I Reincarnated Into a Vending Machine
Evacuation raid
"Excuse me, let me through!
Ramis pushes the crowd and goes forcefully to the door.
They turned a disgusting face at us interrupting, and even one of the complainants was trying to say it, but when they found out it was me and Lamis, it paved the way.
I guess it's because I've been dating residents from day to day.
"Thank you"
I managed to reach the door with words of gratitude to the inhabitants.
There's a bear chairman and a beginning chairman there who shouts up and directs evacuations, and he's surprised to see us jumping out of the waves.
"Chairman, we've reinforced the other side, so we can prevent the enemy from invading for a while. Doesn't that door open any further?
"Well, thank you for your hard work. This door doesn't seem to open any more."
"So can we give it a try?
"Um, can I ask for it?"
Rummis, one of the best forces in this dungeon, is stepping on the door, but with her powers, the door doesn't even move a millimeter.
Is it impossible to open the door only with magic or some special force?
"Hmm, I can't seem to"
"Is it still true? Can we take care of this one and ask for defense?"
"Yeah, I'll tell everyone!
Now once you get out of the side so you don't get annoyed around you, you walk to your buddies defending the barricade.
Back to the barricade again, there were more personnel. Were there quite a few hunters coming this way directly from the Lake hierarchy of the fresh stream?
The barricade is also a little shaky thanks to the layering of concrete. You can reinforce it further and complete a strong wall.
The entrance to the aisle isn't that big here, so I'd like to think if they broke through the barricade it would work out with this many hunters.
Later, whether or not we can make it to the collapse of the dungeon. It will take too long to evacuate from the slightest gap in the exit.
We're talking about a long staircase at the end of the door that connects us to the ground, but I hope that path doesn't collapse.
But this hierarchy is such a shake that you wouldn't feel it if you weren't conscious of only microoscillations. The swing was stronger when it was a fresh stream lake hierarchy, so if it was in its current state, this would not collapse instantly.
I just need to stop speculating on cheap speculation without knowing when the shake will increase. Let's do what we can now, though limited to what we can do to vending machines.
"Hackon, can you get that stone plate out a little more? I'm trying to be tougher just in case."
If we can't even get out of here, there won't be enemies coming to the settlement. That's what I thought, and I was working with the hunters to reinforce the barricades.
"I wanted to be there. Oh! Guys, help me!
It was the face of the Big Eaters who jumped in on us like that. As leader Mikene rushes over out of breath, he opens his mouth wide and flutters.
"Calm down, Miquene! What can I do for you?"
"Oh, yeah, uh, there's a demon going on in the settlement! We all manage to protect those in evacuation, but we don't have enough people!
"So you mean enemies are showing up in the settlement and being attacked!
"Yeah, I am! So, come on, guys!
That was enough to ask. Running towards the door that leaves only a minimum of personnel on the spot and leads to the outside.
The leading group of diseased people is formed of companions with excellent physical abilities. There was a ramisu carrying me, and the privileged seat above my head was marked with a fulmi.
"Are you saying that the king of the Underworld took the bulk of his power so that he could incur demons wherever he wanted? You're losing the point of protecting that place!
Hulumi is shouting at me so that everyone who keeps running can hear me and give me an explanation of what's going on. Does that make it pointless to have enhanced the barricade?
There are countless demons out there now, even though there was no such thing in the direction of the main road until just now. The hunters are dealing with a few of them, but the situation is not as dominant as flattery.
The demons also mix in the hierarchy where the variety begins in pieces, the lake hierarchy of fresh streams, the forest hierarchy of darkness, and other demons we see in the hierarchy.
Looks like we're out of regulation on the demon summons and can call it whatever we want.
"We're moving on as we clear our enemies!
We kick and rendezvous with the struggling hunters' enemies and rush to the door that leads us outside.
As the door approached, it caught my eye that many enemies were flocking to the crowd.
The hunters are in a circle to surround people they can't fight, defeating the demons.
