The man, who gave in lightly to the threat and admitted it, thrust his right fist forward and breathed heavily.
"Unbind the King of the Underworld."
On the right hand side of the man is a design ring that imitates the king of the underworld. The eyes of that ring emit red light like blood, and its jaw shakes with a clatter.
Then the demons, who had been beating my "junction" for so long, suddenly stiff, staring at the void. He changed the way he had been killing and began to look around in a daze.
Looks like he's watching someone awake.
"Now the demons have returned to their original state. It's okay."
"Oh, my God."
"Let me"
Keep it up, I can't say it's over without retreating everything from here.
"Mm, I can't. I just give instructions to attack once in a while. This ring is supposed to convey the power of the King of the Underworld, and I'm just a relay point!
I mean, is it a replacement for the antenna? Well, you're not stupid enough to transfer all authority to a guy who doesn't seem to have any faith or guts like this.
Besides, I sealed the only way in and out to retreat, so you can't talk in the first place.
"Yes, now that I let them disarm, they're back to their normal demons"
This isn't a lie. The frogman demons who returned to me have scattered and fled. The Jade Demon is belligerent, so some individuals are still fighting, but some are attacking and eating the Frog Demon.
Is this the original ecosystem? All this time, I've been manipulated, so maybe I'm starving.
The demons started fighting with each other everywhere, and the bear chairmen seemed confused, so I decided to call them at maximum volume.
"Come here."
The hole's still less than half repaired, but there's a plate of concrete I put away, so it looks like I've decided it's no problem, and they're all rushing over.
"Hackon, did you do something? Who the hell is that?"
Chairman Bear, who arrived first, asks in a rough breath. The contents are gentlemen, but their appearance is a bear bathed in return blood. A man who was manipulating demons into that power is losing his hips.
From here, it's hard to explain from scratch who this guy is in the missing words, but I have a Security Camera and an LCD Panel. I recorded it, let's play back the exchange we just had.
Don't let the candy float in front of the man and keep your mouth open so it doesn't get in the way of everyone you seriously admire.
When I'm done looking at it to the end, I'm showing you the kind of tricks that everyone thinks of - eh!
"Die. Yeah!
An impending fist clashes into the (junction) with a roar.
Lose 600 Points
So, does it outweigh Michelle's blow as well? I wept in my eyes at the shapes of anger...... the blow of Ramis.
"Erase the junction, Hackon! Otherwise, kill him!
What do you mean? This anger is unusual. I've seen Ramis reveal his anger so far... only once. No way, is that what this is about?
"Calm down, Ramis. You're not the Lord."
I tried to beat him up again, with Chairman Bear strangling his wings from behind. But it seems completely out of control, dragged.
The Big Eaters, too, are pressing hard on Ramisu, but it is the horror of her power that can still move?
"I'll never forget that face! He was manipulating the demons that attacked our village. Vengeance!
I knew it, right? I felt thin, but is this the guy who destroyed the village of Ramis?
The condition that we were manipulating demons applies, but I didn't know we were going to meet at this time.
"I don't know the details, but from this one, I still have something to ask you. Please, will you stop being angry? The hatred of the man who destroyed my settlement and killed its inhabitants is painfully understandable. But that's why, bear with me. Other strata of people will suffer as well and are still scratching hard to live in adversity. You must not be caught in the same sight as us. To save a little more people... bear with me."
"Uh-huh. All right, I got it. Sorry, Chairman. We'll do the gate restoration work."
I guess I can't contain my feelings when I'm here. Heading toward the big hole in a downward mood. Grandpa and the three dirt wizards went back together.
"Well, I'll have all of these questions answered. I will break your fingers every time I waste my time rushing or deluding you and saying it. I will not kill...... no, I will not die easily. If you want to die in peace, be honest and confess everything."
Chairman Bear, calm and gentle, is no longer here. There was a beast that stripped out the fierceness of the wild and atrophied even the soul of the beholder.
I guess this behavior is unacceptable in Japan, if the other person is a murderer. But this is a different world, with different laws and different rules.
Besides, I don't feel like stopping Chairman Bear, even if it's the wrong thing to do as a law.
Hundreds of residents were murdered without a trace. Whatever they did, this guy deserved it. There is no room for sympathy.
I won't tell you anything in silence next door, my grandmother is standing quietly. There is no mild grin, staring at the man with a disappearing face of expression.
I feel a different awesome taste from Chairman Bear in his appearance.
"First, let's have that ring removed. Will Hackon stay with Ramis? We'll take this kind of dirty work. That's the role of the elderly."
I had a desire to see it through, but more than that, I want to be beside Rummis now. So I honestly accepted that offer and had the wheels set up downstairs to be transported to the Big Eaters.
"Hackon...... sorry"
Pretty depressed. With me on my back, I keep working on filling holes, but I have no usual hegemony at all.
You said you could have met your parents' revenge, but if you lost your chance of achieving revenge, you'd be depressed. But... I know it's sweet, but I'm a little upset that Ramis didn't have to kill people.
What words should I hang? I can't think of any thoughtful words when I say I can speak a little.
This, then, is no different from previous vending machines.
"We've always wanted to avenge you and everyone in the village. So I tried to be a little stronger, and I became a hunter."
"So when I saw him, I couldn't think of anything... you can't. My master also said... you don't have to forget your anger. But don't forget me under any circumstances. Swallow your anger, your pity, sublimate it, and tell them to do their part."
It is wrong to ask a teenage girl for perfect control of her emotions. How many adults in the world can't control their emotions properly?
But this other world is not a peaceful Japan. Not to mention I'm huntering around ready for danger in the dungeon, mental disturbance is only an act of shrinking one's life.
With all that in mind, I want to be on her side. Me and Ramis, vending machines, are like one size fits all together. I'll make up for her missing parts.
If your heart is going to be anointed with grief, you can paint it back with joy. That's what I do as a partner.
"Yes, I am."
Sai Ma'am.
It's a boring way of talking, and I'm worried you passed it on properly. I'm not going to die that easily, so I thought I'd stay with you until the day you quit hunter.
"What, Hackon? Does that mean maybe... propose?
Ramis dyes his cheeks and twists himself around. Oh, wait a minute, Mr. Rummis.
"So, but, of course, I'm a minor... and your mother married eighteen, so we're ideally married the same age."
Um, hello.
"I'm glad, but I think it's a little early. Look, we should still know more about each other. Oh, and then what am I going to do with the kid? Let Hulumi make a little hackon, okay?"
Uh, I'd like you to hear my explanation.
"Yes, I knew it, we'd reach the end of the dungeon and have humans put it back! I love Hakkon now, but I want to see Hakkon back. Then maybe we can go on a date together."
I'm glad the feeling that I was depressed blew me away, but my delusions are leaping in a hell of a direction.
It seems too shocking and slightly confusing when feelings are perishing. I'm glad to find out they like me, but are you serious...... You're just getting up because you say kind words with a weak heart and you can't make the right decision about the situation.
Is it possible to make love to a vending machine and a girl? Hey, no, I'll calm down.
Do we now have to bring her back to reality that we dream of from here?
"Nah. Hackon is depressed, he's encouraging us, isn't he? Thanks. Yeah, I feel so much better thanks to you!
Damn, were you making fun of me? Dangerous, I almost believed it for real.
He's spinning his arms around and appealing to me where he's healthy, but he's still shady on his expression. Better than being depressed even in the air.