When the light of the transfer formation went out, there was no doubt in the room of the transfer formation on the fresh stream hierarchy.
But the door was opened and there were signs of people treading on the floor. Someone, it also left traces of multiple people using or attempting to use this transfer formation.
"I'm pretty sure there's been some kind of anomaly, let's hurry"
Chairman Bear jumps out into the hallway and everyone follows.
Previously the hallway was well cleaned, but now there are multiple people's footprints all over it. I guess that means I don't even have time to clean.
There is a lattice in the hallway window that inhibits entry from the outside, but there are even countless scratches and bends on the lattice.
"Oh no..."
Hulumi is wiping the sweat off his forehead. If you look closely, you're sweating all over your face except for the old couple and Chairman Bear.
Speaking of which, were there four seasons in the Lake Hierarchy of Qingliu and it is now early summer? The windows are completely due, so it's going to be quite a temperature. I didn't realize it at all because I didn't feel the temperature.
Running through the hallway and opening the door that leads to the hall of the Hunter Association, many of them stood together.
People's frightened gaze at us suddenly appearing out of the open door with a loud noise.
Traces of fatigue lingered on the faces of all of them, promptly making them understand that it was an unusual matter. Besides, he's in a windless room, so the heat seems to be depriving him of extra strength.
Do you count the number of people from forty to fifty? The face I saw...
"Chairman! I apologize for allowing the demon to break in without you!
One of the receptionists, dressed in the uniform of a dirty, flaky Hunter's Association official, interrupted my vision when I said I was in the process of looking for someone I knew.
"What happened, please explain"
"Yes. Four days ago, suddenly a bunch of demons appeared outside the settlement, resisting and allowing them to enter the settlement in vain. People have evacuated to the Hunter Society."
The Hunter Association was originally set up as an evacuation site, so it is a fort with robustness and interception. If we cage here, we can hold out. Even when the Twin Snake Demon is attacking us now, we are getting paid back without breaking the Hunter Society's iron wall guard.
"But the rapid increase in population has not penetrated the hunter association as a place of refuge other than its former inhabitants, many of whom have not been able to reach this point…"
Talking that far, officials shudder their shoulders and get stuck in words.
After all, are there… many victims? Previous raids were full of people with few residents and a sense of crisis. That is why no one, no matter how rough the settlement had been by then, had died alone.
But this time, has more people become a necklace?
"It'll be hard, but keep explaining. The most important thing here is to know what's going on."
Chairman Bear must be hard too. One hand is attached to the staff member's shoulder, but the other hand is tightly gripped.
"Also, I'm sorry. I tried to activate the transfer formation in an attempt to contact the chairman who was in the mourning hierarchy of the deceased, but for some reason it did not activate and it did not materialize to move the residents to the other hierarchy. We've managed to keep defending ourselves, but honestly, we've all been prepared to say that we may not be able to stand it any longer."
Was it a situation of absolute desperation? Some regret it a little sooner, but I can also say that it was good in time before the devastation.
"Is this all you survived?
"No, injured people, women and children are being asked to use upstairs rooms and private rooms. The number of inhabitants who were able to escape is probably around… a hundred. Hunters use baristas, ranged weapons, and magic from upstairs to intercept and crusade flying demons."
"A hundred, well... thank you. I'll take care of the rest."
That said, Chairman Bear accepts that the thread of tension was broken or that a female employee was about to fall on the spot.
"Chairman, we'll help upstairs. And I'll check the surroundings."
It's my duty as a gatekeeper.
Without waiting for Chairman Bear's reply, they rushed upstairs. The terrace section upstairs is the right place to intercept, so I guess I headed there.
Carios will want his lover's cheapness to take precedence over anything else. Still, it kills personal feelings and joins the defense.
"I turn to defense, too."
Michelle also later heads upstairs.
"Let's go too. The magic of old age can help."
"Grandpa, I'm coming too. You'll need healing power."
"Grandpa, grandma, your daughter and grandson will be searched for by useless me. And Carios' lover. I'll call you as soon as I find you... don't die!
When Hulumi spoke behind the old couple, they looked back deeply and lowered their heads, disappearing to the second floor.
"Ugh, we, too, got, got to intercept"
"No, will Ramis and Hackon distribute meals and beverages to everyone? Looks like he hasn't eaten at all. Let's eat and rest first. Can we both ask for it?"
"Ugh, yeah, okay!
I have no objection. Rummis wants to find Munami, the friendliest accommodation in this hierarchy right now. But I couldn't tell you when I saw Carios and the old couple push their emotions to death and act for everyone.
