I Reincarnated Into a Vending Machine
Selection team
"After all, the king of the underworld hung up on me."
"I guess so. It must be a lot of trouble for us to go to the Eternal Hierarchy."
Looking at the herd of demons who gradually began to see themselves on the walls surrounding the settlement, Ramis and Hulumi are chatting.
I've been diving through the training grounds many times, so we're both close to nature without being too powerful in vain. Though his body shuddered by a horde of demons that were likely to fill the horizon, and few hunters were frightened.
I assumed it was something that would attack me with momentum as it was, but when the demons approached the wall to some extent, they stopped moving from there.
"You're still a little over a kilometer away."
He peeks into me with a form change on his binoculars, and Hulumi is checking the distance with his sights.
Are you aiming for the night because it is past noon now? It was true that the Frog Demon, the Twin Snake Demon and the Snake Demon were both nocturnal.
We all had the night to stay alert, but the sun rises with no change in the situation just sitting there with no sign of the other person moving.
"Well, you didn't move."
"You can buy time or you can accumulate your troops and destroy them all at once, but it can be both... Huh, no"
Revealing the night, Hulumi is rubbing his eyes like he's asleep.
The faces that stood on the lookout also seemed to take turns at the same time, and the Ramis were to go back to the tent once to rest their bodies.
"Don't force Hackon, either."
"No, I'll let you rest."
It was Pitty and Michelle who came next to me in exchange for the two of us.
They both seem to be feeling well because they seemed to be taking a nap.
"Until night... you're with me..."
"Master Hackon, if you're tired, rest whenever you want"
I give the two of them a set of breakfast, and now I distribute the food and beverages to the hunters who had Pitty lift them up and replace the watch.
Michelle is accompanying me like an escort. I guess you're following me because I get anxious when I'm alone, but I didn't put it in my mouth.
When I finished handing out to all the hunters on the wall, I thought I'd get off the wall and head to the hunters waiting in the square, but the open-air merchants were starting to do business, so I'd weigh myself in.
The people who evacuated to the Hunter Association seem to be doing well, and the children seem to be doing well around the Association.
Though this isn't the first time an enemy raid has occurred, residents here are too adaptable.
In the first place, living in a dungeon has a strong beating element and is highly life-threatening. So it seems that the majority of people who live here are prepared from the beginning.
Few people were disturbed even in the last case, and I worked successfully from the day after the anomaly was resolved even after I let out all those dead. I just need to apprentice.
"When will the enemy move?"
"As it is... nothing... I wonder..."
I have trouble storing my power, but I have to be prepared for this damage when they attack me all at once. I know that the thickness and height of the walls will be a tough protection unlike before, and the cage castle battle is reasonable because there is no need to worry about food, which is the biggest problem.
I also feel like I should sharpen my opponent within the moment, but it's troublesome to get my hands halfway and be transferred to the total offense.
The rush to team battle is for the chairmen to think, and I just follow that instruction, but the liver balls aren't big enough to settle down with that army in front of me and without thinking about it.
My worries were roughly still motionless today, and then two days went by.
The chairmen, anxious by the ever-increasing army of demons, will be holding operational meetings, and I am being transported to the conference room to distribute drinks to everyone.
"Well, looks like we're all together. I'm going to set a policy for the future against demons. I want to hear your opinion on whether to continue or strike out the cage castle as it is, or whether to do something else."
When Chairman Bear cut out so, it was the burning chairman who raised his hand all the time.
"Well, let me not hesitate to say it. Shouldn't we just attack? Leaving us alone will only make things worse while the enemy increases."
A lot of people snort at that opinion. I was afraid of an increase in enemies, too, so it might be a burning chairman's idea.
"But if we are to strike out, we must be prepared for many sacrifices"
The opening chairman goes on to give his opinion. I feel the same as the burning chairman, but a lot of people seemed to have taken that into account, and I can't seem to get past both opinions.
"Well, I wonder what it's like to sharpen the enemy's power with a handful of elites."
