I Reincarnated Into a Vending Machine
Rice and Heart
On the way home, we were able to return safely to the settlement without a single battle.
When Ramis pushes the barricade in, he cheers from the remaining hunters.
"Ohhh! How was it!
"Are you in charge of that?
To the stuffed hunters, the captain stretches his arms to control them.
I made sure they all shut up before breathing in loudly and saying it out loud to the hunters waiting.
"This guy is a commander. We've accomplished our goal!
As soon as possible, the settlement is filled with a voice of joy so illusory that it may be shaking.
We don't know much about the tragedy that happened in the beginning hierarchy. But I can imagine.
The sense of reality and joy that has brought their peace back is exploding, having overcome a tragic situation as well as the Lake hierarchy of fresh streams.
As Captain Kellioil locked the captive commander's woman in the cell, he took the deputy commander, the Red and White Twins, to jail.
It was the chairman of the beginning, whose bright red suit stood out, who appeared incorrectly with them.
"Well done, gentlemen! Hackon, I'm sorry, but could you offer me some food and drinks for the feast? I'll give you all the expenses you need."
Absolutely. The original role of vending machines is that way.
Alcohol will also be fine today. And then there's the food for booze. Can it be roasted noodles, roasted octopus, edamame, fries or something, as you can't remove fries from it? In that case, there's no double vending machines for frozen food manufacturers. We have everything.
I feel like if I put this manufacturer's vending machine in a tavern that serves alcohol, it would sell quite a bit.
I also thought about becoming a vending machine convenience store, but today has changed so many times that the time left is subtle. Let's stop it.
Desks and chairs are brought into the square near the barricade, and the dishes I serve are arranged one after the other. Alcohol also went to the banquet, but I can't eat and drink, so I take out food and drink and arrange it at my desk.
Hulumi said he wanted a fresh salad, so when I became a vending machine for vegetables and lined up many different vegetables, Ramis cooked them up quickly.
The vegetables are placed on the long desk with some excess. And then I find out what I mistook when I told him I was going to serve the food, that someone brought a big pot and I don't need it, and I'm putting it here and enjoying the banquet.
Are there pots, knives, slabs, and vegetables on them? I'm a little free, and you want to try something I've wanted to try before?
First, it changes to the "US Vending Machine", which is a feature I took before but didn't show up at all.
Ten kilos and five kilos of rice line the top of the white body reminiscent of cooked rice. Underneath is a picture of a tea bowl served with rice.
It's a feature I chose to boom rice in different worlds, but they haven't eaten rice in different worlds, so they didn't understand how to cook it.
However, I think it is possible to cook it myself now that there is a "mindfulness power" … It's worth a try.
The type of rice can also be chosen from the product column, but this time we choose five kilos of Koshihikari unwashed rice.
Unwashed rice also saves you time because you don't need to grind rice.
Lift five kilometres of rice from the removal port and place it on the ground to open the top when transported next to the pan. Place the paper cup borrowed from the vending machine for the cup there and add up to a glass of rice.
And then we move it to the pot.
Yichi, to, sa, shi, oh, roku, hichi, hachi, kyu, jyu. Can I do this?
Well, from here on out. Normally cooking white rice isn't funny, so let's make it cooked rice.
The only reason I can use it with ingredients seems to be because I just cut a thousand stitches. Also, I'd like to add a gobo, but I can't use the knife, so would you say no? You rejected Daikon for the same reason.
I miss you so much, the other ingredients are... uh, I used them in Oden before, let's put in a bamboo wheel for souvenirs.
I also want to add chicken, but is it too much to remove the fried clothes from and add them?
I miss the material because this is an experiment, but let's move on. And then also cook this using the chin stock from the previous pet bottle? Dilute it with water, measure it properly, adjust it and get it done.
Well, how do you cook this...... I know how to actually use gas to cook rice in a dirt pot because I do it well, but the question is how to get it on fire.
Can't I go from here on my own? Let's ask for help.
"Hey, Hackon. What's that?
He seemed too focused to see around him. When I heard the voice I was used to hearing and turned my gaze, Ramis, Hulumi was peering in.
"I couldn't speak up because I'm doing something quietly, it's cooking, right?
Cooking, as you can see.
"It was like a magical ritual with more and more ingredients floating in the pan."
Well, if you look at it from a third-party perspective, it looks like an incredible sight.
