I Reincarnated Into a Vending Machine
Food feud
The search for crates in the maze went well, and five more crates were found in the next two days. Some of the contents would be delightful if they were regular hunters, but we haven't found the giant demon stone we're looking for right now.
Will the map also be dyed red for more than 60%, and will I have to entrust my wishes to the remaining 40%?
"Chairman, the wide aisle seems to have to be handy too"
"Hmm, is it dangerous to be pushed out in numbers, even though you've gained more power"
Hulumi and Chairman Bear are staring at the map and exchanging opinions with that and this.
As it is, I know there is the lowest risk and certainty, but I don't want to spend much time exploring the maze carefully and patiently waiting for the Demon Stone to come out.
This is what we all think in common. The Kikoyus want a dialogue with the King of the Underworld, and we want to rendezvous with our people and normalize the hierarchy.
At the very least, if I know the cheapness of my separated companions, I can carry things calmly.
"The place I was turning later is a place with lots of traps and high mortality. I haven't revealed the whole story yet, so I didn't get my hands on it."
"It's going to take a while to explore. Chairman, what are we gonna do?"
"If you can get around everything safely, you may not find the Demon Stone."
Chairman Bear is deeply troubled. If we were to proceed with caution, how many days would it take? Sorry about a week, a month... months if I suck.
"This may be more certain than defeating the Lava Demon"
"Lava Man Demon? I'll give you all the information I know, but please make any mistakes or additions, Chairman."
Will Hulumi give me a detailed explanation? We have to make sure we don't miss it.
Oops, looks like Kurohachi and the buttons are lining up next to me to listen.
"The troublesome thing about Lava Man Demons is heat. It's too hot, and it evaporates instantly even when it's sprinkled with water. On the contrary, they say the water explodes and the fire splashes all around them."
I've watched footage of flames spreading around the area before hanging pet bottles of water on lava on the video site. You mean it's better not to do it with a little water?
"Even if you hit him, you can hit him with your bare hands. It's best to do something with blunt instruments like mace and hammers."
Chairman Bear is going to melt your nails.
"There's not a single guy here who can use magic. So if we're going to do this, we're going to have to pour a lot of water over it, cool and consolidate some parts of the body, and then we're going to have to remove heat and create a situation where the blow will go through."
"Even when it comes to cooling down, how?
Kikoyu raised his hand softly before mouthing the question.
If they affirm that there is no wizard, it is natural to wonder.
"There are several ways, but the person in charge will be Hackon"
Since everyone's gaze had gathered, I changed the form to the smaller "ice vending machine" and tried to get the ice out.
Kikoyu, who grabbed the corny and rolling ice beneath her feet, is surprised to see her eyes open.
"This is not ice! Mr. Hackon can make ice, too."
These reactions are very comfortable because my buddies have had thin reactions lately, no matter what they turn into.
In production, you can be a giant ice vending machine and get some ice all at once. A short period of time can also reduce the loss of points.
"Well, honestly, the easiest and surest way... is to get Hackon to turn into the biggest one and crush every bond from above. If it's connected, we can cut off the heat, right?
After all, do we come to that conclusion? If Ramis was here, he'd likely be stopped, but Hulumi figured out what I was capable of, and he decided it was okay.
"It's just that then it's a way of stopping. I wish a lava demon showed up near that pit. Oh, fine. The world won't be so convenient."
"Shall I ask you to find the Lava Demon in the vicinity of Kurohachi?"
"Whoa, can I ask for it? You don't have to get your hands on it, so if you just know where it is, it's easy to set up future operations"
As much as I envy being free to fly. I can float in the sky, and I can manage to travel, but the mobility is a difference between cloud mud.
Let's leave reconnaissance to the adults.
"So that's it for today's exploration? Let's just say we start getting ready for camp."
The sun has fallen and the area is getting dark, so that's just the right time.
The Black Eight Flying Into the Dark Night is completely assimilated to the Dark, so the enemy won't find it.
