I Said Make My Abilities Average!

114 That man is now


"" "" Eh, Elsie ~!! ""

"Oh, me, I'm Chelsea. I'm Robles' rider. As your reinforcements, I have come to the Lord's life."

"" "" "Yep!

While doing healing magic on the left wing of wounded Robles, according to the story Miles and the others heard from the girl, apparently that magician man (forgot his name), didn't carry things as he thought.

Though I said to the lord, "I want to go to the king's capital," he said it was immediately rejected because if I did that, I wouldn't get a dime for the lord.

Think about it, it was natural. It was the people of this territory and the soldiers of the Lords here who suffered the damage. Even if you let that magician go to the king's capital and take him into the royal palace with his old connections, he will gain nothing for this realm.

Rather than that, it is much better to keep the Wyvern, which man can serve, and the sorcerer who has come up with a way to do so, at his place, and let him work for the territory. In the first place, there is no reason why we should offer the royal palace those who have sinned in the territory, because the power of justice in this territory rests with the lord. In the realm, you only have to punish them as you please. Just work and let others teach you how to teach Wyburn, and punish you like that...

And although the sorcerer, forced to teach Wyburn how to teach under house arrest, had escaped all sorts of things at first, he finally confessed to the truth when his lord finally began to smell the word 'torture', to too much perseverance. Says, "The Robles thing is' by chance 'and there is no such thing as a tutorial law", ….

And the furious lord apparently decided to just let the sorcerer work and distribute that salary to the villagers and soldiers who had been damaged.

Robles was to be incorporated into the Lords Army as the power of a single item, and its riders were to be selected.

Robles, however, is reluctant to put soldiers on board, and also when adult men ride with weapons and protective gear, he needs to keep using magic at all times in order for Robles to fly, which greatly reduces his radius of action and combat ability. Besides, not a single soldier wanted a ride on Robles.

So, that magician's opinion was also heard, and a suited one was chosen among the unfamiliar girls as' one who is light in weight, does not have to wear protective equipment, does not disobey orders, does not hate Robles to put him on board, can be disposable '.

That was the girl, who lived crawling around in hunger and poverty in the slums.

"I didn't have a name, they called me 'scum' or 'garbage', but Master Boonclift gave me a nice name for 'Chelsea'! And Master Boonclift and I, Robles's, we both got to live happily ever after, doing flying training and stuff.

I never starve, I can sleep in bed, I can live with Master Boonclift and Robles, really, in a dream life... "

Yes, a girl who speaks happily.

What was surprising was that this girl seemed to understand exactly what was going on with that magician.

I don't know if the mage spoke for herself, heard from others, or judged the rumors by herself in general, but in any case, as a slum-out ten-year-old girl, she was a prominent comprehension.

And furthermore, it's a big deal that he understands that the sorcerer is not a very praised person, but still appreciates and feels grateful for being his benefactor. While I understand that I am a disposable tool.

"But for some reason, greetings and replies are like, 'Wow!' Like they say, 'and... Why is that? Me, below slavery, are you treating me like a dog? But for that, you're so adorable, Dear Boonclift..."

"" "" hahaha...... ""

Without power, they were four people overflowing with dry laughter...

But the four of them, The Red Vow, were a little surprised.

Because the suspicion arose that the lord might not be such a bad person.

No, whether that should be fulfilled and referred to as "suspicion"......

Anyway, it's something ordinary aristocrats don't do, such as not being a watchman, but really giving out "the biggest trump card in time," at all costs, and they're giving the victims that mage's salary. In the first place, magicians should be allowed to work instead of punishment, without having to think about it as a salary, etc. Is that a concern to the victim at all...

It also seems that the mage and Chelsea have a budget to the extent that they can live happily ever after. If you're an orphan of criminals and slums, let them live a minimal life, even though no one complains.

Lena shrugged.

"Maybe the lord here is a pretty good guy?

"Sure, last time, the payment was good..."

Pauline's standards for 'good people' seemed a little different from those of the others.

Well, whatever it was, everyone seemed pretty happy, it was superimposed.

While doing so, Robles' injury was also completely healed.

It is natural because Miles, Pauline and Dr. Cooleyrea continued to hang their healing magic. With this excessive force, it would seem that if it had not even led to brain death, it would be resurrected even from a state of the neck alone.

"Oh, Dr. Cooleyria, why don't you and Chelsea take Robles and head back to the Reichsfuhrer first? Before a messenger or soldier leaves from Wang Du, we should send a messenger for the rest of the newspaper, right? To do this, it is better to report to the Alliance and Lords a little sooner..."

"Huh? Yeah?

To Miles' suggestion, the upsetting Dr. Coolaya.

I want to be at the side of the mile and explore secrets.

But I want to try flying in the air! Once in a lifetime, it is an opportunity to have or not!

But flying in the sky is scary, okay?

However, the work received obliges me to report it as soon as possible. Without waiting for the arrival of the messengers and soldiers from the Wang capital, it may be that the lord has already begun to prepare the soldiers...

Various thoughts run through my head and I can't get my thoughts together.

"So, but Robles doesn't like you..."

Somehow, it was Dr. Cooleilaia who gave it back...

"Robles, okay? You'd be happy to give me a ride, wouldn't you?

That being said, to the grinning mile, Robles kept snorting desperately, like a broken toy.

Feathering the healed wings several times anxiously, finally convinced and relieved, Robles flew off with Chelsea and Dr. Cooleleyria on board.

Prior to departure, the Doctor and I had a meeting on 'How far to report'.

Three ancient dragons were also listening to it in silence right behind them. Therefore, it seems to be understood that Miles and the others are attempting to reduce the probability that a complaint will occur as much as possible by making a "report that does not vomit lies, but has been deliberately omitted" to the client.

As long as the Ancient Dragons continue to use the Beasts and Demons to investigate the ruins everywhere, it is also possible that one day, somewhere, rubbing with humans, elves and Dwarves will occur.

But that's a good story if the parties do something about it at that time. Nothing, it doesn't mean that the 'Red Vow' has to do something about all the rubbing. Because I have not ordered such a job.

And the hunters and brave men of the land shall take it upon themselves. A commensurate number of gold coins or marrying a princess as a reward.

I'm sorry I didn't even take the request, but I don't want to take them aside with an extra hand.

"Well, this time, we're really leaving.

"Red Oath", complete the request and return to the Territory!

"" "Oh!

With Dr. Couleia gone, everyone's response to Lena's voice was aligned this time, and the "Red Vow" set out for the territorial capital.

Shut up and drop it off, leave three ancient dragons behind.


'... what?

Sherala shrugged.

'... can't you just follow me?

"Bullshit! What are you talking about!

'I know you do. I was just asking.'

"... right"

But to Beredetes, I felt like I somehow knew why Sherala said that.

Because I thought I was a little, a little bit, too.

For some reason, if I followed them, I felt like I was going to have some interesting and boring days.

Yes, the ancient dragon was also a boring species in its long life, although not nearly as good as a nanomachine.