Now is that what Ramis said?
"I agree with Ramis. However, I think it would be best to sharpen the opponent's battle power with powerful firepower from a distance."
Hulumi has offered a help boat to provide a supplementary explanation of Ramisu's opinion.
I think that would be better for me than just hanging around and making things worse.
When it becomes a firepower from a powerful distance, everyone's gaze naturally gathers at one point. The featured person is taking the fan out of his nostalgia and sending the patter and wind to himself.
"Hmm, is it time for me? If we need extensive extermination magic, why don't we shoot in some?"
"Grandpa, don't be too uptight."
It's Grandpa Simelai's magic you can count on here, after all.
A number of violence can't be foolish, even though the arms of our fellow men will stand. Short range attacks should be discouraged.
"Hackon and... Pitty's... working together... attacking from the sky... is..."
Raised his hand with a snack, whispering but clarity and opinions.
Rummis is swelling his cheeks at that figure, but let's just say he didn't see it.
"Its way of attacking is fascinating, but there are demons flying in the sky so you'd better stop it"
Chairman Bear may well point that out. Surely flying fish is troublesome. We are surrounded by "junctions", so we are confident that we will prevent enemy attacks, but demonic attacks will make it difficult to fly properly.
"Is it reasonable to ask them to approach and shoot into the magical range of attack? Let's have some escorts accompany us and get a luggage truck ready too. If the enemy strikes, retreat without hesitation."
There appeared to be no objection to that opinion, and the meeting was dissolved when the members of the escort were decided.
They'll be ready by noon, so the selection members are assembling in front of the gate and waiting for their luggage to arrive.
Shui and the gardener were the first to decide when choosing the members to accompany Grandpa Shimelai. Because we thought a ranged attack was essential to stop the opponent when he pushed over.
The reason why Michelle and Grandma Yumite were chosen was simply HR in anticipation of a high level of combat. It was decided that there were no enemies for the two of them in the melee.
Pitty was also chosen for her high defensive ability, but seems to be the main role in reducing the weight of the luggage car when fleeing.
By the way, the burning chairman was also elected, but that's why it's so loud if you don't take him with the firepower.
Two others were also chosen as Chairman Bear and Rummis, but the role is chosen not as a force of war but as a steward to pull the carrier.
And the last member became me. In the unlikely event of a situation, it was possible to protect my companions in the (junction), and if I had to, I would have them adopted when I appealed to them to float back on their own.
Not only that this time, I actually had one idea and wanted to participate, but I'm going to try that after I go to the field. Hopefully it will be a powerful way to attack......
I took out a large quantity of food and beverages just in case and put them in line in the square. Even if it's a vending machine that I won't go home to, I can stand it lightly for a week.
"Look, if you feel in danger, come back fast. Rummys, don't be so lame."
"Yeah, I know, Hulumi. 'Cause if it gets dangerous, I'm gonna hurry back and run!
Guided by Ramis himself, Hulumi has been repeating suggestions and advice since just now.
It really seems like I want to follow you, but I understand that I'm useless on the battlefield, so it comes from a fist I gripped so hard that I'm enjoying all the time.
"Let me."
When I ran out of clarity, Hulumi stared at me in surprise, then smiled satisfactorily, "I asked you," putting his fist lightly against my body.
Chairman Bear pulled my luggage so we get in. The lead seems to go in a line pushed by Ramis from behind with Chairman Bear.
The gates will open and we'll go outside the settlement.
"If you can't, don't attack me. Come back!
"I hope you're safe."
Carios and Golls, and many hunters waving on the wall dropped us off. We left the settlement behind.
To unleash magic in such a way as to involve as wide a range of enemies as possible, we must approach it up to a minimum of five hundred meters. If the enemy doesn't attack in the meantime, there's nothing wrong with that, but we have to deal with all this ad hoc.
I want to avoid the impossibility as much as possible because it is a priority for my people's lives, but I'm leaving the rush there to Chairman Bear, so it will be fine.