I feared that people were pushing against the door and panicking, but unexpectedly people were responding calmly.
"Everybody's fine. We will protect you!
"Women, children, old men first!
"The rush will not create anything!
Chairman Bear is barking and guiding people to the door as Gollus and Carios howl their enemies.
"Shut up. Eh! Let me through first."
"You see a man's worth at times like this, don't you? It's nice to see a man in a situation like this."
Is Shirley the one pushing her body all the way in front of the guy who was trying to push the kid away and laugh glossy as he snuggles his chest?
The man's face has changed from anger to a burning surface and his nose is stretched out. The frustrated men around you are suddenly grown up and following instructions, boulders.
"Master Suori, evacuate quickly!
"What do merchants do without putting customers first! Wrinkles are the last thing you need! Give priority to directing and escorting people!
"Be splendid..."
If you look closely, Suori says her legs are shaking a little, but she behaves in a temperament. And a group of black clothes who are impressed to see the growing Lord.
Growing up like this, that kid will surely become a well-known merchant in the future.
"Grandpa, Grandma needs to run, too!
"That's right. Your father and mother are no longer active."
A little girl and her mother are persuading the old couple. That's Grandpa Simelai and Grandma Yumite. Does that mean that the parents and children are grandchildren and daughters?
"Ha ha, don't worry about it. Grandpa's strong."
When I fan myself up laughing, a few demons that were pushing me from the rear dance through the universe and smack me to the ceiling.
"Grandpa, don't be too uptight."
When the silver light ran many strips and a blade was heard on the scaffold, the demon that was nearby was finely cut. Your daughter is aggressively covering her grandson's eyes so as not to show a tragic scene.
Yeah, you don't have to worry about that area.
"Hey, get charcoal and warm it up in the fireplace!
Is that shout and fire pillar the burning chairman? There are too many people to see him, but only that guy knows where he is.
"Under no circumstances is Hunter in a hurry to calm down, to fight for people. And don't forget to give your life top priority above all else!
The beginning chairman gives instructions to the hunters, who are young and losing their calm, while kicking the demons with their smooth stretched legs.
I've never actually seen you fight, but do you fight only with your footsteps? I'm wearing a pretty short skirt but for some reason I can't see my underwear at all. That's divine, including that.
A demon arrives at a young man who jumps out confused by the demon figure, but a black shadow stretches from the ground to cut off the target, or is tangled in his body and swallowed into a shadow.
A black figure stretches from the shadow of a young man slipping out of his hips, but it was the chairman of darkness in a golden coat.
"I don't know if I'm the only one. It's cool for a man to set up with Don here. Yeah. I need to apprentice depositing calm wai at any time. In akan, wow!? What a surprise."
I'm just surprised that he was pierced through his torso with a spear the devil had in his hand from behind, and when he wraps a shadow around his opponent's face without even showing a painful bare gesture, it's snapping... what's going on with the Dark Chairman's body?
There are enemies pushing in that seem to be inexhaustible, but the struggle of people I know who have different digits of strength seems to have resulted in injuries, but so far there are no dead people.
That's where we joined the war, and the fact that we were pushed and in the mood is now enough to widen and push back the circle of defense.
There are many enemies flying in the sky on the demonic side, but they are being shot down with arrows one after another. Is that the arrow unleashed by the Hoxie Gardener? A hundred words is like what's for her.
He can also deal with empty enemies with magic and throwing weapons released from other hunters. As it is, we're going to be able to buy time until everyone escapes... so let's not think about it because this kind of idea can be flagged.
"The Lava Man Demon and the King Frog Man Demon have appeared. Ooh!
Look, here's what happened. If the enemy is free to summon demons, it is decided to send out powerful demons.
Non-hunter residents still have more than half. The vibration underfoot is still faint so the ceiling won't collapse. If so, we'll have to do everything we can to help exorcise the demons.
We'd all like to get back home safely and get our original business done quickly as vending machines instead of fighting.