A year and two months after enrollment.

Adele, who was a sophomore, had a peaceful school life without much to say about it. The majority of the classmates stayed lifted to class A, and only a few were replaced with other classes.

Adele, whose birthday is early, is already twelve.

In the past year or so, 144 pieces of silver coins have been paid for the part-time job I received. Half of us save in item boxes. If Marcella hadn't gotten a lot of underwear, she wouldn't have saved so much. Doloworth is quite expensive.

The underwear Marcella gave me over a year ago also included a breastplate, but hatred hasn't come up yet, sleeping in the item box with yore personal clothes and silver coins.

No, it's coming a little bloated, a little...

Seating is top notch. Martial arts are power players who can't use technology but cover it with arm strength and speed. Magic is a very normal 'magician's egg' level. Unchanted magic at school was just one memory that only very weak fireball magic could do.

That is Adele's assessment in school today.

Marcella, on the other hand, had been hot since the magic blossom, as the most promising stock. Letters from my parents who found out that attack magic was now available saying 'Don't get too early' and 'Don't deal with the poor nobleman's son, etc.' were coming over and over again. Although it is natural to think of it as a daughter-in-law with the highest possible qualifications, Marcela herself says, 'I like it, I don't like it if I'm not a nice man', so I'm not talking about engagements, etc.

"Thanks to you, everyone. I never thought I'd be able to take the lead on my fiancée selection."

"No, I'm the one who took on quite a bit of the men's offense and I appreciate it."

Smile at each other, Marcella and Adele.

Monica also seems to have a slight engagement story from her parents' employees who are thinking about independence in the future, as well as from her counterparty's sons, etc., after she is known to be able to use a practical level of water magic.

But 'the merchant has a fierce float. He's been making promises for five years now, and what will he do if he falls!' And I said, 'I didn't want to get engaged. That's right, she's the daughter of a merchant.

Since Oriana receives scholarships, she has no choice but to work or become a teacher in the public sector in the future. Some usable magic is also in the category of "convenient for chores".

Still, Oriana was happy when magic became available. I don't have trouble with lifetime water. If you're in distress, you don't have to worry about drinking water. And Adele snuck in and taught me 'The Magic of Easily Colding Water'. I can use this.

There is the magic of cooling, but what Adele taught me is "efficient". Convenient for life, even with a degree of Oriana magic, you can chill drinks or chill meat and fish. This helps......

"Hey, you know what!

"Oh, yes, it's battle day, isn't it?"

Kelvin, who came to Adele's side and suddenly spoke, left with a muffled face when he heard Adele's reply.

"But you won't punish me, that one too..."

"Haha, well..."

Adele responds to Marcella's words with a bitter laugh.

Kelvin had challenged Adele to battle once a month since that mock fight shortly after school. That was not an issue because it would be played as a practice match during a martial arts practical class by asking the instructor Burgess, but it was quite painful for Adele.

I know I'm trying, and I don't know how I feel or how much, but anyway, I didn't like those hostile eyes and the indescribable face after I lost. Adele does it patiently and every time because she's a classmate, but she's not comfortable.

I treat other people normally, and they seem like pretty good guys, but why is it just such an attitude towards Adele?

That being the case, more and more unpleasant accumulated in Adele.

'Look, don't ever bother trying to lose! The next time they do that, Kelvin's guy, he's gonna get real pretty.

Damn, a guy named you is a little bit of a man's will... '

And I couldn't even bother to lose because I was going to take a personal class from Burgess on something called 'Man Delicacy' for a long time.

Every time, it's tight to see that look and look on Kelvin's face after the game.

But Burgess's "Lecture on the Thing of a Boy" was good for Adele. Very much so.

And martial arts internship time.

As usual, a match between Adele and Kelvin took place at the beginning of the class, and as usual ended in Adele's victory.

The difference between overwhelming power and speed is far outweighed by Kelvin in technology, but there's nothing you can do with it.

Of course, there was no way an 11-12 year-old boy could beat Adele, who wouldn't put out extraneous power, but unlocked "Normal Mode," an average girl level for his age. Unless Adele deliberately loses.

And not only was that banned by Burgess, but now Adele herself was aware of her lack of acting skills.

Adele became irritated by Kelvin's gaze at herself as usual. Unusual, uncomfortable gaze.

(Why should I be stared at? Did I do anything wrong?

On that face, that gaze, which has been repeated more than a dozen times and has come through each time, anger has somehow crept up this time. It's as if what you've been accumulating has erupted all at once.

"I won't play with you anymore. That's the last one!


For a moment, Kelvin, with a pompous face without understanding what he had been told, immediately blushed and yelled.

"Hey, what are you talking about! Until I beat you..."

"That would be your own assumption! What does that have to do with me?

Adele went on to block Kelvin's words.

"By and large, can you be satisfied that if you do it again and again until you can win and you happen to win once, 'I'm stronger'? Even if you win twelve, stop when you happen to win and say 'I won'? Aren't you stupid?


"And just because you beat me, what's it gonna be? I'm not even looking for a knight. Beat me.

You say this in the Knight's interview exam? "My three years of school life have been all about beating the girl who does the bakery. Now the child is in bridesmaid training '!


Some of my classmates erupted. Burgess, the instructor, is desperate to endure. To Burgess of Student Thoughts, I couldn't go laughing here. Absolutely.

"Mostly, I'm the sorcerer type, and I'm not good at swords, you know? I thought you were gonna say it in an interview?" I kept challenging magicians who didn't like swords to battle with swords, and in the fifteenth I finally grabbed the victory! 'Tighten your chest!

Buha! Ho, ho, ho!

Finally, Burgess of Student Thoughts also fell.

"Hey, what..."

"That's what you're doing! You never challenge me when I'm good at magic internships, and I only stick around when I'm good at martial arts. What makes you happy to beat a sorcerer with sword moves?



"Oh, I, I... Ugh!"

Kelvin ran away.

"Adele, it's you..."

Burgess with a troubled face.

"There are things in the world that you can't say, even if it's true...

Hey, can I talk to you?

In the end, the remainder of the martial arts internship was devoted to a class called 'Concern for Boys' by Burgess and all his classmates to Adele.

"... is it my fault?