I Reincarnated Into a Vending Machine
After Ravage
"Mi, everybody!
Confirming that the two breathed back, Rummis let the crying face change and pop out. Yes, the two are relieved at first, but the other faces have no movement at all.
I want to believe he's alive, but I can't judge him from here. Do I have to wait for Ramis to bring me... can I only pray?
It looks like Ramis is rushing over to his buddies at an unusual rate to make sure he's injured or breathing. Sometimes he's stroking his chest down, sometimes he's whining about something, and at this distance, it's impossible to get an accurate picture of the situation.
Sort of, but I just have to wait for her to come back.
"Somehow, everyone, there's no danger to their lives..."
Staring at the faces that were being put to sleep in line on the bath towel I served, Captain Keri Oil exhaled in relief.
Some of those who were blown away were seriously wounded, but the cure and proper first aid seemed to have worked. Now Lamis is gently transporting it to the carrier.
The wound wasn't completely healed, and the shock could have hit my gut, so now I needed to carry it quickly to the settlement even if I was a little forced.
Hulumi and Shui have been sleeping since then, so they are also put in a loaded hog car.
"Michelle, I'm sorry, but you're going to have to take turns with me."
"It's okay. Because it's a lot easier thanks to the cure."
It was two people who said so, but we can see that each other is pale and far from complete. I guess I'm more or less aware that this is not a situation that shows weakness.
I wish wound pills and pain meds were on vending machine merchandise, but I had never seen drugs sold on vending machines if it was a drug law issue. They say it's overseas, but I'm not wealthy enough to travel overseas just to see the drug vending machines.
The loaded hog car left, careful not to rock the body as much as possible. Hurry is not the biggest reason to get them healed. But other than that, the suspicion that he - the king of the underworld - would come back on a whim held us back.
We reached the settlement and our companions were transported to the only clinic in the lamentation hierarchy of the deceased.
When I was properly treated and tattooed by a specialist physician that I was okay, me and Ramis had fallen to the floor for a lot of relief.
But the two people who stopped at heart once became rested for a while, and the other faces seemed to have been shattered not only in physical damage but also in spirit due to that dark magic, which doesn't seem to allow them to be in a light state of origin in a few days.
They need to be hospitalized for at least a week.
Under those circumstances, we didn't have time to relax and wait for our people to recover. When he tells the guild that the king of the underworld has appeared, the relatively minor wounded captain and Michelle have been summoned to the guild master in this hierarchy and incorporated into the emergency conference.
Less than half a day later, the importance of things was recognised due to the arrival of Chairman Bear and other hierarchical chairmen.
Furthermore, after less than a day, public access to this hierarchy is forbidden, and hunters are beginning to gather continuously in the settlements.
Rummis seemed to have told the meeting several times that he had been called and witnessed, but the look on the chairmen's faces was zero.
Me and Ramis are waiting, we're both in front of the Mourning Hierarchy Hunter Association of the Deceased, looking out at the cloudy skies.
"I wonder what will happen, Hackon. I'm so relieved that everyone didn't have to die, but that king of the underworld is too strong."
Ravages by overwhelming magic. Instead of winning, I can't even think of a countermeasure.
I'm useless to intelligent, floating opponents. I was reminded how lucky I was to have defeated the Hierarchist so far.
While there was resentment and hatred that my companion was about to be killed, the only thing on his mind was to defeat the king of the underworld, but over time he became sober and able to recognize reality accurately.
"What the hell was that four-armed skeleton? I've never even heard of the king of the underworld. I wonder if Hulumi would know."
Being that distributes the Necromancer King, the hierarchical lord. I want to know who the hell you are.
"Do you want to know who the King of the Underworld is?"
Moving his vision to the sinister voice coming down from overhead, there was a bear chairman massaging his temples with meatballs like he was tired. He is wearing nasal glasses and is carrying a bunch of materials with one arm.
"Chairman Bear, are we done with the meeting?
"Oh, for starters. Well, we need to talk about it, including its contents. Even for Hackon. More inside."
He says he just came out of the association, and he's turning his heels back and inviting us in. I'm worried about the content of the story, and I have no reason to say no, so Ramis carries me on and follows.
When Chairman Bear gently pushed open the door, deep on the ground floor, which looked heavy to see, it was a conference hall with a large round table.
"Ramisu, will you sit back properly?"
Move the chair that was right around the corner and install me there, and Ramis will sit right next to you.
We weren't the only ones here, Captain Kelli Oil, Michelle, there were nine men and women who had never seen anything else, and they were already in their seats.
"You two don't need explanations. The rest of the members are the Hunter Association presidents of each tier and their deputies."
Really? Some people have the right piercing locks to call me chairman, but some people look the same age as Ramis, but do you mean you're chairman at that age?
The gaze of curiosity, excluding facial acquaintance, is pouring on me. I'm used to this feeling.
"Ladies and gentlemen, she and he, the demonic props, have encountered and survived the king of the Underworld. I called them in specially because they are two people who are also heavily involved in this operation."
"Chairman of the Qing Liu, is that a box where you can buy unknown things with rumored money?
An elderly woman holding herself together in a bright red women's suit stares at her as she turns her finger around the fountain pen at hand.
"Oh, the beginning chairman. Other than that, he possesses quite capable abilities and has been helped many times."
