I Said Make My Abilities Average!

156 Team Battle Secondary

Pioneer, winner, 'Red Vow' Pauline.

And the second, next, is Lena vs. a demonic boy who looks 12-13 years old.

Just like earlier, even if it looks as good as Lena's, I don't know how old it really is. But if you say so, Lena is also sixteen years old.

Confront each other, two people who just look the same age. Together, they seem to specialize in witchcraft, not martial arts.

"Fire lance!"

Now it was a pre-emptive attack from a demonic boy.

Only shortly after the earlier, too tragic battle had been shown, would he have been wary. That, too, wasn't impossible.


Lena's enhanced mileage barrier outweighs others' common sense. For this reason, no matter how many demonic attacks it is, it is not so easily unplugged.


A boy whose attacks, a demonic race, are easily prevented and upset by a human little girl.


"Magic barrier!

Now the boy prevented Lena from attacking.

"Flair Storm!


"Burning hell!


Each other's attacks and defenses continue, but together they don't fall out of the opponent's defenses, they don't fall out of their own defenses, and it's hard to compete.

But if it continues like this, naturally, in time, a breakdown will come to Lena, inferior in magic power. And the demonic boy, and naturally Lena, were aware of that.

After several attacks, when it was Lena's turn to attack.

Lena did not perform a magical chant and rushed to her opponent with all her might.


He was a boy who looked surprised for a moment when he was shocked at his intentions, but soon regained his peace.

"Have you gone into melee combat by cane (staff), deciding you are no match for them in magic battle......

But I'm a demon, right? Though I specialize in magic combat, I master at least as much wand technique, and to a human girl opponent who specializes in magic combat, anything like taking a back with martial arts or physical surgery... "

He was a spare boy, but he was confused when he saw Lena rushing away from the wand, and the wand, teasing, rolling down the ground.


Just before the melee, let go of the weapon?

I don't know what that means. I don't understand.

A bare-handed human girl, who is also a magician whose body is not so well trained, can be beaten or strangled, but has a robust body, I very much don't think I will lose being a demon. In addition to the confusion, there was that spiritual leeway, or the boy's reaction was delayed.

And furthermore, he hesitated to beat down a vulnerable human girl, unarmed, with a cane, whose age-dead sweetness tied his body movements.



By the time I realized, the boy had been hugged by Lena all the time. Straight from the front, together.

Fluffy soft feel that hits my chest.


Age equals The boy, who was history without her and had never touched a girl other than his sister, blushed slightly instead of being held by a girl.

And tickle your own nasal cavity, the sweet smell of a girl......

When his head turned white, he heard a girl's voice in his ear.

"The Magic of Jibaku, the Eye Dots (Megaten)!"



A whirling flame engulfed the two bodies.

"Shit, barriers! Magic barrier, okay? No!

The boy desperately tried to erect a magical barrier, but until now, the barrier was either stretched like a wall between himself and his opponent, or a hemispherical, or domed, around him, and he had never used it in such a tight way to protect himself. So the barrier I strained because of it was in the form of taking in the lana and the flame as well, and it made no sense.

Meanwhile, Lena, under the guidance of Miles, was trained to put up a barrier in a way that was intimate to her body, and was guided by Miles to assume that it was only natural that the flames emitted at her will would not harm her.

Miles taught Lena those things because Lena mastered them. Give me this special attack of abandonment, "Self-Binding Magic, Eye Dots (Megaten)".

Amazing magic, where you tie your opponent up with your own body and your opponent gets a dot of amazing less eyes.

Of course, the nominee is miles.


No magic barrier effect, just keep screaming, demonic boy.

"No, don't! Stop. Ooh!"

The leader of the demonic tribe, who was frozen by too many sights, ran over with a desperate look, hopped without a flame, and peeled them off. The other two of the Demons rush to chant water magic to keep the current on the two burning. One of the remaining also rushed over, enduring the pain of an injury that had not fully healed.

Because we pulled Lena apart, the burning clothing fire quickly went out, and now the demonic men who are desperate and continue to hang their healing magic.

"I won because I got my hands on it."

None of the demons could afford Lena to say so.

"So this is Team Battle 3, Vice General Battle."

Miles of proclamation, bitter-faced demonic leader.

It was natural to have a bitter face. For there is no more eye for victory on the part of the devil.

After this it is a draw with two wins and two losses, even if it is won in a row against the Vice General and the General. And if there's even one thing to drop, it's a defeat.

We who are demons, who have been given important assignments, who have been chosen, have been defeated by little human daughters who are neither old nor old. It is a great disgrace that you must live with it as black history throughout your life.

The two defeated were managed thanks to the stubbornness and healing magic of the Demon Clan. The first man manages to regain reason thanks to the magic that Miles did by breaking down the spicy ingredients.

Both of them, although the burns and mucous membranes were manageable, the one with the heart wound seemed quite serious......

For once, we're both watching the game. Or I'm letting it. You'll learn for the future, and if you don't force me to watch the game, it's depressing because you're crying round the corner.

Well, mages don't matter how old they are if they're talented. But martial arts don't.

The other two are swordsmen, so there's no more madness.

The leader of the Demon Clan thought so. Yes, as most people think.

"'Red Vow' leader, swordsman, Mavis von Austin, I'm coming!

"Swordsman, it's Lertbird. Let's go!"

Even when it comes to demons, not everyone is a magician. Just as some of the beasts have magicians, some of the demons are not good at witchcraft, and there are of course swordsmen, spears, bowmen, etc. of the avant-garde.

And this demonic swordsman, Lertbird, was one of them, and the physical ability of the demonic tribe, better than man, had grown him into a fearful user.

"True and Divine Speed Sword!

In the Divine Speed Sword, there is only a speed of B rank or, at best, a hunter at the bottom of A rank. Then, the Devil's Swordsman will have teeth. However, if it is a true and divine speed sword, it can produce an A-rank superior-ranked speed. I can fight on par with that older brother, with this power.

I thought so, Mavis.


Kim, kim, kim!

We met a few times and understood immediately.

(... No, we're not talking about this! They're playing!

Mavis was not the type to overstate his power, nor did he hate mud for his people.

And now it was this, not the mud.

One capsule removed from your pocket.

And Mavis opened that lid and muttered words of prayer that would increase the effectiveness.

"I asked you, Micros!

Drinking up its contents at once, Mavis shouted at the Demonic Swordsman Lertbird.

"Let's go! EX (Extra) - True - Divine Speed Sword!