I Said Make My Abilities Average!

163 Ruins "No, I'm Active"

"Duh, what's wrong with you!

To Lena's inquiry, Miles said with a sweat on his temples.

"... hey, there was something..."

"Something, what!


Since it did not open, Lena opened the door slightly this time and peeked.

And doors that can be closed.

"There's something going on..."

"" So, what, what?

Mavis and Pauline's voices aligned.

And twice more, the same thing was repeated.

"" Something's up... "

Yes, beyond the door was like a passageway, and there, there was something.

Walking on six legs, about the size of a big dog, something...

It looks like a bug, but it's not a bug. It's six legs and has a hard looking black glowing outer shell, but that's the biggest feature that doesn't look like a bug. Yes, it had, apart from the worm-like torso from which its feet grew, a torso and head like the upper body of man standing perpendicular from it, and four arms grown from that torso.


I had to describe it that way, it had a different shape that drew a line with other organisms.

That's what I was walking down the aisle.


After a while, Lena shrugged pompously.


Listen to that, Mavis with a strange face.

"I didn't learn it in training school, but it's just a very small number of sightings, an organism that doesn't really understand ecology. I've heard it from everyone at Red Lightning.

They're going to gather them in the bodies of all the destroyed parties and other bodies, and they're going to take things made of metal, such as the weapons and protective equipment that they're wearing, the outfits and the money. I don't have a hand in the body itself, so I have no idea what to eat or why to collect metal, a mysterious creature.

They can't even find the nest because it's something that rushes through the narrow with great speed. They're not close to living humans, they're harmless, so they don't come up on the subject, and they don't know many people, coupled with a small number of sightings.

I don't know for sure either, but I think the shape I heard in the story was really like that... "

An insect-like creature settled in an underground cave.

It's a common story. No one questions it.

... except for miles.

(Kick, it looks metallic! It looks metallic! And it sounds like I've been working here for a long time......

Thirty-seven years of service. No, you're not, you're not!

"Well, if you live deep underground in these ruins, you're also convinced you can't find a nest"

"Hey, you look disgusting...... But if there's no harm in humans, you can rest assured."

Miles, the words of Mavis and Pauline were not in his ears either.

(Ruins. Bug-shaped robot. It does no harm to humans. Recover metal. That's...)

In Miles' head, one answer was derived.

(Maintenance or Automata in charge of manufacturing…)

If so, there is only one thing I can say.

"This ruin, it's active..."

"What did you just say?

Lena blamed me for listening to Miles.

"... this ruin, thank you, looks active"

"" "Huh?

"So, uh, scavengers, I was wondering if they are responsible for the maintenance, or maintenance, of the ruins..."

"Right! That's why you need metal!

That's Mavis, in that respect, it turns my head.

Lena of General Knowledge, Pauline of Commerce and Money Related, Mavis of Military, Combat, and Soldier Stations (Hein), and miles of Out of Common Knowledge. It was a perfect formation.

"Hey, wait a minute! So, what? That bug-like demon is intelligent and the ruler of this ruin?

Lena opens her eyes to amazement and screams like that, but that's not it.

"No, not that 'ruler'...... I just think you're doing what you're ordered to do. As ordered by your husband, who perished a long time ago..."

"Hey, wait a minute, Miles. So you're saying that creature has been living for such a long time?

Pauline raised the most natural question.

"No, I don't think I'm an 'organism' in the ordinary sense. Right, I thought it was like a golem, so to speak. So, when it breaks, the other guys fix it, or we make our own replicas...

So unless all the individuals are destroyed at the same time, repair or produce each other, I wonder if they will continue to exist in an extended way "

It was a mile to use the word 'extensions', which would not mean 'forever' for as much as anything.


"I can't help it if I'm doing this. Let's move on."

"Well, first of all..."

To Miles' words, Lena hesitated.

If we go down the aisle, we might find Scavenger.

No matter how much you say it does no harm to humans, it's a story outside. The spirit of fraternity does not necessarily extend to those who have broken into their dwellings. There is no guarantee that your husband has not ordered you to 'protect this place and destroy the intruders'.

And Lena had never heard of humans fighting scavengers in the past. Is that because the battle itself has never arisen, or who has not survived one of those who fought scavengers or their witnesses, merely because there was no one to tell......

What way to fight. Do you have poison? Are you going to make a coordinated attack in a group? Fighting first sight enemies without any information was very risky.

"It's okay, I'll put up an invisible field and a sound insulation junction so you can't find it"

"Fukashi fu rudo?

Lena had a question mark on her head with her face, "What is it?"

"It's about keeping them invisible. It's not a sound, it's a light version."


Miles is easy to say, and Lena receives it lightly too, but that was quite a hassle.

If it's a sound insulation junction, we can put a screen between ourselves and our opponents that blocks air vibration. But when you do that with light, even if you can't see this one from the other side, you can't see the outside from this one either. And the lack of light means that it is dark, that I cannot see and move around, and that there appears to be a domed, black space from the opponent, which, on the contrary, stands out in concealment.

Furthermore, what happens when the light from the outside is not allowed to go out and only pass through light and electromagnetic waves from the outside so that the outside can be seen… the temperature inside continues to rise. greenhouse effect.

When you try to exothermic that heat, you are found by someone with a wide range of visibility and visible infrared, or something like a pit organ that senses infrared like a snake.

Besides, we're not even talking about blocking light from ourselves.

We must transmit the view behind us, the light from it, as if we were not there. It is not a question of how this can be done to people in this world who do not know not only the characteristics of visible light but also infrared light, heat, light, etc., such as clearing all of this.

Either Lena listened briefly to the mileage description because she didn't know those things but didn't realize the difficulty and didn't care to the same extent as sound insulation, or she did it with the usual one, or 'mileage, so there's no choice'.

That is why it is very difficult for ordinary people to form a magically complete field of invisibility.

All of those events are not always possible moves for a human being, such as accurate imagination and ideological radiation, but also unconscious, without any busy scientific knowledge.

But for miles, 'I can't see you in the invisible field! And all the processing that comes with it, please!' Just think of it, and later all the nanomachines will do it. Miles thinks it's a 'normal magic exercise, by his own mind', but of course it didn't.

Nanomachine usage authority level 5.

Even if you don't radiate images of more specific phenomena than ideological waves, just images of words and end results, and all the finesse you need for it, the nanomachines will do it themselves.

Yes, that was as if there was a difference between doing all the blue tax filing procedures on your own and paying just to throw a round at the tax attorney.

"Okay, I'll be there."

That being said, Miles developed a sound insulating junction and an invisible field, with his hands on the door.