road stretches to the left and right, but is too far away to see ahead. Straight ahead, but there seem to be several side roads along the way.
I haven't seen any demons so far. Pretty large demons also existed from the feel of watching from above, but I don't think there was anything on this boulevard. Maybe this is a safe haven for the maze.
So, the thing that bothers me the most is the coin that's falling in front of me, with the picture of the eight legs. I've fallen so far, remaining within the juncture, that I've brought coins with me.
A dilemma I can't get my hands on when it comes to having coins that are going to be worth it in front of me. Now, if a stranger picks it up and takes it, all the less angry products will go through the warmth and get hot.
I want to get it somehow, but I can't help it with vending machines. Ha, let's just reassert our abilities and points to survive here. I spent a lot of money wrapped up from bandits in the battle against the Eight Legs.
Vending Machine Hackon
Endurance 200/2000
Sturdy 50.
Muscle strength 0
Fastness 20.
Dexterity 0
Magic 0
[Features] Cold insulation All directions vision ensured Hot water cup Noodles compatible 2 litres Paint change Box product compatible Security camera for vending machines Bar candy vending machines Oxygen vending machines Magazine vending machines Gas vending machines Cardboard vending machines
Protect the Boundary
With this much endurance and sturdiness, it won't break so easily. I think the speed increases when the product is released and when it is warmed up. I'll have to experiment with this later.
What else has changed...... Hmm, what's the bug? The display of points is a little strange, isn't it? One, ten, a million, a thousand, a hundred thousand, a million... hia, a million!?
Oh, oh, yeah, yeah! Why do you have a million points? Oh, I don't even remember dying myself for criminal activity.
What do you mean? Points are earned in exchange for coins, right? That must have happened in the explanation. That time it was labeled as getting points for money. Shall I check again?
You can also redeem 100 yen and 1 point.
Right. It says the point can be redeemed for money. But - it doesn't even state that there's no other way to get points.
Maybe points are what you get by defeating enemies. If you're in a game, it's basic to defeat your enemies to gain experience and skill points. Could it be more heterogeneous to exchange money for points, originally to knock down enemies and get points?
If so, it is convincing to assume that this massive point is due to the defeat of the hierarchical owner, Eight Legs.
Right, is there a way to get points without spending money? I learned, but I don't think I'll have a chance to defeat the demon again. It happened to work this time, but I won't be doing that scene again.
After all, it's more realistic to make money as a vending machine.
And well, I just got an idea of what's going on, and it's time for some fun!
Now that we have crossed a million points, it is possible to obtain new protections. Honestly, I never thought I'd get a million ridiculous points, but I didn't know there was such a way out.
Now, let's try to get the protections carefully selected.