I Reincarnated Into a Vending Machine
Rendezvous Group 2
"My name is Hayathi, and I will be Michelle's mother's different sister! Looks like my brother took care of me and I appreciate it!
When Michelle explained to everyone the woman she called Sister Hayathi, she gave me a grand name after saluting her.
It's a tough way to talk, but Michelle and I seem to be close to each other with a bitter laugh next door.
Well, more than that... I care about rabbit-like animals sitting a little under my feet.
For a rabbit, his body was about two turns big, his ears sharp and pointy like a sharp blade and he was an animal from another world, and he stared seriously.
The women are also more intrigued by rabbits than the lady-knightly ones, and Ramis reaches out and invites them to "come on".
"These Esig are Lord Usatter and Lord Usalina. I have two kids, but I have them heading to the defensive city first."
"By the way, you helped me when I ran into General Difference of the Five Fingers. The sword above me... it's earrings."
I doubted the ears not in Michelle's description, but I am heavily aware that the disciple is not the type to make crappy jokes. So you're saying it's the truth?
"Sure, you seem strong"
Grandma Yumite is impressed with a smile. There's no room for doubt anymore.
I guess it's not weird to have amazing rabbits because they're different worlds... no, it's weird no matter what you think.
"Seriously, Esig, are you that strong? Grandma and Michelle say so, so I'm sure there's no mistake. Animals are awesome these days, as were buttons and black octopuses."
Hayathi, a female knight, walks over to Hulumi, who is roaring in arms.
I grab Hulumi's hand, suddenly stuffed with distance and pulling his torso, without any hesitation.
"Oh, you know Lord Button and Lord Kurohachi too!
The momentum of Hayati, who seems to be louder and happier than necessary with his eyes shining, is also slightly overwhelmed by the strong Hulumi.
According to her description, these Esigs, like the buttons, seem to be friends of Mr. Hatake, who reincarnated into another world in my hometown.
Does Hatake have a reputation for cultivating high-performance animals? I was feeling familiar with him as an inorganically reincarnated Japanese, but I really wanted to know what kind of life he has had in different worlds...... Hatake.
The accumulated stories will be kept on the move, and when I become a "used car vending machine," I take out the other car.
This is the limit for a single car when it comes to a large area.
"Whoa, this is, this is"
Mr. Hayathi is surprised, but at first glance, the reaction seems small. Well, if you interact with someone reincarnated in the field, does it also add resistance to these things?
According to Michelle's explanation, the King of the Underworld's actions seem arbitrary and exclusive, and the Demon King's Army and the defensive city are in a truce. It appears that formal proceedings are currently under way, and that will be completed within a few days.
"So what the king of the underworld is doing is not the will of the demon king."
"Yeah, it will. The territory ruled by the Demon King was a peripheral land where crops were difficult to grow, and in the past few years, he said, the environment had been on the side of getting worse. It appears to have begun an invasion of a neighboring country to satisfy the belly of its people."
Hayathi, sitting directly on the truck carrier, is answering the question as he strokes the backs of the Esigs sitting right next to him.
Now driving is the Dark Chairman, who placed a scorching Chairman next door. Because the odd combination is still better when you're in charge of driving.
On the carrier are the female knights Hayathi and Esig and his wife. There's me and Ramis, Hulumi, Shui, Grandpa Shimelai, Grandma Yumite, the gardener, and Michelle.
Oh, Pitty was behind it. Your presence is too thin to be noticed at all.
Captain Kellioil's family is the other truck. I'm putting it on the back. Is the driver in charge of the red? There is white next door...... there is an atmosphere that seems to run wild in vain.
"In other words, there is no information conveyed that the King of the Underworld is on the run or in truce..."
"Probably not. Because the king of the Underworld was in charge of intelligence at the Demon King's Army. I didn't know what was going on with the Demon King's army."
He said he was only a general in the empire, and he has some inside information on the Demon King's Army.
"When you know what you're doing, why don't you change your story? Maybe the Demon King's army is willing to turn to the enemy too..."
Everyone is listening to Hulumi and Hayathi. Maybe it's better not to pinch your mouth or something.
"We are allowed to be cordial with General Left Foot, but according to the story, the King of the Underworld was originally in control of the Demon King's Land. He lost to the present demon king."
