I Said Make My Abilities Average!

128 No kidding defeat

"" "" "" "" Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha "" "" "" "" "" "

Exhausted and rolling into the room, seven girls with messy clothes.

Yes, the UltraFight, not the Catfight, was finally over.

"Hey, what the heck! How could we lose to a younger student? Ooh!

Lena barks in a position that remains ambushed.

Yes, the battle was a complete defeat of The Red Vow.

In one of the girls' dorms in the school, I'm not going to do harm to normal student opponents who aren't hunters, and even though they're not bad.

For this reason, he did not go to use highly destructive magic, starting with fire magic, but was the face of the "Red Vow", which he attempted to escape by suppressing his opponent with the magic of dedicated (mo) and other restraint systems, but he could not fathom the restraint magic and water magic used with little time loss, although he had no arm power, and was easily seized.

"Duh, why..."

Despite how many limiters he hung, Marcella replied with the face, heh heh, to the frightened miles easily held in by restraint magic.

"Mr. Adele, do you think we've been playing for over a year since you disappeared?

"Ugh...... Nevertheless, it has improved too much..."

Miles of crying.

"So shall we continue the story?

"… then sell the territory and get the cash…"

"Can you do that!

Miles' proposal was immediately denied by Marcella.

"The Territory is a deposit from His Majesty the King. You can be privileged to defend, maintain and develop it! There's no way you can sell it on your own!

Mavis is snorting, too.

"Then I shall return it to Your Majesty... Or let the relatives inherit it it."

"Well, if you're normal, you are. You can take possession of the scandal or destroy your home, or you can let the owner live (for a moment) and the child be abandoned (yes) and inherited by a remote person.

But that means, in the case of normal people. You can't, Mr. Adele. "


Marcella slashed and threw away Miles' suggestion.

"Because, Mr. Adele, you, His Majesty the King, have no intention of letting you escape.

Your grandfather's sister's son, Your Majesty, was dismissed when he said he had the right to inherit the Viscount Askham family.

No matter how many times I was explained that I had an orthodox successor, they insisted that it was obsolete, such as a missing person who ran away, and I was eaten down too persistently, so that I should not cause harm to Mr. Adele in the future or become an obstacle of any kind, to that, unfortunate consequence...

His Majesty the King seems to have put Mr. Adele at the head of the Viscount Askham family, in that way... "


Miles, stunned. Surprisingly, salad oil set.

"Duh, how do I..."

Miles in a hurry, Lena and the others.


At that time, a black cat came into the room through a window.

"Ah, the kagi tail!

It's been a long time since I've seen Kagitail, aka "Bug Remover," rubbed my back, and the smile is back miles.

"... that's just putting on the smell, isn't it?

"No, you just have itchy (itchy) back, right?

"Isn't he an appeal to claim his ownership, that he's his servant?

"Ugh, shut up!

To the words of Mavis, Pauline, and Lena, it was a rare and absurd mile of voice......

Then, in desperate merit of persuasion, Marcella and the others were to miss the mile.

"Well, it's still too early to get tied up in a marriage. We're only twelve... Enjoy your freedom for a while."

Marcella to say so, but Miles, whose birthday is early, was already thirteen.

"Ma, Mr. Marcella......"

Miles that make your eyes lull.

"You still have a little time, don't you? Tell me about it since then."

"Ha, ha!

And Miles, no, Miles and Marcellas talking about each other since Adele left school.

Lena and the others watched it in silence. We could talk as much as we wanted later with Miles, so we didn't mean to interrupt this little time that was hard for Marcella and the others to replace anything.

"It's time, right?

At last, Lena pinched her mouth at the way the four of them were going to keep talking until dawn when they left her alone.

Too late, it's not convenient. Even if students entering or leaving in the evening are passed, the gatekeeper decides to ask students leaving late at night or on weekday mornings to present their exit cards.

Unfortunately, there is an end time for everything. I don't get it. It wasn't the Marcellas.

"You have no choice. But it's not like this is a lifetime goodbye. We'll see you soon, won't we, Mr. Adele?"

"Yes, of course!

And four who spare the last remnants: Miles, Marcella, Monica, and Oriana.

"Oh, yes!

Marcela told me that she remembered.

"We're on guard. Exactly. We're not being watched in the school, but when we go outside, we're being watched, and we're going in and out of the school, and anyone but students and associates are being tailed and checked."

"" "" Eh... ""

Attract your face, Miles.

"Oh, I think it's going to be okay this time. Fortunately, Mr. Adele doesn't seem to have been seen, and the two of you dressed for school and who look like that sister. Perhaps they don't think anything of it.

Now they'll still think that my sister, who came to see how my sister was, is going to go home and drop it off.

However, the next time you come, please be careful.

And I think all of our letters and luggage have probably been opened and investigated.

Previously, I asked you to send me a package to try, and it showed that all the pieces were opened due to shifts in the seal paper and the order in which the cards were opened to pieces when opened inadvertently. "


Everyone was stunned by Marcella's prudence.

(This kid, he's the same age as Miles... No, the miles, they're usually missing, but they make a lot of headaches when they have to. Fear not, lower nobles of the Kingdom of Brandell!

(I don't realize that very much, and I don't think... I feel bad that it doesn't extend to a 12-year-old...)

Lena and Mavis could not hide their surprise at Marcella's insight, only twelve years old. Only Pauline had the spare face that, Hmm, that's pretty good to do...

But Lena and the others, they weren't aware.

Marcella, who always takes the lead as the leader of 'Wondersley', but to the fact that of these three, the one who really turns his head is not Marcella, but a grown up, discreet Oriana.

And that Oriana had turned to her listeners without much talk to remember and analyze all the information.

Always stand Marcella, but where important, guide Marcella well to an optimal solution. Do as Marcella thinks she has decided herself.

Oriana, a poor civilian, enrolled in the scholarship framework, which is super difficult, not in the aristocratic framework or general enrolment. In fact, he was a 'Wondersley' joker.