Hulumi once asked Kikoyu, as a simple question, whether it was okay for a bird to fly at night, but he replied, "He says the third eye also foresees darkness at night".
I think you boys will understand that I'm slightly attracted to the sound of the third eye.
"Which one's in charge of dinner today?
Hulumi looked at me and Kikoyu alternately, and the air changed with a casual word he uttered.
Yes, this is a battlefield. Which is better: the vending machine's products or the vegetables harvested from the field shards, a place to compete with them.
"Mr. Hackon was in charge yesterday, so I'm in charge today"
"Yes, sir."
"No, take your time today. Fresh vegetables can also help prevent beautiful skin and diseases."
Have you smiled and refused?
I've been serving meals alternately in the morning, noon, and evening, but Kikoyu seems to think that the vegetables that can be picked from the shards in the field taste better, and he wants to be the diner.
I think that's because I'm not dissatisfied with the vending machine food and I'm delighted to have the vegetables I can pick from the field shards. Isn't this also a sign of trust in the field?
Even I have pride in selling vending machine products. Besides, I'm more than happy to please the product.
Plus, I know the field is in the same condition as me, and I'm even coming up with a confrontation that I don't want to lose.
"You all want some vegetables."
Damn, did you set up with Chairman Bear and Hulumi first? They both seem to have remembered the taste of vegetables, with a loose look that is less than full.
"Oh, my goodness."
"Yes, sir."
Hulumi overreacted to my words. Actually, she's vulnerable to sweet things. He wants something sweet when he uses his head, and secretly he likes sweetness.
However, Chairman Bear's reaction is dull. I'm just saying I'm not interested in sweets.
Ugh, but this place shows the difference in experience. I have fully grasped Chairman Bear's preference, one of the regular people who will buy it over and over again.
Here I quickly change into a vending machine convenience store.
Within the four steps lined with products, the lower bunk is a colorful sweet corner. This is the one that lines up the bunk above!
Salmon nappies, red salmon nappies, salmon mayo, sushi salmon exhausted, a tabernacle lunch box with grilled salmon. Come on, salmon when it comes to bears. Can't stand this furious salmon exhaustion!
"Ko, this is haha! Heh, heh. Wouldn't it be a good Hackon product today?"
"Oh, yeah. I have no objection either."
Chairman Bear gave an honest opinion without distracting himself from the upper step and Hulumi from the lower step.
"It's sloppy, Mr. Hackon! I can't believe I'm fishing by the looks of it!
"We're here to see you again."
He swells his cheeks and puts them sideways.
You look stubborn, but I'm not missing out on you laughing at your eyes.
So do I, but Kikoyu seems to enjoy the exchange, complaining but tongue-in-cheek at my prepared rice.
But you couldn't do much of what you did today. Let me give you one more sweet to apologize for.
Kikoyu is rapidly becoming familiar with these battles every meal. I was a little reluctant as a newcomer, but at this rate, I think I'll be fine now.
Well, that's why the caterer doesn't give in so easily. Because if food is no longer available, its value as a vending machine will be drastically reduced.
Whether you're a woman or a child, you can't lose to a rival!
The next morning.
I was intoxicated by the aftermath of the victory yesterday and decided to get some sleep rarely.
Kikoyu and the others took charge of the watch from late at night to early morning, so when I slept well in the morning, there were - more and more pots to turn up the hot air.
"Good morning, Mr. Hackon. We have a soup full of vegetables, so you won't have to prepare breakfast."
They did it! Did this change the watch for the first time? Come on, I'll never give up noon.
Keeping a hot determination in his chest, Hulumi, coming off the carrier with sleeping eyes, sat in front of the pan with a sleepless face.
"Is it a soup full of vegetables today? Well, I'm glad I'm in charge. Why don't you and I share it? Salad, soup, the main dish."
When I heard the words that were inadvertently released, I saw Kikoyu and I felt... I don't have these eyes.
From that day on we were to be in charge of each other's dishes one by one.
Well, now it's fruit or sweets after meals, so I can do it.