It could be a little horror if no one has touched their hands but a paper cup floats and pours rice into it and jumps into the pan until shimeji and stock.
"Ri Ruri"
I answered concisely.
If there are two of you, I think I'll get some help. I can't help it after this.
"Oh, my God."
"Hey, there."
"Yeah, fine. I don't know what to do."
"Oh, I don't mind."
The two of them accepted with pleasure.
I felt like I could do anything after I learned "Mind Power," but I still need help from my buddies. It's tough when it comes to cooking because I can only move my products.
If you can help me, I can use that one. It's been a while since I've decided to try becoming a Gas Vending Machine. In the belly of the eight legs, it's been your turn since then.
A simple stove is attached to the tip of a gas pipe that extends from an old, silver square box.
"This is weird, but should I put it down?"
It's a pretty big pot, but for Rummis, who can carry me, he put it lightly on the stove with an easy win. This stove is what I put out, so I think I can handle the product.
I didn't get "Mind Power" before, so I twisted the cock and couldn't light it, but now I can do it.
Pressing the cock and then twisting, the spark scattered and the burner lit.
"Oh, was this a tool to get the fire out? I can't believe Hackon can do this."
Hulumi bends over and stares seriously at the stove fire.
Even a stove that just lights a fire seems to stimulate her curiosity as a magic magician, making her eyes shine and observing my body and stove.
Don't get a little lighted up when you're seen wandering.
Turn the fire on low heat and leave it for a while? Oh, I need to cover it.
"Let me."
That said, manipulate an empty chin stock pet bottle and tap the lid of the pan.
"This is it."
All right, the basics when cooking rice are weak for the first time. Now if I can't even make a mistake about the fires, I think I can make delicious cooked rice...
I was triplets when I did it at home, so I'm anxious when it comes to this much, but even if it burns a little, it would be fine because it tastes delicious.
The last one got help, but an easy dish would seem to work it out.
"But, Hackon, why did you suddenly start cooking?
"No, you're right. You can serve as much food as you want."
Is it natural for the two of you to wonder? It's decided for some reason... why?
I just tried it with a thought, but yeah, I don't have anything to worry about if I can't cook anything. Instead, it's strange to have a vending machine that can do the cooking as well.
I bought too many vending machine products in my lifetime, and I was always good at cheap food because I was short on gold. Maybe the habits of that time just made me want to cook.
"Oh, it's been a long time, but is this okay?
All right, did the fire start coming through while I was thinking about it? The lid shakes and the white bubble swells from the gap and is bursting. Can we keep the fire going?
After a while, when the fire was extinguished and steamed, many people surrounded them at some point.
"Hiku, that smells good..."
"Oh, what are you doing? Eat it."
"Hackon's new product?"
Has the smell caught you and the drunks gathered?
It's hard not to know the smell because I don't have a sense of smell, but attracting this much means that the aroma of cooking is stimulating my appetite.
All right, so, steaming looks good, and suppose I hand it out?
"Oh, you're coming with me."
I'll help you, too.
I'll leave the rice alone with the balls you two prepared for me.
You're doing a good job. I don't think the deliciousness of cooked rice is exaggerated even though it is aggregated here.
"Kuhaah, yummy this!
"It's warm, it's delicious, it's bloated, it's the strongest."
Oh, it's very popular. Hunters with a lot of big food quickly left a few.
I hadn't eaten it yet, when I also gave it to Ramis and Hulumi, they both look deliciously cheeky.
Oh, what is this feeling? I'm so happy right now.
I was glad when you were happy to buy the vending machine products, but I didn't think you'd be so happy to eat the stuff you cooked with your hands on.
I think it was my strong joy as a vending machine maniac to be happy with the vending machine products. The joy of having people say they like what they like.
Now a praise for what I've done.
Vending machine products were created with a lot of people involved. I'm the one selling it, but I'm not involved in the taste of the contents.
They let me sell the product on my own, and I felt guilty about being complimented like my own handles when I said that was all. A mere presence that boasts of embezzling corporate efforts.
That's what's been on my mind the whole time.
So maybe he wanted to do something on his own without consciousness.
I have a sense of being useful to people as vending machines. But it was someone else's power.
Ingredients are still the power of vending machines, but I'm the one who used them to cook. That's all I said, but I could honestly get people's praises.
"Hackon, thank you for everything."
Rummis smiling innocently and hunters eating with their faces down all around them.
Sometimes I try to cook. It was a smile that made me think so.