I Reincarnated Into a Vending Machine
Toddler Girl Power
The number of members at once increased to become quite a large area.
It was a surprise, to be honest, that the old couple came, but if they were to be transported on the carrier of a button, they would have preferred to participate because it would be easier to travel.
It was such a light reason that Rummis also seemed to have doubts and was asking directly.
"Grandpa and grandma, are you sure?
"Well, my grandmother said she wanted to take a forest bath."
"I appreciate a trip where you can enjoy nature without walking on your own feet."
I can't tell if you're serious or joking. They gave me back.
The two are looking at each other and smiling at each other, showing off their friendliness.
"I brought you two here for a reason. I want to make sure that the variation from hierarchy to hierarchy does not take too long. I consider that the purpose of the King of the Underworld and the Commander of Keri Oil is to buy time. So I decided to increase my firepower."
"The Lake Hierarchy of the Fresh Stream is settling down."
"Right. There is also a need to defend Carios and Golls. Besides, the hunters in the beginning hierarchy moved over here as well. Just in case, Hoxy... the gardener's staying too."
Don't be quite a war builder if you have a gardener. It also has the ability to heal, so I can feel safe if the injured person comes out. The bow's strength was slightly above Shui's, so it looks like it could handle the flying enemies adequately.
"Though we are aiming to shorten time, there is no ex or child to hurry things up. It's safest and surest to hit someone with the ability to do it efficiently."
My grandmother's sword swordsmanship is not common, but in these situations I would expect the firepower from my grandfather's magic.
However, do you strictly prohibit fire magic because you have to watch out for fire?
"Well, it's troublesome, but do you want to go see Croquet"
Who's Croquet? Chairman Bear is sighing and shaking his head left and right.
You don't look like you really like seeing that person.
"My back pain suddenly got worse."
"Is Grandpa okay? Excuse me, I need to see my grandfather. I'll leave you to say hello to Croquet."
When Chairman Bear turned his gaze, he suddenly held his hips and his grandfather began to suffer. My grandmother rubs her grandfather's hips and says something healthy.
"I'll have you follow me. I'm tired of dealing with that alone."
When the old couple strayed from their gaze and stood up softly even though they were supposed to have back pain, they sighed just as loudly as Chairman Bear did.
Was back pain a play? I could imagine who the person called Croquet was in the reaction so far.
That's it, definitely Dark Chairman. I want you to talk about how we used to be hunters together.
"Wouldn't you like that?"
"It's funny, but it's not that bad"
Ex-members will probably tell you this much.
But I can't help but feel unwilling to talk once I experience that turbulence of words.
"Okay, let's go...... Kikoyu"
"Yes, what is it, Mr. Bear?"
Is that what Chairman Bear is called Mr. Bear by Kikoyu?
I don't know, you look less than full. The same goes for the old couple, but when they talk to Kikoyu, the expression is loose to the point of stunning. An old killer.
And he's adorable because he looks like he's walking over. The white coat looks good too, and that synergy makes most people smile unexpectedly.
I'll take care of that.
"Yes, I understand"
I wonder what that thing is. My expression is tight, so I think it's important.
Even after Chairman Bear walked away, the words were caught all the time, but Kikoyu touched my body when he sensed it.
"Mr. Hackon. Mr. Bear has asked me to help you. '
Is it also possible to deliver a voice to the person touched? Directly, a voice echoed on my head. It's a head or a fuselage.
Fine, but I wonder what kind of favor they did.
'That's a secret. Is everyone here in this hierarchy?'
Right. Everyone but the Dark Chairman and the Hunter Society staff.
I just got back from the outside, and it's time for me to distribute my meals, so people from all over the hierarchy are getting together.
'Just, that's good. May I hand over Mr. Hackon's goods?'
Go ahead. That would be more pleasant to receive.
The seller is determined to be more pleased with the cute girl. Sure, I'd like to ask.
If this is what you want me to do, I think I know what I'm after. It's just speculation, but let's keep an eye on it.
When you speak loud, people line up all the way in front of me.
Shui lined up in the lead earlier than anyone else. And almost at the same time, four of the big eaters jumped in.
The Big Eaters were overwhelmingly higher if only for speed, but the difference in the starting dash appeared blatant as Shui, who had grasped the time of the meal, waited in a battle like a carnivore for his prey.
