I Reincarnated Into a Vending Machine
[]/(n, vs) breakdown/breakdown/
"Negotiations broke. Too bad."
"Kochi no Tsunen"
I thought my awful way of talking would just get in the way, never pinched my mouth before, but that's all I said at the end.
"In this, Hackon. You're the one I wanted the most."
"Hackon is with us the whole time. You're not giving it to anybody."
I can take it like a confession of love, but Ramis doesn't even seem to think about it. I guess you just said what you thought.
"It is also my duty as a priest to stop the folly of my fellow members of the regiment and to lead them on the right path. If you poke your head with my weapon, you'll regain your sanity."
"Die, die"
Red and white twins are shaking their heads hard, left and right. Even in this situation, it's an exchange that makes you feel spared.
"You're not willing to change your mind..."
"Shit, Hebui. I thought you didn't convince me. Why, aren't you guys willing to let us go adultery? I don't want to hurt you."
"I understand that. If you want to get rid of us for saying no, you just have to take one story at a time and kill me if you say no. You don't have the benefit of talking to them all at once."
"Well, shut up and miss me."
"There's no way you can leave your foolish people alone, going with wheezers like you're okay with killing people."
I hadn't noticed until Hebrew said so. Well, what were these people not willing to do with us when the negotiations broke down?
This is a situation where the two are staring at each other with weapons in their hands, but are these people really willing to start killing each other here? They said they were talking to each other as buddies until a few minutes ago...
"I'm not going to let you get hurt if you throw down your weapon, surrender, go into the barn and give me your shoes."
"I just want you to give me a break for the shoes and the barn."
Re-check the situation as you listen to the two conversations.
This room has high ceilings and large ceilings. There's just room for everyone to fight.
The opponents are four: Captain Keri Oil, Deputy Filmina and the Red and White Twins.
This one is with five people: Michelle, Hebui, Ramis, Shui, me, and Hulumi.
Does Hulumi mean four to four plus one because it is out of battle?
In my view, if it's pure combat power, I think Michelle is superior to Captain Keri Oil. However, I can't be alarmed because of the difference in experience.
The Vice Commander's magic is troublesome, but we need Shui to restrain him and not let him participate in the attack.
The problem is the red-white twins, but does Hebui outdo them by himself... though I can't tell you anything because I still can't grasp the actual strength.
And then there's the question of whether we should involve Ramis in the fight. She has no complete control over her powers. It's too dangerous to fight them in that state.
In the unlikely event that you kill someone by mistake in controlling your powers, you may suffer enough wounds in your heart that you can't recover.
Even though, it will be difficult to match the hard-to-fight opponents to a lesser degree. But I know very well that it's not Ramis who can keep his mouth shut without doing anything adulterously.
If there's a reason she doesn't have to fight...... right!
"Shh, shh."
"Come here."
By putting Hulumi and Shui, who are non-combatants, also within the (junction), you can create a situation where Ramis cannot move.
As soon as I saw that I activated the Junction, two people came running over to me and realized.
"Hackon, that would help!
"Wait a minute, you mean my sister!?
Oh, Hulumi's tingling his temples, and his mouth angle is hanging.
Was it a bad idea, what's your name now? I can't call it Hulumi, so I thought it might look good on you.
"There's more, see, there's more... there's a lovely name."
He's turning away and bumping and squeaking. Right, even Hulumi is a woman, so we need to think about a more deserving name.
"Oh, don't let them get away with it."
"You know what? Yeah, okay."
By moving us to the only entrance and exit, the captain's side sealed the escape route.
But when this happens, I'll have to deal with the captain and the red-white twins in Michelle and Hebuy. Shui doesn't have time to get his hands on the avant-garde battle because it serves to seal the Deputy Commander's move.
We're still just staring at each other and watching each other. Even though we have become hostile, can't we seriously stop fighting?
It's a dangerous balance that would break if there were any hang-ups, but so far we can't take that step with each other.
