Hulumi sharpens the branches with a knife and brackets the fishing line because the fishing rod broom is ready.
You're stabbing a fishing needle in the blue soot without any hesitation. Again, women in this world succeed.
There's nothing I can do about things that I want reels but don't. There was a wooden dock on the beach, so he travels to the edge and drips the fishing line.
It's not bad to relax looking at the sea this way. By the way, I'm in the fishing business, too. He wraps a fishing line around a pet bottle and manipulates it with "Mind Power". Honestly, I don't need a pet bottle instead of a pole, but it's a matter of atmosphere.
I appreciate this way to enjoy fishing because I can manipulate everything I sell as a product.
"If you can do Hackon, let's do a fishing match."
"Yeah, nice! Glad to be playing with Hackon."
I'm not different, either. I never thought the day would come when I could fish with my buddies as a vending machine. But if you're going to win or lose, I won't forgive you.
"Normally it's not funny, so yeah... how about the one who caught the biggest fish can order anything from the loser"
"Fine, I won't lose."
Isn't that funny? I don't know what I'll let you do if I win, I'll look forward to it.
The time was until Hebrew picked him up. I went to the Hunter Association before I went over here and asked the staff to give me a message, so I should come when I'm done talking to the chairman.
"Well, let the fishing battle begin!
The battle began with the decree of Rummis' start of the match.
I used to think it was a hassle fishing with my father, but you ended up pretty haunted. I feel like I've always liked that feeling of fishing without thinking about it, Bo.
So I wasn't at all interested in sports fishing such as bus fishing. Because my father had knocked me in that it was common sense to eat the fish I caught myself.
"Whoa, I'm pulling."
Looks like there was a hit on Hulumi's pole while I was nostalgic for the old days.
I'm pretty sure he's a big guy because his fishing rod is pretty much there.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!
When I shook up the rod with my fishy temper, one fish popped out of the sea energetically.
It looks like an autumn fish but has an unusually large back. My body is too long. It is about the length of two regular autumn fish.
"Come on, I caught some wrinkles! That's pretty big, too."
It's quite precious to see Hulumi happy innocently, let's record it.
"No, no, we're losing, too!
I pronounce myself impetuous too so that I can't beat Ramis, who is regaining his temper.
Lady first is important, isn't it? Let's give the first hand to Hulumi. But I'm next.
"Here it comes. Ahhh!
Now the Ramis rod is bent at an unusual level. Isn't that close to breaking?
"Ramis, grab the fishing line, not the pole! It's gonna break!"
"Oh, yeah!
I grab the fishing line directly, but wear reinforced gloves, so it doesn't look like I can even cut my hands off with yarn.
Whatever fish you are, there's no way you can beat it by comparing it to the power of Ramis, a giant fried to the docks with a brilliant single catch...... fish? No, is this a mermaid?
The overall shape is tuna, but my mouth is torn wide like a shark. Well, I was convinced it would be a fish from another world if that's all, but it's got arms growing, two.
Similar to a person's arm but with a watermark between his fingers. Trying to crawl over the docks with that arm back to the sea, but don't have trouble reacting.
"This... isn't a fish-arm demon. Don't let them get away with it, Ramis. He's pretty good at it!
Oh, I knew it was a demon. Sounds good around here.
I have my arms tied to my back side with strings. That's how this fish-shaped demon is tied up...
Once again, when I was agreeing that this was a different world, there was movement in my fishing line as well.
This is an awesome pull, I guess. The pet bottle with the thread bracketed is mistletoe. I try to pull the thread by hand with "Mind Power", but don't make it faint.
I think we caught the bottom of the ocean. Um, pulling any more is going to cut the thread. But in case there's a chance it's too giant a fish to pull.
Do you want to pull all you can? If it runs out, that's the time.
As I struggled badly, Ramis, who beautifully tied up the fish-arm demon, approached me.
"Maybe it took a fish?
It could be the bottom of the ocean, but let's stick it up and decide it's a fish.
"Hey, there."
"Let me go."
If Ramis can help, it's a hundred manpower in the true sense. If the yarn can stand it, it's going to even catch the bottom of the ocean.
Rummis stepped in front of me and grabbed the thread and said, "Whoa!" The temper flashes, pulling up all at once. It was the brown object from which the water swelled all at once and the blisters were raised and popped out of it.
Is this a giant two shells?
It looks like a shellfish the size that people are likely to get inside if they bend their knees. It's a world of metallic shine, but it's no wonder there are creatures with metal shells.
"So it's shellfish. I don't remember such a shaped demon, so it's a mutant shellfish."
"Is it delicious?
"I don't know. I'm interested in baking it, too."
They were satisfied that they each caught one and decided to try to bake the loot. By the way, the battle is hard to judge because mine is not a fish, so the battle is carried over, and next time, it seems to be a battle again.
He borrowed firewood and iron nets from fishermen who were nearby due to Ramis' high diplomatic strength, so he gathered large stones and created a simple stove to set fire to it.
Autumn fish-like and fish-arm demons stab branches and burn as they are. The giant shellfish decides to make a stove out of stone and place it on top of it.
"Master Hackon! I searched, what are you doing?"
Is it Michelle who runs down the beach? I don't even need to touch it now that some women are following me softly from behind.
"Ooh, stunning fish and... shellfish is this?
Haven't you seen Michelle? The shellfish that was riding in the famous Venus-born painting was also huge, but this surpasses it. I think it's two shells in a complete circle from above... well, let's look forward to what's in it when it's cooked.
Prepare the product soy sauce and when the shellfish is opened, sprinkle the soy sauce inside and it is finished.
"Eat Michelle, too. Eat."
"Yeah, well, you can't eat it at this size."
"Don't hesitate, then. If Mr. Shui were here, he'd be eating alone."
Sure, this shellfish and fish-arm demon are going to flatten in no time.
"Did I call you!
"Wow, I'm surprised"
He seemed to have come close while Michelle was distracted, and there was Shui right next to the fish to be broiled. Its eyes stare at the fish that glides and falls.
"Don't look at me like that."
Oh, was Hebrew here, too? If everyone's gathered, we'll start the seafood barbecue like this.
Then do you want to serve vegetables too? When it comes to barbecue, onions will be a must. Nutritional balance is important.
"Is that shellfish...... oh?
"You're so big... eh?
Look at the shellfish I caught. Hebrew and Shui are tilting their necks.
Have the two of you seen this shellfish? When I come close, I don't distract myself from my gaze at all by staring at me as I walk around.
"Shui, isn't this that one"
"Did Hebrew think so, too? I knew you would."
Hulumi set fire to the firewood on the stove on which the shellfish was mounted, surprised and curious to see the two of them exchanging words with bumps and whispers.
"Ah, Hulumi, I need a moment to broil!
I'm in a hurry to stop, but after I've already lit the fire.
I don't know what that means. Hulumi's eyebrow roots are leaning over. Shellfish rocked heavily when Shui wished he had put out the fire himself.
"This is dangerous."
When Hebuoy took out the Morningstar, he slammed it against the side of the shellfish and dropped it from the top of the stove onto a blown sandy beach.
Is this shellfish a demon from that reaction? Neither Shui nor Hebui have taken the stand for it.
"What do you mean, Hebrew?"
"Excuse me. Even though it looks like shellfish, it looked familiar. Actually..."
Hebrew was trying to explain, but the word broke off. Because two shells opened slowly in front of me.
"It's hot..."
What emerged from inside was a woman with a hair color reminiscent of fresh greenery, her eyes hidden with her forehead.