Coming, a bunch of fireballs like meteor rain.

But Miles did not panic and waved a clenched sword in both of those hands.

"Secret Sword, Meteor Strike on Miscellaneous Fish (Zako) B!

The secret sword that even a miscellaneous fish can be B-ranked if this move is used. It is, of course, a mileage idea.

Miles quickly moved the kakukaku and sword muscles at sharp angles, extinguishing the fireballs one after the other without exploding.

And nothing, there was nothing like a broken sword and fragments flying.


"Next, I'll go here!

That said, from the sword that Miles waved, a shock wave of vacuum broke out and flew towards the Demon Leader. To keep him from dying instantly, the shock wave of that flown vacuum was being fired at around the opponent's knee (knee).

"vs. Demon Sword, Vacuum Flying Knee Slash!


A demonic leader who flew in to his knees and made a full jump at the white one in the shape of the three moons. I felt my legs were going to fall off if I ate them properly, so I was desperate.

"Oh, it's dangerous!

But while I was at ease, Miles had already finished preparing to shoot the next magic.

"Bad Kid Snowball!

Miles chanted a magic name only chanting omitted magic, but contrary to the magic name 'Snowball', what appeared over Miles' head was a fireball about a dozen gripping fists in size.

When I say clench, it's not that big because it's a story with miles of hands. And the color of the flames, red. This means that the temperature is also lower as fire magic.


A bunch of fireballs going all the way to the leader of the Demon Nation at once.

(In that number, it's inevitable. But each one is small, and the speed isn't that big of a deal.

Unlike ice magic, fire magic doesn't have an entity as a substance. It's just heat and fire from a magic mass, so it can be prevented by a magic barrier, and if it's been pulled out of the barrier, and if it is, I just ate one or two bullets weakened by the barrier, and it's no big deal!

Keep the distance and keep the magic shooting, you're at a disadvantage.

The leader who decided so went into battle.

Yes, it breaks through a flock of fireballs and brings them into melee combat, which the opponent does not like.

"Magic Barrier!

The leader of the demonic clan, who formed a barrier forward, defended his face with his left arm and staffed him with a grip in his right hand to advance towards the mile.

"Whoa, whoa!

And a bunch of fireballs that break through the magic barrier lightly and keep flying without even looking too powerful.

(Damn, you had more magic over there than I thought! But if it's a fireball weakened by a barrier, you can stand a few rounds eating it! The battle will be decided as long as you get a blow from the staff…)


At that time, the shock and pain of the fireball that hit his belly, and its kinetic energy, stopped the Demon leader's leg. Face exposed to the front with his left arm slipping away because he held his stomach by hand and flexed his body.


And I made a good noise and hit him in the forehead, the second fireball.

Move, move, move!

Three more hits continued to stand, and the demonic leader's body slowly leaned back and fell.

Yes, the magic name Miles chanted was' Snowball of the Bad Kid ', despite the fire magic.

And the evil kid, in the snowball battle, was to plant stones in the snowball.

Miles of fireballs bearing its name were also, of course, stoned in its center by the hands of nanomachines who read its intentions.

So the magic barrier, which prevents the magic relationship, but does not prevent matter, remained slightly weaker on the outer edge of the fireball, with little effect on its mass and on the 'physical force' of kinetic energy.

A stone blow to the girl's clenching fist, taken to the head.

It was too much impact to stun an adult.

Rolling to the ground, the flame that was wrapped around the outer edge disappeared, revealing its identity, former, fireball, present and stone.

"" "" "Cool (so) yeah, yeah!!

From the demons in the spectator group, there was a simultaneous shout.

"'The Red Vow,' it's a complete victory!

"" "Whoa, whoa!

And in half an hour.

"... here"

The Demons have guided me to the corner of Rock Mountain. There was a little cave, or something like a gap in a rock, somewhat inconspicuous, opening its mouth in a hidden way. Apparently, something that was blocked by a large rock caused that rock to deviate and open a gap.

Anyway, if you came from the beginning with the intention of searching, of rocky mountains, where few people come, it's also completely off the normal climbable route, and this kind of gap that has come to be hidden by sticking out rocks, so it won't be something to be discovered.

"In this, there are the guys from the investigation team."

This team seems to have these five as escorts and three others as investigators.

When searching for the ruins on the basis of information, each of the three investigators was accompanied by one escort, and the other two were on forward alert to play in pieces, that is, to discover in advance the proximity of humans and demons. But now, because something like that had been discovered, all investigators had assembled, and the escorts had three at the investigators and two at the perimeter guard, but all the escorts had traveled (if at all) because they had discovered the Red Vow.

Guided by the demons, being in the cave from a slightly narrow entrance, it became as tall as it could stand and walk right away and as wide as the two humans could walk side by side. Floors and walls remain rocky.

But after a short walk, things have changed.

"... has people's hands in it?

Yes, as Lena shrugged, apparently processed appeared on the floor, walls, and ceiling.

"Could it be something like that ruin..."

But no one answers that. Miles don't know, and the Demons don't know what 'that ruin' is in the first place, so it's natural.

This passage-like path, although the middle of it has rocky skin because the demons have traveled back and forth many times, is loaded with dust and dust on the outside, which I didn't think was very commonly used.

Caves like this are not strange for beasts and demons to live in, but they don't look that way either. Does that happen or for any reason......

"It's me!

In front of the bend, the leader's man shouted out loud. It would be to keep him alert as if he were an intruder.

"Oh, welcome home! How'd it go with the beautiful human girl hunter?

The voice returned from the back said, "Beautiful Girl," four of the "Red Vows" that can be kept.

And I looked at it and I said, "You guys are such balls!," the five demons with a frightened face.

"Hey, what are they!

Seeing the "Red Oath" with the demons of the escort who showed up from the corner, the three demons in charge of the investigation raised their voices with surprised faces and reflexed themselves.

"You captured him? But how did you get me here! We were just talking about getting rid of it.

Why don't you go out of your way and tell me about this place and what to do! What the hell are you thinking... "

The escort leader explained with a pitiful face to the three members of the investigation team who accuse him of saying so.

"No, we're the ones who got captured. In other words, he was taken prisoner, and let me guide him.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry about the book... "

With the leader, the other four who bow their heads.

"" "Eh..." "

The three members of the investigation squad were just stunned by that, too unexpected, incredible story.