And a while later.

The fairies finally managed to calm down and quiet down by promising to release them as soon as they heard the story, and I'm not forcing them to talk about it, I won't tell anyone that I met the fairies here.

Miles took the tent out of the item box and decided to bring the fairies into it and listen slowly. The fairies seemed a little surprised by the miles they had left their tents untouched.

"Can you untie me?"

That's what the oldest man, maybe the fairy who seems to be the mayor of the village, has said, but of course you can't do that. No matter how small your body is, fairies are lumpy if they do, and you can use a lot of magic.

No, Miles is not showing himself. I was worried that I would "puff" the fairies in this dark and narrow tent in an attempt to capture them again to prevent them from attacking simultaneously.

So, to be honest with you, the fairies shut up.

"No, because it'll be over soon! Because I just want to talk to you for a second! So just be patient for a little while."

That said, Miles asked Nano in his head.

(Until the end of the conversation, can we seal the fairies' magic?

"If Miles of Authority Level 5 were instructed to do so, that would naturally prevail. Because the fairy species have small bodies, the output of thought waves is also weak, so other than the ability to fly, you can't use a lot of magic at first. '

Then it is reassuring. Because no matter how weak the magic is, you will not be able to be set ablaze by the tent, and you will be able to burn out as much yarn as you restrain.

(So, please)


"Well, let's get to the point. I want to ask you about the civilization of a long time ago, which is being passed down among you..."


The mayor-like fairy looked surprised.

"And you know what, the 'kingdom of the gods'..."

Behind the village chief, the fairies, magic, no fire, noise, but I don't care.

"Yes, from the elves and the ancient dragons, we've already heard the story. So for the most part, I know, but maybe I have new information, and I would love to hear stories that will be passed on to the fairies..."

I've already heard it from Elves and Gu Long, and I'm surprised the village chief.

Well, the elves, anyway, wouldn't have thought of anyone who could talk to the ancient dragons like that.

"... well. Do you mind if I tell you..."


"Dear village chief!

Some fairies tried to stop the village chief, but the village chief took control of it.

"Nothing, nothing like keeping it a secret. On the contrary, the gods and ancestors should have hoped to tell this story and spread it. It's just that people who change generations quickly have lost their way.

Wouldn't it be a pleasure if inheritance were to be resurrected among humans? "


And the village chief talked to me. Stories that are passed down among fairies with a much longer life span than humans.

... and there was no great harvest.

It was almost (almost) the same as what Dr. Cooleia of Elves and Beredetes of the ancient dragons had already told us. No, it was less informative than those.

Well, I don't have a choice. Because I only found out how much information was being passed on among the fairies, and the purpose of this expedition was fully achieved. It was also excellent because I intended to spend the entire five days of this rest, which ended on the first day.

... and "Fairy Friend Fishing," was fun. It would have been a nightmare for the fairies.

Yes, I enjoyed my time and Miles was satisfied.

And when Miles saw him, he was there.

(fairy's,... toddler?

Yes, it was a fairy toddler......, no, it was a toddler.

"Pep... as a mascot, why don't you come about me? Delicious food, all-you-can-eat!

… until you are too fat to fly. "

Miles of eyes glistened suspiciously.

"Huh? Duh, what am I going to do?

All-you-can-eat delicious food, a troubled toddler, caught by the word. And.

"" "." "Who makes you go? Ahhh!

A lot of people yelled at me.

"And what did you just say!" Pe "? Pei, what is it?

"Oh, well, the..."

"I would have tried to say 'pet' but ahhh!"

PE...... The acquisition of mascots ended in failure.

"Then you'll let it go. Thank you for everything."

"" "" "Eh..." ""

Fairies looking surprised. Apparently, he didn't think Miles would really keep his word.

Is that true? Bring the fairies you have already captured back to the city and you will be able to build as many assets as you can luxury to the generations of your grandchildren. There's no way a human can miss that.

And the mile guy, he was thinking a little bit.

(Think about it, me, did I do something a little awful? The monster's back that looked like his buddy cracked, or maybe if he sucks, it's traumatic...)

It wasn't 'a little'. In "Hey"......

(If it stays this way, another bad review of humans could be added...

Shit, that's shitty! I want to make Yu Wa (Yu Wow) between races. I can't bear to do the opposite......)

And Miles, who thought a lot as he moved his hands to free the fairies, finally came up with a name proposal. Miles suddenly stored the tent in the item box.

"Unenchanting magic!

Miles, who shouted so abruptly, gave direct instructions to the nanomachine rather than a magic spell in his head......

(light refraction, scattering! Moisture condensation, cooling and crystallization, formation! Gravity neutralization, formation maintenance…)

Yes, it's been a long time since Goddess Phenomenon, a phenomenon of mileage and goddess!

Then, the water vapor in the air condenses to freeze, and the ice crystals form pure white wings on the back of the mile.

Above the head is a circle of light, particles of brilliant (kira) meshing light around….

"Become! No way, true ancestor..."

(Huh? Not the goddess, that way?

I was a little surprised by the words the village chief leaked, but whether she is a goddess or a true ancestor, there is no big difference.

"Uhm, those people have come to convey the inheritance correctly and make sure they are happy to live. Looks magnificent, I'm relieved. Then we live with masters!


Miles who said the right thing and disappeared with optical magic. And as it were, it was time to leave the spot behind.

(Ok, now that "what I did terrible was the mysterious L-size fairy (E Ferrario), the work of true ancestors", there is no spreading human bad reviews! It has changed slightly since I planned to blame the goddess, but as a result, Ourai, Ouraido!

And it was a mile, pulling away with exasperation...

"Oh, oh, I didn't know True Ancestors kept an eye on us..."

I tremble with gratitude, below the village chief, with the fairy clan.

"But I wondered if some humans kept their promises, and I didn't know they were true ancestors, not humans.

After all, isn't it a mistake that humans don't keep their promises...

We need to be more careful with both humans in the future. Perhaps True Ancestor did such a thing for that warning... "

The chance to raise human stocks was ruined.