With the grid continuing, you are likely to pull your leg even if you participate in the fight. Besides, Ramis and Chairman Bear are accumulating fatigue to near their limit. In anticipation of that, Chairman Bear may have done himself a favor.
And that's it for the discussion. We have to do the task given to us quickly.
I'd really like to warm up and serve frozen foods, but the quicker they are, the faster they are, the longer they take.
Plus the indoor temperatures are too high, and the discomfort index is high here. When you do, offer sports drinks that hydrate well, as well as portable foods that combine nutrition and delicacy.
If the product is dropped one after the other, it is discharged to flow with "mindfulness power". And then they line up one after the other in front of them, and Ramis carries them. The relatively healthy residents also helped, so in a matter of minutes they went to the people in the hall.
Leave twenty extra cold sports drinks in an extra two litres of kink.
"Wow, this unusual taste of water, cold and delicious!
"It seems to come back to life. This weird food is pretty good too!
People who seem to be very popular and were wearing out sweat and strength are getting a little bit more vibrant.
And he said to me, "Thank you, Hackon! Thank God!" "Cold water, thanks!" and threw me a word of gratitude. If you're that happy, you'll be at the mercy of a vending machine.
"Next floor, Hackon."
It's a waste of time to carry him, and when he is held and transported upstairs, he is placed beside a one-way door that is sloppily lined up in the hallway, and Ramis opens it out of the corner door.
"I'm here to provide food and reinforcements. Let me check the number of people."
That said, Ramis peeks inside and comes back to see who's how many.
I'm not just waiting for Bo, cool sports drinks and nutritional drinks. Align jelly, nutritious foods in front of you that even the injured seem to be easy to eat.
You were right to get it. "Mind power" is helping me a lot. Just getting rid of this little loss increases work efficiency considerably.
One, two, three and open the door, and as Ramis was checking inside, the movement stopped.
"Ah, powerful sister! Grandpa, where's Grandma?
That voice is the grandson of an old couple, isn't it? Are you sure it was May?
"Mr. Rummis. I didn't know my father and mother."
What followed was your daughter's voice. All right, I could confirm the safety of the old couple's daughter and grandson. One less worry.
Immediately, when Ramis gave the explanation, they heard a whimpering voice, "Good, good," as if they had regained their calm.
From there, he opened the door again and was serving food and beverage, but along the way, he could also confirm the daughter of Carios' lover, the tool shop.
It looks like Hulumi, who was going upstairs first, was looking into it from the other side, but when he realizes we're here too, he comes running over.
"How's it going over there, Ramis?"
"Your granddaughters and grandchildren were safe! Mr. Carios' girlfriend was fine too!
"Whoa, you're serious! I knew this guy, and he had black clothes with that blonde high-flying girl. After that, Hackon took care of some of the money changers. And... Munami is safe."
"Ho, book hit! Duh, where were you!
Stuck by Ramis, Hulumi, who was defying the momentum, pointed at him all the time.
"It's the third room from the right. Munami was worried too. Show me your cheerful face."
"Ugh, yeah, I'm going for a minute!
I quickly disappeared from my sight and wondered if the door sounded open, "Munamiyi! Good. Ahhh," the joyous cry echoed.
"Hackon. I want to tell the grandfathers who are fighting that they are safe. Will you hang out with me?"
At the same time as I replied, I changed my body to a cardboard vending machine.
Now even Hulumi can carry it. I want to teach the three of you to be safe as soon as possible, and I was just wondering about the war.
Hulumi opened the door leading to the upstairs terrace as she held me in her arms and lifted me.
There may be an unexpected attack, so always keep the "junction".
A lot of air pours in, stirring up Hulumi's hair.
Both me and Hulumi were losing their words when we saw the sight spreading at the end of the door.
The vibrant streets where reconstruction work was progressing, the removal of debris in the settlements was nearing completion and new buildings were also growing exposed to an unbroken image.
Burning and all that remains is a skeleton, a house that was just completed two months ago.
Only rubble remains in the corner, which luckily escaped damage in the raid of the Twin Snake Demon.
The tent is tumbled down and rolled to the ground, and the demon must have stepped on it, turning it into just a bluff cloth.
Firehands are rising from several parts of town, but there's no way there's any manpower to digest them. However, the fire will not spread throughout the settlement because the area is already carburized or turned into rubble.
"This is what we spent in the settlement!
When I raised my gaze, there was a face of Hulumi, who was withstanding tears but eating his teeth hard.
Hulumi, I feel the same way. But I can't stop now. Because I have something to do.