I know it's best to settle this with a discussion, but I can't convince you with my ability to talk.
"We don't just kill people. We only use the king of the underworld to attack the dungeon."
"I guess they think the same thing. If I use you guys, I'm gonna cut you off."
"I guess. But we'll see what we can do. Whatever means you use, I want to give this guy his normal life and health."
The story follows a parallel line. No word can be used to overshadow the ideas of the heads of delegation.
I thought I was in a rigid state, but Michelle and Hebuoy are stuffing the line with sliding feet.
The captain and the red-white twins are also moving forward a little bit. If we keep this up, we'll be stepping in between each other with a few steps left.
"I mean negotiated breakdown, let's do it!
"Fine, dude!
It was the captains who made the big move ahead.
Head straight into it, Captain and Michelle. Hebui and the Red and White twins were the way to fight, but the captain runs into Hebui so that the twins cross over to Michelle.
"I'll let you do it with Hebrew."
"Captain, it's an honor to have you nominated immediately."
A dagger resting on both hands is protruded alternately, playing it with a thorny iron sphere.
The commander's attack is sharp and harsh and Hebrew is more pushy, but he manages to outdo it thanks to one weapon in both hands.
"After all, the melee was strong before you."
"Full, full, but"
He prevents daggers, plays them, and occasionally, kicks them out, preventing the Commander from attacking him, but he seems to be one of the better opponents. The coat is cleaved, shallow wounds run to the body and cheeks, and blood is splashed.
Still, I can't stand the situation for a while, but I can't even be optimistic. I also thought about changing to a "high pressure washer" and getting my hands on it, but I am not sure I can only capture the captain because he is moving around violently.
What's going on over there?
Michelle hasn't lost two to one. Rather, is the war situation advantageous?
He seems to be burning his hands at the combination of the two, but is extremely afraid that the Red and White twins will be attacked, understanding that he will fall into non-combat just by eating a wave of the Great Sword.
Always on the front is a red formation that specializes in winning spears of reach, with whites circling behind and on the sides trying to disturb the opponent's concentration.
"Wow, seriously, scared! If you hit it, you're gonna die."
"When the red dies, I'll get you the woman who numbed you before, don't worry"
"I don't want to kill you, so I'd appreciate it if you'd surrender."
He makes surrender recommendations to the twins, who slap lightly but do not diminish their will, but whose necks are never shaken vertically.
There is a difference in strength, but it is difficult to twist and fall, and it has not reached the point of defeating the opponent. If it's a good opponent to kill, the battle is going to run out soon, but you're attacking.
Michelle's roaring and burning blade powers seem too powerful to seal, or the difficulty of capturing them alive?
Lieutenant Filmina is staring at me with a chunk of water floating around. At the end of that gaze is Shui, who has a bow with one knee poked.
Once Shui released the arrow, the chunks of water were easily prevented by changing to look like walls.
Since then, I've been trying to shoot in for the timing of the vice captain's magical attack, but he doesn't seem to understand that over there, either. There's no movement.
The power of war is antagonistic. But I think this side is at a disadvantage.
I guess the difference is no hesitation. This one is totally unwilling to kill the other. You don't want to kill the other side, but as a result, you think the other person can die, because the movement is crisp and they come after the steeple as normal.
I'm free, but when it comes to a messy battle with enemy allies, I'm useless as soon as I can.
I know you want to set something up, but this room could involve your allies. Is there anything I can do other than keep the "junction" going?
Think, think. If it's not going to be a war force, think about what you can do as a vending machine.
Why don't you sprinkle kerosene and petrol and light a fire... no, this place is indoors, so you're just addicted to carbon monoxide? It involves not only the captains, but also Michelle and Hebuoy.
The pussy balls I did before, the lotion is no good for either side. The movement is too intense to shoot in the high pressure water flow and I'm not sure I can hit it.
Can we just hope for Michelle and Hebuoy's hard work as it is?