Will the chairmen be called by the name of the hierarchy? I think Chairman Bear is better than the chairman of Shimizu.
"Well, I'm sorry I broke your hip. That's all."
"Hmm. Okay, let me keep talking. The king of the underworld, who appeared this time, is almost certainly the king of the underworld, the left-hand general of the Demon King's army"
"Whoa, whoa."
and the chairmen are bothering. There was a play somewhere that surprised me, and everyone knew it, but it looks like I'm surprised again.
"Uh, what is the Left-Arm General of the Demon King's Army?
Raised his hand and Lamis raised his doubts. I just wanted to know that, too. Nice assist.
"Some strangers are natural. Far north of here is a country ruled by those who call themselves Demon Kings. Its demon army has many generals, but its name varies from position to position. Position yourself, the Demon King, as your head, and see your men as your hands and feet. There are four limb generals, General Right Arm, General Left Arm, General Right Leg, and General Left Leg, in order from the top, under which General Twenty Fingers will refrain."
In other words, there are demon kings in this world who can obey many generals in their distribution. You mean General Left Arm is the king of the Underworld from the top.
That's pretty superior, isn't it? In essence, why did the Demon King's Army number three come to a place like this?
But is there a demon king? It would be more unnatural not to have this sense of the world, but is it the Demon King?
"The reason why the King of the Underworld appeared in this place is unknown, but to observe from the conversations in the field, it seems that the Necromancer King, the hierarchical lord here, was a subordinate of the King of the Underworld. I think you understand that hierarchical owners are the ones who can't get out of the dungeon."
Was it, my first ear.
"It is said that in this hierarchy the souls of the dead gather and turn into demons. The Necromancer King may have died and been gathered as a soul on this occasion by those who were ex-humans or demons, and became the Necromancer King... Or did you enter the dungeon by another means? It's only hypothetical."
Could that have been the case? From what I've heard about the Necromancer King and the King of the Underworld, it certainly had an upward and downward relationship, and the King of the Underworld had a boss-like mouthpiece, didn't it?
"And well, it would be good to consider things you don't know after everything is done. Think the problem is still staying in this hierarchy, the way the King of the Underworld deals with it."
"Hey, listen, Chairman of the Clean Flow"
"I wonder what it is, burning chairman"
Raising his hand and mouthing his opinion was a hot, bitter man with red copper skin and burnt brown hair standing, to see.
The outfit is an Aloha shirt-like jacket with flames and desert sand-like trousers. It smells like a man who looks good on a summer sandy beach.
"Even if it's okay to set things up with an executive of the Demon King's Army? If we defeat him, we'll have a problem later."
"You won't have to worry about that. In the first place, I set it up from the other side. If the Demon King wants to set things up with us, we have to intercept them. Most of all, if it moves in small numbers, it will not be until the Demon King's army invades this place directly until it destroys defensive cities and empires. Perhaps this case is definitely the sole action of the King of the Underworld."
I don't have the geography of this world in mind, but there's an empire on the north side of a country with this labyrinth, and there's a defensive city in the place that borders the Demon King's army, and if we don't do something about it, it's impossible to get in this far.
Then why did the king of the underworld act alone like that?
"Beginning Chairman, I don't know that. However, there is something unknown about the dungeon. When we break through the hierarchy, let's stop speculation."
When politics gets involved, it stinks, but it seems okay to ignore it there. No, maybe it's better for the people here to get rid of it with the Ning Lo bargaining.
"So, what's the plan?"
"There is only a crusade. Within the dungeons we manage, we put our hands on a member of the Hunter Association, and we have no choice but to raise our total strength and crush it."
Chairman Bear, seemingly serene and gentleman in style, but the light in his eyes makes him feel the power of the wild. This time, it looks like he can't stand on his stomach for what has been done to the eccentricities and big eaters of the fools he's pleading with.
"Isn't that rarely motivated? But that's the best part. Hunters are part of the job to defeat demons. If you don't stay licked, you can't make a deal. I want you to join the fight from a hunter who belongs to me."
"Let's get some pairs out of the beginning hierarchy too"
The story came together by putting out arm-written hunters from other tiers as well, and the meeting was dissolved. This is going to be a big fight.
A bunch of awesome hunters might also be able to defeat that monster.
"Ramis, Hackon, Captain Kelli Oil, and Michelle. Thank you. As we all know about this resolution. I dare to ask you something here. Are you willing to take part in this crusade of kings of the Underworld?
"Naturally. There's no way you can just let one of our guys see you like that."
"I want to join the war, too. It was a battle that made my immaturity painful. Even to clear the snowflake!
The hearts of Captain Kellioil and Michelle have not been broken at all. Rather, it is overflowing with fighting spirit.
Moving his gaze to Ramis, who had not uttered a word since the meeting began, he raised his leaning face vigorously. There was no fright or hesitation in its face, and strong determination was rising.
"Of course, I'm in! Hurt everyone and put Hulumi in such an eye...... I'm sorry if I don't hit you once! Hey, Hackon."
Oh, you're right, Ramis. Let's show them what we can do.
"I received that enthusiasm. Prepare the best people to belong to the Lake Hunter Association of Qingliu. Work with them to crusade the King of the Underworld."
That said, everyone meets with the fist protruded by Chairman Bear. All this time I couldn't help but wish I had an arm, too.