"Aren't you going to be that fancy one today?
That's the vending machine convenience store. It seemed to fit in completely once I offered it, and Shui started saying it about something.
I have two hours left of transformation time today, so I can afford it, but I don't know what to do.
I decided to become a special vending machine convenience store after losing to Shui, who was shining her eyes, and the big food troupe, who was shaking her tail violently in reaction to the word luxurious.
"Oh, can I stick the arrangements from the Hunter Association to the end"
"Yes, sir."
Since most people in this hierarchy buy it, it would be most efficient to stick it here.
The sticker is written by a full body painting of the King of the Underworld, under which is stated the amount to be paid to the informant. That picture looks just like it because it's based on the footage I recorded.
If Shui chooses a large quantity and tries to take what has fallen into the retrieval port, Kikoyu is trying to grab it first and hand it over.
"Uh, it's Kikoyu, isn't it? Thank you."
"Yes, go ahead"
Shui is also smiling back, caught by Kikoyu's smile.
The money is also received by hand and the change is returned with my hands, so I can't help but loosen my cheeks unexpectedly.
Products are offered at fairly cheap prices, so you often get change with silver coin payments. I don't like the change bulky because I run a hunter, or few people seem to carry a ton of copper coins with them.
Then all of everyone's chosen products have been received and handed over by Kikoyu from the takeout port instead, but so far there has been no particular change.
Customers are also relaxed by the fact that brand-new products are lined up and handed to them by cute toddlers.
Ten or twenty people will receive the goods without any problems.
And there was a change in expression the moment Kikoyu gave the goods to the twenty-fifth person. I start recording in a hurry.
The person had purchased three items, so his voice echoed on his head when he stuck his hand in to take out the second product.
This man is the commander of the king of the underworld.
I knew it. By handing it over, Kikoyu was reading the voice of the other person's heart.
When purchasing by sticking the arrangement in a prominent place, I unconsciously think of something related to the King of the Underworld because I don't like it but I can catch my eye. That's where they read it.
Their faces have all been recorded. You're a woman with a common face that doesn't feature. It can also be said to be the most suitable person to get mixed up.
"Thank you"
Thank you for a delicious meal.
It's the type of refreshing answer that makes a good impression, but now that I know it's the king's side of the underworld, it all looks like an act.
I'm glad I'm the vending machine. If it was a biological body, I think it would have appeared on my face.
I also thought about keeping him locked up in the "junction" and not letting him get away with it, but Chairman Bear might have some ideas, so I kept my hands off him.
After serving everyone's meal, Kikoyu runs over because the chairmen of the bear are back.
And he seems to be gently touching his body and communicating information without putting it in his mouth.
As it were, the chairmen of the bear came to me instead of going to the other side.
"Hackon, do you remember that person"
After I made sure there were no commanders around me, I showed the recorded footage on the LCD panel so that I could see just Chairman Bear and Chairman Dark and the old couple and Kikoyu lining up to surround me.
"Ha, this is our hunter. I've been a hard-working young man in this hierarchy for a long time, and I was hoping for the future. I can't believe you did it, King of the Underworld's Hand."
"Right. I don't know if you've been making me sneak around for a long time, or if you've been solicited like a captain. Now, what should we do?"
"Why don't you let him swim for a while and wait to make contact with the others?"
"Oh, that's a good idea for your grandfather."
If you're in contact with other people, it might not be a bad idea to keep an eye on them and exhaust them.
But that's not what I figured out how much time it takes. It would be easier if I could get the information out quickly.
"Oh, what are you all gathered to talk to me about? If it's about shoes, mix it up with me too"
I wonder why we have to talk about shoes in this face.
I'm surprised you can tell who it is with that statement, but Hebui has been calling with his gaze under his feet.
Oh, yeah. You're right. You're right.
Let's make it happen.
That's what I said and carried the milk tea that I dropped on the extraction mouth to Hebuy.
Everyone seemed to pin in on my remarks and nodded at me for a big time.
"Um, excuse me, but why are you staring at me? You've been forcibly refraining from buying shoes lately, haven't you?
The momentum is likely to start exposing sin by mistake, but using Hebui's ability to read "sensory manipulation" and Kikoyu's mind voice, it will be possible to get the information you need.