"When that happens, you mean you want your original position back rather than above the bottom line? Too much reason to betray the Demon King."
I was surprised by the expansion, but this is not a bad situation. It would have been better if only the army of the king of the underworld had been dealt with. Unless the Demon King's Army turns a strange hue into an attack.
"Can the Demon King be trusted? You can think of a truce that would make it look like a truce, and that would mean an assault."
Hulumi told me what I wanted to ask if he was afraid of the same thing.
"Depending on the story of the Guardian and General Left Foot, he's a man of enough trust. He said he talked to Hatake a little bit, and now he's in his best friend position? He said."
By the way, the guardian is Hatake, a Japanese man who was reincarnated in the same way in this world.
People in the field seem to be able to get their minds through animals, so maybe they're highly capable of communicating. The pattern is the same inorganic reincarnation, but the inside is completely different.
If you trust that story, you may also wish for the help of the Demon King's Army. If so, can we also deal with the combined hierarchy lord, which was the biggest problem?
"If that's true, you're seeing wins. And then what are we going to do? Demon King Army...... No, should I call him King Army of the Underworld anymore? Avoid them and get ahead of the defensive city and join us in the defensive battle... or we'll pinch them from behind"
Pinching is the usual means when it comes to strategy, but that's only if you have some fighting power. This is less than twenty people.
Let's pinch him down with just this many people, what a suggestion, he'll laugh at you with his nose.
But here in the other world, there are only a thousand fierce men. I also don't think it's a bad bet.
"Probably, but the defensive city side isn't caged in town, and I think we're gonna hit it out"
"Defensive cities are lush with food. If so, shouldn't we have a cage fight?
Grandpa Shimelai, who had kept his silence until now, pinched his mouth.
"Yeah, there's plenty of food. There's probably enough storage to withstand even six months. But in front of the town, the farm is spreading, and it seems the guardians won't allow it to be vandalized."
Well, it's a field. I can understand how you feel about taking care of crops. But it seems reckless to abandon a robust fort and fight.
"It may be mindless to turn a farm into a battlefield, but now we should put human life first."
"You're right. Of course, guardians value people's lives above all else. Rest assured. Because we are good at fighting demon kings."
You don't believe Mr. Hatake. I'm jealous that you can put so much trust in me.
In fact, the people of the defensive cities have a proven track record of preventing the Demon King's Army from advancing for years. I'm starting to feel okay leaving it to you.
"If that's what you're going to say, let's take a look at it."
"I guess soldiers in defensive cities have different degrees of practice. Grandpa, maybe you can relax."
Grandpa Simelai and Grandma Yumite are starting to chat shoulder to shoulder without pursuing any further.
"We just shoot arrows, so I'll leave the policy to you."
"Right. You don't know how hard it is."
The bow pediatric combo doesn't seem to be willing to speak out.
Ramis is laughing at Nico and watching what happens.
"What does Master Hackon think!
Ugh, Michelle told me the story.
I think it would be a good idea to fight Cage Castle because we are talking about the robustness of defensive city walls.
Secure food when fighting cage castle battles. In addition to that, reinforcements are a prerequisite. Food is fine, reinforcements could come from the empire, I can't judge because I'm oblivious to information in this world.
If we do it well, we might also get help from the Demon King's Army...... hmm.
But if you get attacked by that combined hierarchy lord, there's a good chance any fence will collapse. I can't tell which is right.
"Are you there?"
"I don't know which one, Hackon"
Damn, I didn't even understand Ramis at the Hackon Language Test level. Well, I answered deliberately and vaguely.
But in the end, it depends on the defensive city side.
"I'd like to catch my breath with the defense, but I can't get in touch with you."
"Oh, right, Hulumi. There's no point in deciding here without consulting the defensive city people."
Contact me... I have a pay phone on the automatic service machine, so it is possible to be a pay phone, but there is no phone line, so it makes no sense. Even if I connect wirelessly, it doesn't make sense without another pay phone, so I can't use it unless I'm also divided.
I wish I had the means to get in touch with the defensive city somehow.
Looking at the sky with that in mind, one point floating in the sky caught my eye.
It gradually grows larger and reveals its appearance.
That... that's a bird. Black, large, pitch-black feathers with three legs. And the third.
Ah, Kurohachi!